
Beast familly in the multivers.

A man is given a second chance in life; how will he live in worlds that he only sows in books and movies in his previous life?

jacke_m1 · Movies
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20 Chs

CH2: surprising start

opening my eyes after a little flashback of my life "Now where am I? This forest was close to forks, after all, there's no way this is a normal forest" While talking to myself, a hologram screen appears in front of me [LINKING…..10%.....30%.....40%....70%.....100%... LINK TO OWNER COMPLETE]

[hello owner…. I am the management system of "ancient forest" I will be in your service from now on]

I look at the screen with a surprised look "So I got a system too?"

[no host, I am part of the "ancient forest" My job is to help you keep control of this dimension].

'so I got an AI butler as a bonus? cool' thinking so I ask "So what you can do?"

[I have 5 options, status: scan host or any other living being for their info,

Map: a map of 'AF' and any place 10KM around the host in the outside world (AF map is locked),

Build: build any structure given the design or the blueprint and material,

inventory: merge with the subspace of the host,

Gate: create a stable gate to 'AF' in the desired place of the host (locked),

management: can execute host order in the outside world by manipulating info and reality memories (locked) ].

Ok that lot, I will see that later but now "I will call you Sonia from now on is that ok"

[thank you sir for the name]

I nodded "Good, now open my status, and just call me Leo"

[affirmative Leo]


NAME: (Hurste) Leonard Rageheart.

RACE: high-shapeshifter.



MANACOUNT: ∞ (linked to 'AF')

TITLES: Reincarnator, the lone lion, winter Lion, White Hunter.(+)

TALENT: Scientist, crafter, artiste, teacher.


· first alpha: can talk to and control all types of beasts.

· ALL-Shifter: shift to any animal or beast he had contact with (full or hybrid form)

· King's bite: allow to waken the bitten. (sealed)

· Nature breath: a Misty breath allow the user to heal, unseal, or left a curse when used.

· Nature call: give the ability to create, manipulate and control the natural element (fire, water, light, wood, earth…). (sealed)

· Perfect body: in human form have super strange, endurance, speed, and sense 20 times stronger than the cold bodies (vampires of Twilight) as a base (Can increase with training).

. genius martial artists

· Perfect Mind: absolute protection from any mind-related ability.

Accesses to: photographic memory, telepathy, technopath...

· maestro: master in arts(music, painting …)


this really shocking, I know I will be op but this is too OP!!!! but wait way some of them sealed?

After a couple of questions to Sonia, I know that I am in the 'AF', and the sealed ability is a temporary thing until I get used to this body.

so let's get to Forks before I came back to explore this dimension, I need a house there before anything.

"so can you send me out Sonia," I ask Sophia and to my surprise, the answer was negative

[I am afraid not Leo. before you can get out you need to pass the 'owning test'], I was surprised "Sorry? what test?"


----------------------------owner test activation-------------------------


+ 'AF' is full of intelligent creatures, create your pack (0/9)

+ Make a living place inside AF (villages, city…).

+ Explorer the inner cycle of 'AF' (0%)

REMARKS: The better result gives a higher possibility of an additional bonus.


'I don't have a problem but aren't I suppose to transmigrate 1 year before Bella goes to Forks?' while thinking I go a surprising answer from Sonia

[yes host but this test was brought by the one who send you here to make sure you get used to your body and its experience, and also to know you're surrounding in the 'AF'. and as for when you get out you will have the choice when the time comes.]

I widen my eyes "Hold it!! You know who send me here, and you can read my mind? how do I have a choice?"

[no, I don't know who send you, I am just a manager to help you to come in contact with 'AF'. and I don't read minds I just answer your question], 'Ah, so we can talk telepathy?' I ask mentally

[Yes, or else people will start thinking you're crazy if we can't]

For some reason I felt like she insulting me but 'fair point' I nodded and let her continue

[since it's a test, you will get the chance to choose the time again, plus some other gift if you did well] I opened my eyes with 'oh, like quest thing?'


now that's interesting, I know it's not the start I want but hey, you know what they say 'The winds do not blow as vessels wish', or something? so let's start with what we got