
Beautiful But Delusional

Synopsis: Call me talented, thank you. Call me depressed, what a pleasure. Call me delusional, oh hell I love it. Tell me I post nonsense, well you aren't the first to think that. But what most of y'all don't know is this.... This is a story of a young beautiful lady, who in the quest of finding true love ended up broken and depressed. What is she going to do? Let's find out in this beautiful writing.

Geokeshy · Teen
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4 Chs

The Cat Casts....

"Something 'bout women that's funny, they get emotionally attached to someone or something very quick.

You care for them once, they take you as their all.

You make love with them once, you've become the only man in their lives.

You ask 'bout their health once you become their source of strength.

Can you just stop being so bitchy for once?".... Katie said to herself while sitting under the shower, water pouring down on her, she sobbed bitterly reminiscing every words from James, the lady who was so strong earlier broke down in tears, she wasn't weak but sometimes you just need to let it all out, cry when you want to, laugh when you want to, shout when you want to, be strong when you want to, be weak when you want to.

" I wanted to be loved for who I am, not for what I could offer, not for what I'm good at, not for whatever reason one could think of".... Katie kept sobbing and later started wailing.

No one could understand her pain and struggle to find love, and she doesn't understand why it's important to find love, why does one have to care for another, a total stranger? Why does one have to put up with every shit the other is doing?...

"And James? Did he really meant everything he said or he only said them to make her feel hurt?"... She wondered as she laid on the floor in the bathroom... While wailing, drowned in her thoughts an idea struck her and she immediately stopped crying, she rose quickly from the floor, turned off the shower, dabbed the towel on her body and walked out of the bathroom. She looked round for her phone and dialled Sam's number. Samantha was her best friend but was quite far from her, the only person that could understand her was Sam.

" Hey bitch, what you up to?"... Sam asked

"Just here"... Katie replied

" I've missed you a lot, I'll be in town next week, wanna hang out with James, I've missed you guys".... Sam said

"Umm... about that James and I broke up today"... Katie replied

" What the???...bitch! What happened? ".... Sam asked

" I happened "... Katie replied

" Wanna talk about it when I get back?"... Sam asked

"Nah, not sure.... I called you for a reason bitch, you ain't gonna let me say my shit bitch, you're just yapping trash".... Katie said with gritted teeth.

" My bad, what you up to bitch? ".... Sam asked.

" About that anonymous group you talked about, is it still active? "... Katie asked

" Yeah? Why?"... Sam asked

"Can you please add me up?".... Katie asked

" Alright, sure I'll send you the link"..... Sam replied

"Thank you Sam"... Katie said and hung up, she sighed relieved and slumped on the bed.

" Time to get bitchy".... She said.

****Two days later*****

"I remember when I had a pet, she was everything to me, when I need someone to talk to, she was the one.

When I wanted to cry, she was the one.

When I was happy she was the one.

When l mad, I turned to her.

Fluffy was my all, she never judged me, she never laughed at me, she never looked scornfully at me, she was always there when I needed her, she loved being so close to me, her soft skin was my comfort zone, her cute round eyes with pure bliss, her tiny mouth was heaven, her tiny paws were the only tickle I wanted to feel, her quiet purring was music to my ears, her energetic plays were the butterflies in my belly but she was slowly dying, not complaining about a thing, the pain was too much to bear, she gave up, gave up fighting, she gave up trying, she gave up being strong, she became weak and lost to the cold hands of death... Nobody could replace her, she was everything I had and I feel so lost without her, I need help but can't get it, nobody wants to help a young lady who's so selfish about what she wants"..... Katie posted on the anonymous group, the ideal she had was to become the voice of the weak, speak their minds, say those words they are scared to say, tell them words they need to hear, and help out in anyway they could but without being known"...

"Woah, she must be really hurt"... Someone commented

" So sorry about your pet".... Another said

"What's your deal with your pet bitch?".... Another commented

" Attention seeker".... Another said

The hate comments were more than the encouragements she got but she was determined.

"I'm not an attention seeker or maybe I am, my pet was my emotional support, I might be a little bit out of my mind but she was the only that got me, when I was at my lowest she was there, when I was at my highest she was there, no matter what I went through she was always there, I want to apologize for dropping my sad quotes without prior notice, I just wanted to speak without holding back and mind you, there might be more from me now on, just get ready to hate, love, like, detest me all you want, I'mma be here doing my shit"..... Katie posted again, she felt she just started and she has a long way to go, she felt relieved knowing she would be judged but not to her face, nobody's going to know her identity, nobody's gonna know her name well except for her friend Sam and she knows Sam always minds her business..

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, she became quite the topic in the group, most people were anticipating her write-ups, some pitied her, some sympathized with her, some made fun of her, there were a lot of stickers with her words, some crowned her " Queen Delusional ". Katie never cared about whatever it is they did or said, at some point she almost broke down with the hate comments she got, but she always told herself the hate comments were nothing compared to the hate she has faced from people around her.

" Good evening "The Cat Casts" your favorite motivation is here again, I know you missed me a lot, and hell you bet I missed you too, I missed the hate, the love, the pity, the envy, ooooh so marvelous, well I've got a hot topic for y'all today and I bet you're really gonna love this topic, it's about the order on the society about women, women don't get to make decisions on their own, women don't get to have authority, women don't have rights to complain, women can't get love, women can't get care, attention, women are only allowed to give the aforementioned, the society as it stands needs to know women are no less than men, woman have power too, women deserve to be treated well and all... Who's ready for this topic? Five supporters and we'll go".... Katie posted again.

"Woah I'm loving this".... Someone commented

" Bring it on baby".... Another said

"Looks like we've got something hot on the table"... Someone said

" All in bitch, hell yeah"... Another said

"Can y'all just stop being so dramatic about this feminism piece of shit?".... A hater dropped a bomb

"Hey comes a son of a bitch, who's so selfish".... Someone attacked the hate comment above

" Woah easy bitch, daddy's not gonna come to your aid when you're crying".... The hater replied to his attacker.

"Alright Cat Casts I'm back, gotten my five supports already, so let's bite into the meal....It's funny how things went from being all lovey dovey into a piece of trash

Women have emotions too but who gives a damn about what they feel?

As a man, all that matters is your self-respect.

Women are to bow to your every beck and calls.

Women are to always beg before they get.

Women are meant to suffer loss before they become happy.

Women are meant to always worship you.

Women have emotions too.

Have you ever thought of that?

Remembered the day I confided in someone I thought was special

And all I got was, you're being too dramatic,

You're acting solely on depression,

You're becoming delusional.

And the day he'll come to me looking for a shoulder to cry on.

I was always available, always there to pat his back and assured him everything will be fine

You've got this, I'm your number one fan.

I'mma be cheering for you everytime.

Be strong for the night is long and dawn is near.

I'll be a shoulder to cry on, I'll be a listening ear.

I'll be your drink buddy, I'll be your gossip buddy.

I'll be that you want me to be, I'mma be flexible for yo sake.

But just a day I needed emotional support you pushed me off and called me delusional.

Men, down to earth,

Damned to death, cold as hell.

Warm as the sun when they need you

Pushes you off and looks at you disdainfully

With digust written on their face

They don't hide what they feel.

They are as straightforward as an eagle with a prey in its mouth.

They are self centered beasts who thinks everything that happens will only be in their favour, after all there are many fishes in the ocean.

Soldier goes soldier comes, so who cares what we feel?

Who cares if we wake up at midnight and cry our eyes out?

Who cares if we're dying to be loved?

Who cares if we're dying to be hugged?

Who cares if we're dying to be kissed?

Why would they care?".... Katie posted with a lot of people anticipating her post.

Few minutes after her post, comments were coming in like flood, the ladies in full support of her posts and the guys blasting her and calling her names.

"They don't show concern,

They don't know how it's feels untill u do the same to them

And if you do the same to them, you're a bad person.

They just want us to be the perfect picture they see when they close their eyes.

I'm human, we're humans, you don't expect us to be all you want when you're not all we want.

How long is this discrimination going to last?

Social statuses in the community that makes women less of humans should be removed"... Katie posted again.