
Be My Porn Star

"M-Mr. P-Park" A gasp, I felt my cheeks being tight-slapped. Tears stained my cheeks in pleasure as my thighs rubbed together but they were spreaded wide in no seconds. "Oh, is that for me?" As his roar left my body shudder, His lips devoured me as whole in no seonds. Moans slipped out of my mouth and tears streamed down my cheeks. "CUT!" My husband exclaimed and my eyes averted away. "Are you okay?" I looked into the eyes of the man infront of me. Mr. Park.. "It is for you." Lin Wyen, A 21 years old girl who just graduated and pursued her career in a acting. And... was also married to the love of her life. That's who everyone, Including myself knew me as. A young girl who became a porn star at such young age. But soon, I got to know she was also cheated. That she was ruthlessly betrayed by her lovely husband for whom she left everything she had.

JMstorys · Music & Bands
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22 Chs

Where's My Kiss; 1

The wet streets were filled with people with their beautiful umbrellas.

The couple's shyly walked through streets.

It was so romantic since it's not only Just a rainy season but the famous Korean TV show was on its way to be released.

Everything was perfect, like a normal life.


Wyen's gaze never left the streets that were filled with shining and glistening lights.

A small smile forming on her lips until she was interrupted by a hand on her thigh.


Her ears vibrated.

His whisper was enough near to send chills down her spine.

Her eyes met his before he indirectly glanced at Jungkook who had his arm being wrapped by Dae-ni's hand.

Her cheek was brushing against his warm jacket making Wyen look back at Jimin who sighed softly.

"He's talking to you." He assured making Wyen hesitantly look at Jungkook once again.

"Yes?" She hesitantly spoke.

Jungkook chuckled.

"Are you finally down the earth, Mrs. Jeon?"

He said as Dae-ni's hand immediately hit his shoulder.

She rolled her eyes as she took the glass and drank Soju.

"Omo, that's harder!" She said as she took a gulp of water making Jungkook giggle, completely ghosting Wyen.

Wyen hesitantly held her arm with her hand and looked away.

A squeeze of her hand which laid on her lap made her look down, startled.

Her eyes immediately met Jimin's cheek.

It took her a whole minute to admire his side face

Looking down, her hand which was held by the big one of his made her feel so vulnerable for a moment.

"Oh So for me Mrs. Park it is, isn't it?"

Jimin choked on his drink making Jungkook let out a small laugh but soon, his eyes trailed off only to glance at Dae-ni.

Wyen gripped Jimin's hand tighter while jimin laughed at Dae-ni's.

Jimin rubbed his nose with his thumb as he controlled his laughter.

His is fingers traced the knuckles of Wyen's hand.

She looked at Jungkook.

Exhausted, he laid his head upon Dae-ni's shoulder.

she suddenly stood up.

Jimin's eyes averted up at her.

The time froze as Dae-ni glanced up at her.

Jungkook adjusted his head on Dae-ni's shoulder as Wyen hesitantly looked at her hand which was still held by jimin under the table.

"I.. i have some work.. i..i need to go." She stated as she took her bag and left the restraunt without even letting jimin protest her to stay.

Jimin's lips which were parted soon closed as he glanced at Dae-ni.

Jungkook stared at the restraunt's door.

Dae-ni looked at Jungkook in worry.

Jungkook sighed heavily.

He was about to stand up when jimin stood up.

"I will go with her."

Jimin said as he smiled at Dae-ni making her nod.

Jungkook looked at Jimin then Dae-ni.


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