

Prince Alex lived a luxurious life in the kingdom of Trolux. But he grew tired of the same routine and strict rules that came with his royal status. All he wanted was a normal life where he could go to school, make friends, and have fun. Queen Victoria, his strict mother, and his step-sister, who had a lustful nature, made things even worse for him. Fate intervened when Alex crossed paths with a boy named Joey. A deep connection formed between them, and as time passed, Alex's feelings for Joey grew into a profound love . But the victoria and her step sister will create many obstacles for Alex and Joey.

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22 Chs


Being born into a royal and wealthy family is often seen as a desirable circumstance, but for him, it was quite the opposite.

He didn't like being born into a rich and royal family. It may sound good, but it wasn't for him that's what he thinks.

He got fed up with the same boring routine and strict rules that came with our status. All He wanted was a normal life where he could go to school, make friends, and have fun.

Alex, the prince of the Trolux Kingdom, lived a life of luxury and had many important duties to fulfill. He had to learn proper manners, attend fancy events, and prepare to become the future ruler of the kingdom.

His mother, Queen Victoria, was very determined and had high expectations for him. She wanted him to be ready for the important role he would play in leading the kingdom.

but even with all the fancy things and special treatment, Alex sometimes wished for a different kind of life. He wanted to know what it felt like to be normal, to do everyday things without all the rules and pressures that came with being a prince.

He dreamed of breaking free from the strict expectations of the royal family and exploring life in a more ordinary way.

As time passed, the weight of responsibility pressed heavily upon Alex's shoulders. Queen Victoria, in her determination to secure the future of the kingdom, began discussing potential marriage arrangements for her beloved son.

It was customary for royal unions to be forged for political alliances and strategic advantages, rather than matters of the heart.

Alex's dad, King Albert, was very important in raising him. Victoria, Alex's mother, was known for her strict nature. She had high expectations for everyone in the family and disliked it when they didn't follow the rules. She believed in discipline and order and expected everyone to adhere to her standards.

Victoria's strictness created a sense of structure within the family, but it also made it challenging for Alex to break free from the constraints and pursue his own desires.

There was also Queen Victoria's step-sister, whom Alex strongly disliked. He couldn't stand her because of her greedy and lustful nature. He felt she only cared about herself and wanted more power and wealth. Her presence created tension and made it hard for Alex to trust his family.

One night, around 12 am, Alex decided to go downstairs for a drink of water. As he sipped from his glass, he suddenly heard a woman's voice screaming in distress.

Curiosity piqued, he followed the sound, which led him to his mother's sister's room. Pressing his ear against the door, he couldn't believe what he heard. His aunt was shouting the name of a boy, indicating that something inappropriate was happening.

In a mix of shock and anger, Alex retreated to his own room. He couldn't comprehend his aunt's actions and felt deeply disappointed by her behavior. The incident only added to his frustration with the way his family operated.

He longed for a sense of normalcy and decency, away from the scandalous affairs that seemed to plague his royal household.

The next morning, everyone was having breakfast Alex's mom told Alex that ''THERE IS AN PARTY ORGANISED BY ANOTHER ROYAL FAMILY SO YOU NEED TO GO, she said. alex said no but his mother forced him to attend the part Reluctantly, Alex gave in to his mother's relentless pressure and agreed to attend the party.

He knew that resisting her demands would only lead to more conflicts and arguments. Deep down, he wished for a chance to have a say in his own life and make decisions based on his own desires.

However, in the face of his mother's strong will, he felt trapped and powerless. With a heavy heart, Alex prepared himself for the event, hoping that perhaps something unexpected would happen to change the course of his predetermined path.

As Alex headed to his room to get ready, he overheard his maids whispering about Queen Victoria's plan for him. They said that she wanted him to meet a girl for a possible marriage. This surprised Alex because his mother hadn't discussed it with him or asked for his input. He started to wonder about his own desires and why he didn't have a say in deciding his future.

Alex's anger grew as he realized that his mother never allowed him to make decisions for himself. He felt frustrated and resentful that she always imposed her will upon him, disregarding his own desires and aspirations.

The lack of autonomy and independence in his life fueled his discontent, leaving him yearning for the opportunity to take control of his own destiny.

Determined to understand the situation, Alex decided to confront his mother. He went straight to her room, his face filled with a mix of anger and confusion. When he entered, he found his mother sitting alone, seemingly aware of his discovery.

Their eyes met, and without hesitation, he asked her about the purpose behind sending him to the party.