
Beast familly in the multivers.

A man is given a second chance in life; how will he live in worlds that he only sows in books and movies in his previous life?

jacke_m1 · Movies
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20 Chs


I smiled as Kali came closer, but I sighed as he bow and stand on the right side behind me. I look at him and drag him to sit beside me by his arm "Drop the act, will ya? No strangers are present" he looks at the people around but smiled and nodded.

I look back at my guests and smile "Now, it's my turn right?" I point at Loyed first "This is Loyed Gray Rageheart, the leader of the Gray wolf pack, beside him are his exclusives Alan Gray, and Mai Gray" They nodded and looked at Loyed.

except for the wolf's tail and ear, everything in their figure is normal human, as I found before even if we all can take humanized figure, only me and Kali can do it fully, but the rest of the residents can only do with ears and tail still visible.

also, all the wolves that join him for some reason start to call themselves Gray Pack and 'force' Loyed to add it to his full name, that accident was really funny.

I look back at Viola who from the moment Kali sat down, her eyes never leave him, I smile and look at Kali patting his shoulder "And this love boy here is my brother and the only lion species aside from me that I ever meet, the black lion Kali Rageheart."

and that honest truth, even outside world, I was the only lion shifter the world has ever seen, and inside 'AF' until the moment and with all the exploration my people did, M and Kali are the only ones seen.

In my introduction, all the people who came started to observe him, but he didn't shy and just puff his chest and look at them in the eyes. Elisabeth chuckle and nodded along with the leaders after sharing a look. 'Oh, it looks like they accepting my little boy already'

I look at Elisabeth and Viola before nodding in appreciation as they probably have something to do with this.

both nodded before Viola look at one of her soldiers who nodded and got back to the cargo bringing a box and followed by the other soldier doing the same but picking a different type of box.

the first one put the box in the middle of the table and open it, what was inside is a variety of gems like rubies, sapphires, and many more but they are already treated to fin jewelry "This is a variety of the product the crafter made" viola said as the second solder put other box and open it.

this time it was something like a crystal globe but have compressed mana inside, I was surprised for a moment before nodding.

before Viola could talk I analyzed the stone "Mana stone, that a rare, and from the energy inside, it was formed in a deep place in water with a high level of water mana."

they all looked surprised but nodded and didn't say much, so the soldier put new 4 boxes, the first have some kind of seaweed, from the explanation it has a high healing effect and a variety of uses.

the second one had some bracelets, and they name them mermaid bracelets, it is something that allows you to breathe under the water and go without bother with water pressure.

the 3rd and 4th boxes pick my interest honestly, one had a diving engine, yup the one you stick on and let it drag you where you want, but this one is reaching crazy levels of speed.

the last one is a compressed water sword, literally, they use a large quantity of compressed water and form it as a blade with magic and enchantment.

I look at the boxes, then signals to the people on my side to pick this thing up, then look at Viola who smiled "I hope you like our gifts"

I nodded then look at her for a while before taking a box from, my storage and opening it.

even if I call it a box, it is big enough to hold 8 weapons inside with the same sea-blue color. a staff, 3 swords, 1 spear, 1 katana, and finally a 2 Trident. and from the look of the people around they feel what are they made off.

"I may not look it, but I am a blacksmith myself, those weapons are something I made in my old days, quite strong but people without enough control over water elements cant use them."

picking the katana and putting it back in my storage as it's one of my favorite weapons.

I start to explain "All the weapons are from the same materials and the same method of crafting but with different specks"

I took the staff "This one here, is the waves staff, give the ability to control the sea current to the wilder will." looking at Elisabeth and holding it in her direction "Will you do the honor" She nodded and hold it in her right arm, the moment she did it turned to light and inter her palm.

after a moment she said, "A..amazing! Can I really keep it?" I nodded and pushed the box to her "All of them are my gift for you and your people." all of them look surprised but Viola look at Kali who sighed and nodded so she look at me "Thank you."

I smile and look at her "Now the pleasantry is over, I would like to present an equal alliance between my people and your people."

I stopped and look at them for a moment "I will go directly to the point; what is your condition to do so?"

all of them look at each other before looking at Viola and laughing to my confusion, Viola sighed "So he didn't tell you?" I look back at Kali who answers before I did "I don't hide things from brother, and I did tell you didn't I?" then he flashed a smile to Viola causing her to blush.

well yes there is that, her last question for Kali


she nodded at Kali "If I ask to be under his lordship, with my people as we are now, what do we need to pay?"

the question was asked with the intent to ease her clan and people's lives, although they have a good life now, that won't hide the fact that they have to protect themselves from marine life on a regular basis.

but to do anything in the lake or its shores, they need to get a permit from the one who cleans it from danger and are under his rule right now.

Kali was confused for seconds before answering "Noting actually? more like he will probably ask you to equal stand aliens."

Viola was choked as any strong land leader will at least put one or two conditions to allow them to live in their land, and that with accepting him as a leader.

seeing the confused face Kali said "You know what? Just ask your leaders to come over and you will know what I mean. And if they dont believe just ask them to see themselves"

ending his world he was about to head back before saying "In honest and personal opinion, all of you will gain more if you propose to become under his leadership, as what he said to me the day I ask to follow was 'I don't need a servant if you follow, you follow as family, and do that with your own decision.'."

as kali head back the leaders of her clan come and Viola recounts what happened and her intention to be under Leonard's lead, all of them were confused but after some talk and explaining the reason, they decided to meet the ones in question before deciding.

-----------Flash-back end-----------------------