
Avec Toi

Behind us are memories,

Besides us are friends

Before us are dreams

Back in the car, the four couldn't stop talking about how great an evening it had been. They gushed over the tiny details of the evening from the company to the food. For Jin – a seasoned chef – to commend the quality of the food, it meant that it was truly exceptional.

Jin had gotten along so well with Jimin. In fact, he had become closer to him than anyone else because they had so much in common. But that was just the thing about Jimin – he always drew people in. So impressed was he with the dinner set up that he purposed to utilize Jimin’s careful eye and creative ability at his restaurant. He had been thinking about revamping his restaurant for a while now and he had just found the fresh eye he had been looking for in Jimin. So over the goodbyes and the lets-do-this-agains numbers were exchanged and promises made to hang out a lot more.

"He is incredible isn't he?" Jin said.

"He really is. It was an incredible evening. Did you see the house? He looks like he does well for himself," Namjoon added.

"And extremely gorgeous. I would so tap that," Tae added from the back seat.

Jungkook blushed at the compliments his object of desire and affection was getting. He almost protested vehemently when Tae made a mention of asking him out on a date. Jungkook hadn’t disclosed the fact that he was the person he was crazy about. Out of the blue, in the midst of the compliments and naughty comments he blurted out, "Guys! Jimin is the guy."

"The guy? What guy?" Namjoon, who was driving asked.

"TheguyIamcrazyabouttheonewhoworksatmyoffice." He mumbled and hoped that they had missed it.

Not believing what he had just heard, Namjoon slammed his foot on the breaks.

"Say what now?!??!" Jin who was in the passenger's seat turned around so fast his neck could snap.

"Are you shitting us right now?" Tae asked.

This was a conversation they shouldn't have been having in the middle of the road. Without thinking twice, Namjoon pulled over.

"Jungkook-ah are you for real," Namjoon exclaimed. "Do you think that now is the time for you to be mentioning this? Why didn't you say anything at the party? Why? Why? Why?"

They all looked at him like he had just landed from space; none them comprehending why he had failed to mention this while they were still at the party. But, one thing they agreed on was that Jimin was such a charming guy – he was easy to like, warm and had a great personality.

“Mnnh… Now that I think about it,” Tae began, “Is that why you guys kept making googly eyes at each other all night?”

“No we weren’t,” he protested.

“Yes you were. I just thought maybe like me, you found him intriguing. Now this makes a lot of sense,” Tae said.

“Boy you crazy,” Jungkook said as he turned to look outside the window.

“I can tell you this for a fact though," Jin started "I think he likes you too."

"Absolutely no way!" Jungkook denied.

"A lot makes sense now, his actions tonight seemed to say a lot,” Tae noted. "It was interesting how he hang onto your every word when it was your turn to speak. He had stars in his eyes for our bunny," he teased Jungkook speaking in baby.

It was only then that they understood what Jimin had meant when he said he knew only one bunny resembling person who worked at his office.

Their bunny lookalike was his too.

All the way across town, the other three were having a glass of wine around the outdoor fireplace reminiscing the day as the cleaning crew quickly cleared out and set things in order. They were ecstatic about how the evening had turned out and looked forward to sustaining the friendship that had begun on this beautiful summer evening.

"Jimin-ah, by any chance do you fancy that guy... you know the cute tall one… teeth like a bunny? What was his name…” Hobi snapped his fingers as he tried to remember. “Jungkook was it?”

He wasn’t expecting the question so when it came, he almost choked on his wine. So much for keeping it subtle. “W-whatever do you mean? I have no idea what you are talking about,” he said batting his eyes rapidly.

"It was just so interesting how he seemed to have all of your attention. You only do that when you fancy someone. You were literally fawning over him and you weren't necessarily subtle about it," Hobi commented.

Yoongi and Hobi laughed as a furious blush spread through his cheeks to the tips of his ears and they cracked up even more as at the feeble attempt to deny everything and change the subject.

"Well… He is my time-will-tell from the club that night we went out," he said. “Also… Healsoworksatmyoffice!" He mumbled out quick and only hoped that they missed the last part of his speech. But then again, nothing goes past these two.

“Well... Well... Well... would you look at that. Isn't the world so small,” Yoongi belted out. "Who would have thought?”

"Shush!" Jimin said embarrassingly and stood up to go get a refill.

"But seriously Jimin… first, he is such a hot thing… and second, I think he likes you too. He seemed like he would jump if you told him to," Hobi noted.

“I think so too. But I can’t tell the extent of his like. Maybe he is just looking for a good time. Who knows?”

“I didn’t get that kind of vibe from him though,” Yoongi chimed in. “He looks like the kind of guy you settle down with.”

Everyone around them seemed to know about how they two felt or thought about each other especially the extent of their like except the two. They were so oblivious of their feelings for each other. “It’s like dumb and dumber,” Yoongi had said to Hobi s they headed back to their places for the night.

The weekend passed by quickly and before they knew it, it was another busy Monday morning at work. Two souls on different floors of the same building thinking about each other, wondering if they should text each other. Searching for each other over the company's IM, typing and deleting messages they intended to send to each other. Both wondering if it would be awkward or inappropriate if they wrote each other.

And just like telepathy, they both hit send.

Park J :

(IM status: "In a world full of hate, choose love"): You have a really cool status message

Jeon J :

(IM status: "You always gain by giving love"):

Cool status message!

Park J :

That was weird! And spooky!

Isn't this telepathy?

Jeon J :

I know! I got goosebumps! But it sorta kinda means that we are thinking about each other.

Park J :

Well, I dont know about that.

Jeon J :

I know I am.... thinking about you.

Park J :

Jeon J :

Is that all you are going to say?

Park J :

Fine, I am thinking about you a teeny tiny and I mean very tiny bit.

Jeon J :

You are a feisty one aren't you?

Park J :

Jeon J :

Btw, I had a great time on Saturday. You have an amazing mind I must say.

Park J :

Really? How so?

Jeon J :

Everything took a lot of thought, love and patience. Also it takes only a person with a creative mind to bring to life such a concept. Ergo, you have an amazing mind.

Park J :

Why thank you Mr. Jeon

Jeon J :

You don't say much do you?

Park J :

I apologise if I seem a bit boring. I just feel that this is a little impersonal. I like to look at someone's face when they talk. That way I can get a feel of what they are thinking about. I like to see excitement spread over their face when they talk about something they are passionate about.... look at me rumbling.

Jeon J :

You have depth! And I respect you for that. How about this... let's talk more over lunch today Mr. Park

Park J :

don't call me that.

Jeon J :

Well you started it. So suck it up! What do you say?

Park J :

Cafe Place... at noon?

Jeon J :

It's a date

Shit! I mean it's a meet

I mean...you know not a date date

Well... I am gonna stop talking now and go die.

Park J :

Oh how I would love to see this rambling in person. Now you get why this is so impersonal.

Jeon J :

Shut up! See you at 12. Bye! ♂️

Park J :

See you at 12 Mr. Jeon

Jeon J :

You are so annoying

Park J :

They both smiled.

They were nervous about the whole lunch date that wasn't a date.

Not knowing what to do, Jimin picked up his phone and dialled.

"Hello! Hobi! I am freaking out! I am freaking freaky out!" He screamed through his phone as soon as he picked.

"Calm down Jimin! What's up?!" Hobi asked.

"I have a lunch date with him and I am all nerves, what do i do?!"

"Are you kidding me? Is this the reason why you called," he asked.

"Yah-huh! What do I do? What do I do?"

"Park Jimin get your shit together!" He commanded. "You already did the heavy lifting over the weekend. If he doesn't love you already, he is a fool. Now get off my phone, I have important business to attend to than watch you freak out like a school girl." He hung up before Jimin coul get in a word.

Tough love.

What a friend he had. Sigh.

A couple of floors down, Jungkook was in the same predicament.

"Hello! Tae?"

"Jungkook-ah? You okay? You sound like you are speaking from inside a hole," he asked with concern.

"I invited him for lunch and I am not ready. Did I just make a mistake? What if I make a fool of myself? What if he doesn't like me that way? What if..."

"Are you for real?" Tae cut him off mid-rant. "You finally got the balls to do something about your crazy crush and now you are chickening out?" he scolded him.

"B-But... "

"No buts.. if you don't go through with this I just might ask him out on a date myself," Tae teased.

"You are no help at all," Jungkook whined and hung up.

Such tough love.

What a friend he had. Sigh.
