

Prince Alex lived a luxurious life in the kingdom of Trolux. But he grew tired of the same routine and strict rules that came with his royal status. All he wanted was a normal life where he could go to school, make friends, and have fun. Queen Victoria, his strict mother, and his step-sister, who had a lustful nature, made things even worse for him. Fate intervened when Alex crossed paths with a boy named Joey. A deep connection formed between them, and as time passed, Alex's feelings for Joey grew into a profound love . But the victoria and her step sister will create many obstacles for Alex and Joey.

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22 Chs

Need private space

Something unexpected happened that left Alex in a state of shock. The glass he was holding slipped from his hand and fell to the floor, causing a brief moment of silence in the room. He couldn't handle the situation and urgently asked Rosie, the princess he had just met, if they could talk privately for a minute. Feeling overwhelmed by emotions, Alex wanted to escape from the crowd and find a quiet space to process what had happened. He believed that Rosie could understand and provide comfort during this confusing time.

Alex approached Rosie with a gentle stride, a mix of anxiety and determination in his eyes. He mustered up the courage to ask her for a private conversation. With a soft tone, he spoke, "Rosie, could we please have a moment to talk in private?"

They moved away from the people, seeking refuge in a room where they could have a private conversation. Alex's heart raced as thoughts swirled in his mind. Alex and Rosie quietly slipped away from the bustling party and found themselves in a secluded room. The door closed behind them, enveloping them in a sense of privacy and intimacy. Inside the room, the air was still, and the outside world seemed distant. Alex opened up to Rosie, expressing his shock, confusion, and frustration.

Alex gathered his courage and spoke up, his voice filled with frustration and anger. "Rosie, I don't want to get married. I don't even know you. This wedding needs to be canceled."

Rosie, taken aback by his sudden outburst, looked at him with a mix of surprise and determination. "No, Alex," she firmly replied. "We can't cancel the wedding. It's not about love between us, but about the power and unity our marriage would bring to both our families."

Alex couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Why should we go through with something so significant if there's no love between us?" he asked, his voice filled with disbelief.

Rosie explained her reasoning, her words laced with a sense of duty. "By marrying you, Alex, our families will join forces and become the most powerful royal families. It's about securing our legacies and maintaining the strength of our kingdoms."

Alex's frustration grew. He couldn't fathom the idea of marrying someone solely for political gain. He wanted a marriage built on love and genuine connection, not an arrangement based on power and influence.

"I can't accept that, Rosie," Alex responded, his voice tinged with disappointment. "A marriage without love is not what I want for my future. I refuse to be a pawn in a game of alliances. I want to find someone I truly love and who loves me in return."

Rosie's unwavering stance on not canceling the wedding reflected her strong desire for power and influence. Despite Alex's pleas and his genuine concerns about the lack of love and connection between them, Rosie remained adamant in her decision.

Her refusal to reconsider the wedding reinforced her prioritization of political alliances and the consolidation of their families' power. She saw marriage as a means to solidify their position as the most powerful royal family, disregarding the importance of love and emotional fulfillment.

Alex couldn't help but see Rosie's stance as selfish, as it seemed she was willing to sacrifice personal happiness for the sake of her family's ambitions. He wanted a marriage founded on love, understanding, and mutual respect, rather than one driven solely by power dynamics Frustrated and overwhelmed, Alex couldn't take it anymore. In a burst of emotion, he turned and ran away from the room.

He needed to find a quiet place to think away from the pressures and expectations surrounding him.

As he ran, he felt a mix of conflicting thoughts and emotions. The weight of his family's desires, the clash with his own happiness, and the selfishness of Rosie weighed heavily on him. He wanted to escape, to find a way to live life on his own terms.

With each step, he grew more determined. Alex decided he had to break free from tradition and duty, to discover who he truly was and pursue his own dreams.

As Alex hurriedly made his escape from the room, he couldn't help but notice the glances and whispers from the onlookers. Their judgmental eyes followed his every move, their hushed voices echoing disapproval. It seemed that in their eyes, he was nothing more than a rebellious soul lacking proper manners and decorum.

Alex felt frustrated and trapped by the selfishness he observed in those around him. The strict rules and expectations of royalty made him feel like he was in jail, and he longed to scream out in frustration. He wanted to escape the confines of his royal life and find true freedom. However, he knew that rebelling would have serious consequences, so he suppressed his emotions.

Instead, he made a silent vow to break free and create his own path. With determination, he set out to discover his authentic self and pursue a life of happiness and fulfillment. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, Alex was ready to defy expectations and follow his heart. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to find his place in the world beyond the limitations of his royal status. With a resolute spirit, he embarked on a journey to discover his true self and create a life that was truly his own.