

Prince Alex lived a luxurious life in the kingdom of Trolux. But he grew tired of the same routine and strict rules that came with his royal status. All he wanted was a normal life where he could go to school, make friends, and have fun. Queen Victoria, his strict mother, and his step-sister, who had a lustful nature, made things even worse for him. Fate intervened when Alex crossed paths with a boy named Joey. A deep connection formed between them, and as time passed, Alex's feelings for Joey grew into a profound love . But the victoria and her step sister will create many obstacles for Alex and Joey.

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22 Chs

The first friend

Alex asked Joey about his life, imagining that it must be filled with fun times and cherished friendships. Alex asked ''your life must be fun Having friends and hanging out with them must be very fun, right? However, Joey's face turned sombre instead of a joyful response, and he confessed that he had never experienced the joy of having friends or a loving family.

His words struck a chord with Alex, and he felt a pang of empathy for Joey's loneliness and isolation. He regretted his assumption and realized that he had unintentionally touched upon a sensitive subject.

''I am so sorry for asking you that'' Alex said Joey looked at him, understanding and forgiving. "It's okay," Joey replied with a warm smile.

Joey asked Alex which school he goes to, but Alex replied, "I don't go to any school." He hesitated for a moment, feeling a bit embarrassed by his response.

"Oh my god, really?" Joey exclaimed. "I totally agree! Studies are so boring, and I absolutely hate going to school," Joey expressed his frustration.

Joey suddenly glanced at the time and realized it was getting late. He sighed and said, "I'm sorry, Alex, but I have to go now.

As Joey prepared to leave, he leaned down towards Alex and reassured him, "Everything will be fine. You don't have to end your life because of this." It was a heartfelt reminder that there is hope even in the darkest moments.

But just as Joey was about to leave, his necklace got tangled in Alex's shirt. They both paused, their eyes locked on the necklace that now bound them together. With a gentle tug, they freed the necklace.

After the necklace became untangled, Joey noticed a subtle change in Alex's demeanour. He couldn't help but ask, "Why has your face turned red?"

Alex, feeling a slight embarrassment, tried to brush it off with a shy smile. "Oh, it's nothing," he replied, their cheeks still flushed. "I guess I just got a bit flustered."

Joey's curiosity grew, and he leaned in closer, his eyes gleaming with intrigue. "Flustered? What happened? Did something make you feel uncomfortable?"

"Oh, it's nothing," Alex said .

''okay then if you say so,'' joey said .

As Joey said his goodbye, Alex felt a little sad. he didn't want to lose this new friend so soon. But before Alex could say anything, Joey started to walk away.

At that moment, a sudden realization hit Alex. he didn't think about where he would go or stay. The idea of going back home, to the same old place, felt suffocating. He ran away from home, leaving everything behind

Alex's heart pounded with anticipation as they watched Joey walking away. Suddenly, a surge of courage coursed through Alex's veins. He couldn't let this opportunity slip away.

Without hesitation, Alex sprinted towards Joey, catching up with him in a few strides. Gasping for breath, Alex blurted out their request, "Please, Joey, can I stay at your place for just two days? It may sound crazy, but I don't want to go back home."

Joey turned around, surprise evident in his eyes. A mix of confusion and amusement played across his face as he processed Alex's sudden plea. He couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpectedness of the situation.

"Sure, why not?" Joey replied,

Joey, curious about Alex's sudden decision, asked why he didn't want to go home. Alex, with a hint of mystery in his eyes, replied, "I'll tell you everything once we're home." Deep down, Alex wanted to hide his true identity as a member of the royal family.

They continued walking, Alex enjoying the freedom of being anonymous, even if it was just for a short while. The thought of escaping the expectations and responsibilities that came with his royal status brought a sense of liberation.

Alex and Joey finally reached Joey's place. It was a humble little apartment, cozy and filled with warmth and there were some guitars and musical instruments in Joey's home. As they entered, Alex felt a sense of relief, being away from the grandeur and formality of his own home. The simplicity and homeliness of Joey's place provided a refreshing change.

Joey asked Alex, "Do you want to eat anything? I can make something for you." Alex's stomach growled, reminding him of his hunger. He replied with a smile, "Yeah, that would be great. I could use something to eat."

Joey swiftly moved to the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets and refrigerator. He gathered ingredients and started preparing a simple yet delicious meal. The aroma of spices filled the air as the sound of sizzling echoed in the kitchen.

Curious, Alex approached the kitchen and watched as Joey skillfully cooked. The tantalizing scent made his mouth water, and he couldn't wait to satisfy his hunger. They engaged in light-hearted conversation, sharing stories and laughter while the food cooked.

Finally, Joey presented a plate filled with steaming hot food. It was a mouthwatering dish that made Alex's stomach grumble even louder. He thanked Joey and took a seat at the table, ready to savor the meal.

As Alex took the first bite, the flavors exploded in his mouth. It was a perfect blend of spices, creating a symphony of taste. He couldn't help but express his delight, exclaiming, "Wow, this is amazing! You're not just a good friend, but also a fantastic cook!"

Joey chuckled and said, "Well, I have to take care of myself, you know.