
Beautiful mistake with a billionaire: vol 2

Enemies to lovers, one couldn't possible tell how but at some point, love intervened and when they couldn't hold it back any longer, they had to pour out their hearts.

Thomas_Diego_3116 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


"Do you think we should inform the master" Vivian asked Alfred who was standing next to her by the kitchen doors as they watched the guests in the living room.

"The master Is upstairs and Elder Quinn had asked us not to disturb either of them, do you want to disobey him?" Alfred asked as he continued with his dusting.

"I know but it's only right that we inform The master about their arrival, we both know he's not going to be happy if he comes down and meet them here" Vivian added as she closed the kitchen doors and faced Alfred.

"Yes I know he's not going to be happy but Elder Quinn gave the order that we shouldn't disturb them" Alfred spoke as he paused his dusting for a few seconds but then he continued again. 

"Who do you work for you old butler? You are suppose to support the young master not Elder Quinn" Vivian said. Yes she knew that Alfred had once worked with Elder Quinn but that didn't mean that he should follow Elder Quinn's orders. If the young master was to come down and meet this unwanted visitors then he was going to be very angry. Vivian knew that because she was aware that Xavier and his father were never on good terms. 

"Well Vivian my loyalty lies with the Quinn family, wether Elder Quinn or his son, now please go give our guests some tea" Alfred said as he dropped the duster and walked out of the kitchen.

Vivian sighed as she watched Alfred leave, she wondered if she was the only one who didn't know anything, it seemed like everyone else knew something and they were not willing to share with her. 

If master comes down to meet these visitors, then there was going to be a really fun drama to watch this morning. 

"Vivian!??" Sophie called out as she stormed into the kitchen, she had a smile on her face as she hugged Vivian so tight. 

"Oh Sophie...how are you dear?" Vivian asked as she returned the hug, among everyone present in that living room, Sophie was the only one she knew. This was because Sophie used to come visit Xavier in the past, they were really close back then. Though they were still close but Sophie hardly ever comes to visit, since she now has a job.

"I'm Fine Vivian, where's Alfred??? Oh I really missed that guy. He's always telling you what to do and then you guys end up arguing every single time" Sophie said and then laughed lightly at the end of her speech.

"You are very correct Sophie but Alfred is not here, he was just starting to nag me before he left to do his usual rounds in the mansion" Vivian spoke as she looked behind her but Alfred had already gone.

"He's never going to change is he?" Sophie asked and then laughed again. "What about sister in law and Big bro? Do they usually sleep this late?" Sophie asked as they had been waiting for over thirty minutes now.

"Not exactly my dear, but there's a reason why they are both still sleeping " Vivian said and she wished she had not said anything because now Sophie was curious to know the reason.

"What's that?" She asked looking so innocent. Vivian knew that if she said a word to Sophie then she smight just blabb it out to the rest of the family.

"Nothing really, it's their private matters " Vivian said and laughed trying to ease the tension but Sophie still had that curious look on her face like that of a three year old.

"Alright, maybe they would arrive in a bit" Sophie said as she looked behind and saw her mum already coming and so she said good bye to Vivian and rushed out of the kitchen before her mum starts up another quarrel.


Upstairs in the master bedroom, Abigail was standing in front of the mirror in deep thoughts, she looked at her reflection and she could see some marks on her skin. They would fade away in a few days but the memories would remain with her, last night Xavier had done so many things to her and she couldn't even begin to imagine. 

They had just gotten out of the shower and Xavier had his robe on while he sat down on the couch glancing through his laptop. 

Abigail didn't know what to put on and so she just picked one of Xavier's shirt and then paired it with his shorts. Now she was scenting just like him, she liked his scent so much and she didn't mind wearing it today.

"You couldn't find other clothes in your wardrobe?" Xavier asked as he raised his head to look at her, her hair was still dripping and some of it fell on her shirt allowing him to see her nipples all poked out. 

"Mmmm No" Abigail answered with a smile, she walked towards the dressing table and then picked up the hair dryer.

"Allow me?" Xavier said, he was already standing behind her and Abigail could see his reflection in the mirror, she also saw the devilish smile on his lips, it was clear that he had other intentions but still Abigail didn't say no, not that she had the chance as Xavier already took the handryer from her.

Xavier turned of the handryer and then he placed both his hands around her, he pressed her behind closer to himself as he began to place soft kisses around her neck.

"What are you doing?" Abigail asked as she giggled, his kisses made her laugh a little. "Is this how you dry hair?" Abigail asked as she looked at him in the mirror but he was already looking at her first.

"What do you want to do today?"Xavier asked again as his fingers trailed on her skin, his hands were now under her clothes and he could feel her soft skin pressed against his.

"Eat" Abigail said and then she moved away from Xavier with a smile on her lips . "Come on let's go eat I'm hungry" Abigail complained as she reached out to open the doors but then stopped.

"Are you not coming??" Abigail asked as she looked back to find Xavier still standing in the spot she left him.

"Are you going out of the room dressed like that?" Xavier asked as he walked towards her and pulled her hand.

"What's wrong with my dress, it's not like we have Visitors, it's just us and Alfred and Vivian" Abigail explained, she didn't buy the idea of changing, she was really comfortable in these.

"I don't want to change" Abigail complained but that earned a sly smile from Xavier.

"You don't have to, you could just stay here with me for the rest of the day" Xavier said as his hands began to move again.

"Alright I'll change" Abigail said and quickly rushed into the closet, she closed the doors behind her not wanting Xavier to see her.

Xavier watched the door close and just imagining her face just now made him chuckle but when he realized that he was chuckling he stopped, cleared his throat and then resumed his position on the couch.