
Beast King Evolution

Adam Lowell is a 20 year old who decides to go on a hunting trip with his girlfriends father. The hunt goes horribly wrong when Adam and the father are attacked by a pack of wolves in the middle of nowhere. The wolves kill the father first and severely wound Adam who runs away. He doesn't get far though, and succumbs to his wounds. After Adam loses consciousness, He hears a voice say [Beast King System Active. Choosing hosts starting species.]

Sorrest · Fantasy
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20 Chs

- Second Evolution!

After about an hour of feeling disgusting, I start to slowly lose that feeling.

"Finally! So system, what exactly changed about me that warranted that much anesthesia?"

[Your bones have grown denser, and your overall size has changed drastically. If people were to see you right now you would probably be mistaken for a young wolf]

"Damn, so I'm bigger now? Does that make me slower too?"

[No. You are actually much faster than before. So much so in fact that hunting Jackrabbits will be as easy as pie]

I stand up and compare my size to the bones of the jackrabbit I left behind and see that I've nearly doubled in size!

"Holy hell I'm a chonker!"

[No, host. You are a Grey Fox]

"Anyways, I feel extremely hungry for some reason."

[There is another jackrabbit approximately 400 meters slightly to your left]

"Thank fuck!"

I immediately start running towards where the rabbit is and notice that I'm running much faster than I had expected.

"Hey, system exactly how much faster am I right now?"

[Your current top speed is around 70 mph or around 110 kph rounded down. You are about as fast as a cheetah, the fastest land animal species on Gaia]

"Jesus christ! I really will be able to catch them easily!"

After about ten seconds I reach the rabbit and crash into it with my mouth, biting its head clean off.

"Holy guacamole! How much stronger am I?"

[You would be able to bite a human's arm off now with one bite]

"That's some jaw power!"

After I get out of my shocked state I start munching on the Jackrabbit. This time the rabbit tastes like a box of cajun french fries!

[Jackrabbit (Adult) killed and ingested]

[2000 energy gained]

[Level up x3]


[Side Quest Completed!]

[Modification Unlocked]

[One modification point gained]


[Would you like to use the modification point?]

"Yeah, what can I get from it?"

[The mutations you can obtain from it are as follows:]


[Strong Jaws]

[Strong Claws]

[Hydraulic Legs]

[Enhanced Eyesight]

[Faster Thought Process]

[Strong Fur]


"Describe hydraulic legs."

[Hydraulic Legs: You are able to jump four times higher]

"Alright now enhanced eyesight"

[Enhanced Eyesight: Your eyes are more powerful than a hawks, capable of spotting things from 60 meters away]

"Faster thought process?"

[Faster Thought Process: You are able to think at a speed twice as fast as you were previously, granting you better reaction time]

"Strong fur?"

[Strong Fur: Your fur is as strong as metal, capable of brushing off attacks from most slashing weapons including claws]

The other two were quite basic, so I thought about getting them after my next evolution as these first evo's seem quite short to get. After thinking it over, I realized that when I was hunting that rabbit my brain was barely able to catch up to my speed causing me to nearly just headbutt the poor thing. Without a doubt that would've caused me quite a lot of pain. However, If I had enhanced eyesight I may not need to rely on the system so much for hunting. I plan on getting all of them eventually but then again I have no idea if they stay between evo's.

"Hey system, do these mutations stay when I evolve?"

[Yes, the skills will stay and even have a chance to be upgraded]

"Good, in that case I'll go with the faster thought process."

[Are you sure?]


[Faster Thought Process acquired]

I feel a slight tingling sensation in my head, just like when one of my limbs falls asleep.

"Fuck I've got TV static in my brain…"

[That is impossible as host is not a TV]

I ignore the unintentionally sassy status screen and try scratching my head with my claws. It may not work to scratch the itch inside my head but placebo!

After a few seconds the tingling stops and I can feel myself adjusting to it slowly. My thoughts get clearer and I feel as though I'm comprehending things faster. I feel like I could do that thing in the kung-fu movies where they catch a fly with chopsticks!


[Side Quest! As the future king of the forest, let the apex's know of your existence!]

[Hunt 1 Coyote and consume it, leaving only its head]

[Reward: 2 modification points]


"Since when is a coyote an apex predator?"

[The coyotes of this forest are one of the apex predators because there are very apex's few here]

"Damn, starter forest?"

[Noted. This forest shall be known as Starter Forest to the system from now on]

"That's… You know what? Ok. Anyways, help me find a coyote. I wanna evolve again before the end of the day!"

[There is one currently 1 km south from your location]

"And which way is south?"

[You may use the map to find out]

"I've got a map? Since when?"

[Just say Map]


As I say that, a small blue minimap appears in my vision with a red arrow pointing to my right.

"You couldn't have told me this sooner?"

[Gaia just added this feature to me to aid you in your journey]

"Well thank you gaia."

[Gaia says you are welcome]

I start heading towards where the arrow is pointing and come across a coyote that is a little bit bigger than half my size. It immediately starts running away and soon realizes that I am much faster than it. It then turns around and starts growling at me while scrunching up its snout. I return the same actions and notice that my growl is quite terrifying! Definitely not what you would expect out of a cute fox!

The coyote starts backing away slowly as if it thought I was intimidated enough to leave it alone, however it didn't take into account that I know I am stronger than it. I use my quick feet to get right up in its face where it tries to bite near my eyes. I feel as though I see this action in slow motion and manipulate my body to where my head is underneath its head. I then jolt forward and bite its neck, which severely wounds it.

In reaction to this, the coyote claws at my eyes and manages to barely clip my cheek? I don't know what foxes have, but anyway I dodge to its side and start biting the side of its neck, causing it to bleed even more. I regret not getting stronger jaws now, but without a faster thought process I would've lost my eyes.

I then rip my head up, taking the skin and meat from its neck with it, revealing the bloody mess underneath. The coyote takes this about as well as you'd think and starts biting and swinging its claws wildly towards me. One of its claws is up currently so I dive underneath it and bite its other leg clean off.

The coyote howls in pain as its other claw manages to hit me on the side, fileting a bit of skin and fur off.

I then take the little nub I made and twist my head, knocking it off balance. The meaty part of its neck is exposed up into the sky, which I then dig into with my teeth once again, grabbing its spine with my teeth and snapping it in half. After the coyote falls limp, I start to eat it. This meat tasted like an incredibly juicy hamburger with lettuce, tomato, mozzarella cheese (American cheese sucks), and jalapenos. I leave only its head, making the whole scene look rather disturbing.

[Lesser Coyote killed and ingested]

[4500 energy gained]

[Level up x4]

[You have enough energy to evolve]

[Your current energy is more than what it costs to evolve, convert the rest to mutation points?]


[4 Modification points gained!]


[Side quest completed!]

[2 Modification points acquired!]


[I suggest-]

"I know, where is a den I can use to evolve?"


[I have marked it on your map]

'Damn… Didn't realize statuses have feelings.'

I spend about ten minutes walking towards the den that was marked, admiring the sights that were around me. I found an absolutely beautiful little creek with a small waterfall near it, a giant willow tree that I guess was planted by someone a long time ago, and an old car of which I had no idea how it got there. The den itself looked like a magical place, where it was underneath a small orange-leafed tree in the middle of a clearing. It looked like the kind of place you would find fairies that would grant you wishes.

"Alright system, start the evolution."

[Choose your evolution path:]





"I'll choose reptilian this time."








[Are you sure?]



[Very well…]

"Also, unlock all of the mutations and use the last point to upgrade my legs again"

[*sigh* Okay, but the Velociraptor is not the animal you are thinking of]

"What do y-"

I immediately lose consciousness and fall into that deep sleep once again.

Yes, he chose the velociraptor over the utahraptor. Also, I know these evolutions seem to be going by fast, however these are just the first few of many leading to the stronger ones!

Sorrestcreators' thoughts