
Becca's Love

When Jackie and his Crew get called for a job to take down Mila Tech, they meet David, Rebecca, and Lucy. Liam doesn't like to fight, but he is super good at it and only got into this life to try and save his sister, who died in his arms. When his cyber wear is like Kiwi major hacker and loves to help with, he can with the homeless.

GhostWriter1996 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

A job?

The following day a knock was on Becca's door. She opened it and saw beautiful flowers, a nice meal, and a note. "Good morning, my flower. I hope you slept well and enjoyed your meal. I can't wait to start truly enjoying your love and time. Yours truly, Liam," Becca calls Lucy. "Becca, not a good time. "Oh, tell David to zip his dick up. I got flowers and food from Liam, my boyfriend," she hung up. Liam was talking to Jackie, and he went to AfterLife and met up with him and Dex. They talked. "I want Becca for backup," he said. Jackie raised an eyebrow. "Okay, kid, done," Jackie called Becca and gave her the details, and she rushed over. She got let in, and she sat on Liam's lap. They smiled, and Dex kept talking about the job. Liam nods as he changes into the suit, and Becca swallows upon seeing him. "Liam can we fuck after this," she asks. Liam lifts her chin. "No," he whispers in her ear and kisses her. Becca kisses back. Jackie heard it and was shocked. He turns and walks out. Becca follows, and Jackie looks. "So he is serious about this. That is good to see," he says. Becca looks at him. "Yeah, I am glad, but fuck, he is so sexy," she said. Liam got in the car and hacked it, and Becca changed into a nice dress and took her hair down. Liam swallows, seeing her. "Might have to break a rule," he says. They pull up to the hotel. They got two rooms that got there two days ahead of time to get ready. Liam was looking at Becca in the dress. He sighed. "Becca would you lose respect for me if I wanted to fuck you," he asked. Becca looks. "Of course not, Liam, but it's the respect you have for your self and if that will go down, then we won't. I know you want to do this right, and that means the world to me, so I will not rush you," she said. Liam hugs her. "God, you are perfect," he said. Becca smiled and ran her hand threw his hair. He held her tightly and fell asleep. "Hey Jackie, who is Lilly," she asks, seeing the Lilly tattoo on his neck. Jackie sighed "his sister died in his arms when he was 10," Jackie said. Becca pulled him closed, hearing it. "He and David got into this life almost for the same reason," she said. Jackie nods. "Always thought he would become someone in his way. He is his sister was the sweetest girl. Never saw bad in people. Just saw the joy in the world, what little it had, and when she got snuffed out, he snapped and beat up two EMTs almost to death," Jackie said. Becca kisses Liam softly. "Thank you, Jackie," Becca said. As she hung up, she covered them up and held him while he slept. The next day they got to work. Jackie was with Becca while Liam was hacking into the cooler. He found a nice gun and took that too. "We got in coming to Liam find a place fo hide," Jackie said. Liam picks up the case and hides. Becca had sunk in and hid with him. "Becca, what" he whispers. She kisses him. "Couldn't leave you alone," she whispers. He nodded, and they listened. Yorinobu killed his father. Liam swallows and looks at Becca, and they stay and wait. Soon Jackie opens the window, and they slide and then jump. Jackie got hurt badly. Becca kept the case safe. She calls David and Lucy. Liam was shooting the guards and hacking what he could when he could. Jackie was bleeding badly. Lucy pulled up and hacked the cameras, and David went in. "Becca" he yelled, shooting. "David," she said and slid the case to him. "Dex" she yelled. David picked up the case and left. "Thank you, Becca," Liam said. They soon get to safety David was with Dex and he hands the case over. Lucy was with Becca. Liam was waking up. "Jackie" he said. Becca stops him "Liam stop" she said.