

Prince Alex lived a luxurious life in the kingdom of Trolux. But he grew tired of the same routine and strict rules that came with his royal status. All he wanted was a normal life where he could go to school, make friends, and have fun. Queen Victoria, his strict mother, and his step-sister, who had a lustful nature, made things even worse for him. Fate intervened when Alex crossed paths with a boy named Joey. A deep connection formed between them, and as time passed, Alex's feelings for Joey grew into a profound love . But the victoria and her step sister will create many obstacles for Alex and Joey.

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22 Chs

Naked in bed.

Alex stood in the crowd, observing the glamorous attendees of the event. As the festivities unfolded, their gaze caught sight of Elizabeth, with her big boobs making her way towards him with a sense of urgency. Alex sighed inwardly, feeling a mix of annoyance and frustration.

"Such an attention seeker," Alex muttered under their breath, their tone filled with a hint of exasperation. They turned away, determined to avoid any unnecessary interactions with Elizabeth, whose presence seemed to draw an excess of attention and drama wherever she went.

Elizabeth approached Alex with a juice glass in her hand, a sly smile playing on her lips. Her eyes gleamed with a mischievous glint as she extended the glass towards him. The innocent act of offering a refreshing beverage concealed her ulterior motives, for a cunning and manipulative nature lay beneath her polished facade.

As the glass neared Alex, a chill ran down his spine, an instinctual warning of the treacherous waters that lay ahead. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something sinister behind Elizabeth's seemingly innocent gesture.

Elizabeth persisted in offering the juice glass to Alex, disregarding the audience's attention. Feeling trapped, Alex decided to take the glass to avoid further scrutiny. He pretended to drink from it, while inwardly conflicted. The crowd's judgment and whispers surrounded him.

The taste of the liquid was bitter, reminding him of his unwanted involvement with Elizabeth. Despite this, Alex handed the glass back to her, choosing to focus on other conversations and activities.

As the speeches echoed through the grand hall, Alex's head began to spin, the weight of the occasion taking its toll. Feeling dizzy and overwhelmed, they excused themselves from the crowd and hurried to the nearby washroom.

Inside the small, dimly lit space, Alex sought refuge, leaning against the cool tiles for support. They splashed water on their face, hoping to shake off the disorienting sensations that clouded their mind. The mirror reflected their pale complexion, a visual reminder of the inner turmoil they faced. As Alex stood in the washroom, they could faintly hear the sound of speeches in the background. The voices of the speakers echoed softly, creating a distant buzz that reached their ears. Though the words were not clear, the energy and passion behind them were palpable.

Just as Alex was about to close their eyes, they noticed someone standing in front of them. It was a surprising sight, as they hadn't expected anyone to be there. The person seemed familiar, but their features were obscured by shadows, making it hard to recognize them.

Alex felt a mix of curiosity and caution as they wondered who this mysterious figure could be. Time stood still as they locked eyes, both filled with unspoken questions. Alex finally mustered the courage to break the silence and asked, "Who are you?" Their voice held a blend of curiosity and wariness, eager to uncover the secrets that lay ahead.

Alex finally roused from their slumber after several hours, his eyes fluttering open to find themselves lying in bed. Confusion washed over him as he struggled to recall how he had ended up there. The events leading up to their sudden loss of consciousness remained hazy, like fragments of a dream fading with the dawn. Alex's head throbbed with a dull ache, a reminder of the disorienting episode they had experienced.

Alex didn't realize that he was naked ''what the fuck? why am I naked? what happened last night? As Alex woke up, he felt a strange sensation under his feet. Looking down, he was shocked to see a bra and panties on the floor. Confusion filled his mind as he tried to comprehend what had happened. his eyes then turned to a large window, revealing a cityscape outside. It dawned on them that they were in a hotel room, far away from his own familiar surroundings.

Questions flooded his thoughts, demanding answers. How did he end up here? Who was behind this mysterious situation?

As Alex sat on the bed, they accidentally pressed the TV remote, and the news flashed on the screen. They were taken aback as they heard a shocking report accusing them of forcefully engaging in physical contact with Elizabeth. It felt like their world was crumbling, surrounded by accusations and public scrutiny.

Feeling a mix of disbelief and anger, Alex couldn't comprehend how such a false story had gained traction. They were faced with a difficult choice - to retreat from the harsh judgment of the public or confront the accusations head-on. Determined not to let their character be tarnished, they resolved to fight back and uncover the truth.

Alex quickly covered his face with a black mask and put on a cap, ensuring that his identity remained hidden. It was a clever way to avoid being recognized and to protect himself from the prying eyes of others. With their face concealed, they felt a sense of security and freedom to move around without drawing unwanted attention.