
Beast familly in the multivers.

A man is given a second chance in life; how will he live in worlds that he only sows in books and movies in his previous life?

jacke_m1 · Movies
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20 Chs


changing my clothes I hear some growls and happy shots outside, I smiled and headed back to the backyard and setting two cops and a sake bottle on top of the table along with the clothes and little box I got before pouring a cup and starting to drink while looking at the forest in the distant.

not long after, I sense Kali entering and setting in the chair beside me, I smiled "How is it?" he look at me with a side eye before lowering his head sighed and starting to recount what happened.

------------------flashback (3rd Pov)-------------------

as Leo swims back to the surface, Kali and Viola look at each other in silence before they hear a cough.

turn to the source finding an irritated Rebecca with a face saying 'Can you start the convection already'

Kali took the hint and swam closer "My Name Is Kali RageHeart I will be answering any question you have."

Viola nodded "Thank you, then first can I know what happens up there, it's the first time someone from dry lands gets down here and we don't go up in the lack as it's danger, thanks to those black-winged creature hunting anyone dares to go up."

kali look confused and said "We are using the side of the lake as a place to build our home, and it's safe." looking at Viola in confusion "I don't know about the winged creature in your words, but no such thing ever appears. and honestly, I don't know if I can give you any useful information about the surroundings"

she look at me and then at her surprised sister of hers "Can you call the elders" Rebbeca nodded and headed back confusing Kali.

Viola looks back at Kali "Sorry for the rude behavior, but it's great news for our people, as before my rule, in my mother's time, we used this lake as a port to get the plants and land materials that we need."

her face had a sad look to it "But some time long ago we got attacked and so retreat to our current home with no way to use this place."

she sighed and continued "So it's best for the elders to be present, can I ask about your status?"

Kali was about to nod but he got a troubled face that made Viola think that ther is something he didn't allow to talk about so she hardly said "Of course, in the allowed range!"

Kali was surprised at her but smiled and unconsciously start to pet her cheek "Not that, as there is really nothing much to talk about, and it's better to see with your eyes to understand"

after noticing that she didn't answer he notices her face start to redden and almost start to boil the water around it he retract his hand "Sorry.."

before he could continue, she stop him and took his hand "dont be,I..., no, we all know what imprints do, so don't apology"

Kali nodded and let her hold his hand and asked "Viola, can call you that?"

she nodded so Kali look into her eyes and smiled while petting her cheek again "All I can say is brother won't hurt you or anyone from your people as long as they didn't do anything to the village and its residents"

Viola feel calm while leaning on his touch not noticing, or more like both of them forget the surroundings, she asked "are you talking about the person before, Leonard?"

Kali retract his hand and nodded with a happy smile "I may call him brother, but actually were not blood-related, couple of years ago he save me from certain death, so I chose to follow him. and here I am in front of you, so what do you think about him?"

Kali looks at her with pride, Viola observes him carefully before noticing the elders exiting a hole below.

she nodded at Kali and said "...

----------------FlashBack end (Back to Mc Pov)-------------------------

after recounting most of the situation, he looks at me and continues "Their queen will..."

after he end his words I smile and put a hand around his neck "All good, but that's not what I ask, don't pretend to be stupid, Show me " he sighed and show me a tattoo on his forearm of Mairmaid near the water snuggling on a giant lion behind her, I whistle and said "neet" then smiled and hug him from the side "Good to know that you both will be safe from now on."

that is one of the things I learn about the mate imprint, altho it's something natural some of the old magical civilizations used the natural and unique link to their advantage.

giving the pairs in question more the one used to the said link, but more than that EVERY Shape-Shifter had one special ability for their own. and ther is a 50\50 chance to manifest naturally.

for example, Kali Imprint, like me and any Lion shifter if they exist, had this one unique ability. it manifests in the Male Body as Tatoo and to explain it in a few words 'semi-immortality'.

Yes, as long as one of the pair is alive, the other will revive even if they are killed. it means that as long as one is alive, the other will as well.

but my little genius here uses the link to put on more things, no one will notice but, I am the one who teaches him.

he froze for a second before nodding vigorously, I let him go before giving him the clothes and the box, he inspect the clothes then look at mine then nodded 'Probably thinking it's good to have matching' I sighed waiting for his reaction to my gift.

he open the box to find two black pocket watch inside with a black and white lion back-to-back, with a shield between them designed with a tree in it center.

"This.." he was confused, but I start to explain not minding him "The Rageheart watch, is something I want to make as a symbol of the family, meaning that we watch the back of each other and always stand together"

he traces the watch with his hand before asking "Why two?" I look for him for a moment before bonking his head gently "What a stupid question? she will be your other half, of course, she's already part of the family."

Kali looks at me and smiled happily "Thanks big bro" I smiled back and pour a cup for him, he takes it and rises a toast with me "For the family."