

Prince Alex lived a luxurious life in the kingdom of Trolux. But he grew tired of the same routine and strict rules that came with his royal status. All he wanted was a normal life where he could go to school, make friends, and have fun. Queen Victoria, his strict mother, and his step-sister, who had a lustful nature, made things even worse for him. Fate intervened when Alex crossed paths with a boy named Joey. A deep connection formed between them, and as time passed, Alex's feelings for Joey grew into a profound love . But the victoria and her step sister will create many obstacles for Alex and Joey.

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22 Chs

Meet of joey again

Yuri leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with determination. "I have something to show you," she said, her voice filled with a mix of confidence and mischief. She reached into her bag and pulled out a small device, a USB drive containing hacked CCTV footage.

Alex's curiosity was piqued, and he leaned in closer, his eyes fixed on the device. Yuri inserted the USB drive into a nearby laptop, and the screen flickered to life, displaying a grid of surveillance camera footage.

"Watch closely," Yuri instructed, her finger hovering over the keyboard. She clicked on a specific timestamp, and the screen split into two, showing the interior of a grand hall. There, amidst the elegant décor, stood Elizabeth, her demeanour composed but her eyes filled with a hidden agenda.

As they watched the footage, Alex's heart pounded with a mix of disbelief and realization. The scene captured Elizabeth in the act of tampering with something unseen, a subtle manipulation that could have dire consequences.

"Elizabeth was here," Yuri confirmed, her voice laced with a hint of triumph. "She had her own agenda, and it seems she didn't want anyone to know about it."

Curiosity burning in his eyes, Alex turned to Yuri and couldn't help but ask the question that had been lingering in his mind. "Yuri, why are you helping me?" he inquired, his voice laced with a mix of gratitude and intrigue.

Yuri's gaze met his, her expression softening slightly. She took a moment before responding as if carefully considering her words.

Yuri's gaze met his, and for a brief moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossed her face. She seemed lost in her own thoughts, as if deliberating on how to respond. Finally, she let out a soft sigh and turned her attention away, avoiding Alex's eyes.

"It's not what you think," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of evasiveness. "I have always been drawn to detective work, the thrill of uncovering secrets and solving mysteries. This situation just happened to pique my interest, that's all."

Alex couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment, sensing that there might be more to Yuri's motivations than she was letting on. He wanted to press further, to understand the truth behind her involvement, but he also recognized the need to respect her boundaries.

He nodded slowly, masking his curiosity with a polite smile. "I see. Well, I appreciate your willingness to help me, regardless of your reasons. Together, we can find the truth and put an end to Elizabeth's schemes."

Yuri's gaze briefly met his, a glimmer of something unspoken lingering in her eyes. It was as if a deeper connection existed between them, one that transcended their current circumstances. But before Alex could delve deeper into his thoughts, Yuri shifted her focus elsewhere, as if reasserting her emotional distance.

With a slight nod, Yuri's expression regained its composure. "Let's focus on the task at hand," she said, her voice steady and determined. "We have much to uncover, and time is not on our side."

Yuri held out a small pendrive towards Alex, her eyes filled with a mix of determination and a hint of compassion. "Take this," she said, her voice resolute. "On this pen drive, you'll find the evidence you need to prove yourself innocent."

"Thank you, Yuri," he replied, gratitude lacing his words. "I don't know how to repay you for all your help."

Yuri's voice carried a hint of attitude as she looked at Alex, her confidence is evident in her tone. "No need to thank me," she said, her words laced with a touch of self-assuredness. "I did what needed to be done."

"Alright then," Alex replied, slightly taken aback. "I suppose I should just appreciate the help without expressing my thanks."

Yuri smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Exactly," she said, her attitude unwavering. "I don't need your gratitude. Just remember that you owe me one."

With those words, Yuri turned on her heel and walked away, leaving Alex to ponder the mysterious girl and her enigmatic ways. He couldn't deny that her assistance had made a significant impact on his situation, even if her attitude left him slightly perplexed.

As he pocketed the pen drive she had given him, Alex couldn't help but wonder what other surprises lay ahead on his journey. With Yuri's help and the evidence contained within the pen drive, he knew he had a chance to clear his name and reveal the truth.

As Alex felt the impact of the collision, he turned around to see who had bumped into him. To his surprise, it was Joey, his first friend who saved him that day. Excitement welled up within him, but he quickly realized that Joey couldn't recognize him due to the mask and cap he was wearing.

"Joey!" Alex exclaimed, trying to conceal his identity. "It's me, Alex."

Joey looked at him, a puzzled expression on his face. "Sorry, do I know you?" he asked, his brows furrowing.

Alex's heart sank for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. He had to be cautious and not reveal his true identity, especially with the ongoing situation.

"Oh, my apologies," Alex replied, forcing a smile. "I must have mistaken you for someone else. It's just been a long day."

Joey shrugged, his curiosity piqued. "No problem. But you seem familiar too, though I can't quite place it. Anyways, take care."

With that, Joey nodded and walked away, leaving Alex standing there, a mix of emotions swirling within him. He realized that he couldn't afford to jeopardize his plans by revealing himself too soon. There would be a time for reunions, but for now, he had to focus on uncovering the truth and clearing his name.

As Alex watched Joey disappear into the distance, he vowed to find a way to reconnect with his friend and bring him into the fold of his mission.