
Inside the Nightmare

"Redbird, why am I not surprised that you would be involved in my messes. So welcome to imprisonment. We are clearly trapped" he exclaimed as Bonnie fully materialized before him.

As Bonnie saw Damon's figure before her something primal inside her wretched her heart. She had been denying this stark truth that her true love could be the vampire who failed to reciprocate her affections. It was Damon's constant refusal that had caused Bonnie to seek stability in the form of Zander.

"I am not trapped here Damon. I created this cell with a spell." Bonnie confessed. Damon was shocked to hear Bonnie's calm words while he fretted for her safety. How could it be his redbird, his scared and nervous immature little girl, oozing confidence and standing before him without fear and flinching? It was not something Damon could wrap his head around.

"What happened to you Bonnie? You seem changed. Are you Bonnie?" Damon asked a bit alarmed. His facial expression didn't change in the slightest but his smirk softened and his breath hitched.

Bonnie bit her lips and gave a nervous laugh he recognized. "I guess you don't expect anything from me either, like everyone else." She said with a smile on her lips. Even without his vampire senses Damon could see the tears glistening in her eyes.

"You have no idea Bonnie." Damon replied unflinching. "The thing is that I expect only good from you and this is clearly dark magic." Damon explained. Bonnie gave a pained sigh.

"None of it is real Damon. It is all a mind game. The next morning you will wake up in your bed and this would have been just a nightmare. You will probably call Stefan or Elena to check on me and they will find me asleep in my bed." Bonnie explained. "All that you have to do to get out of this circle is...kind of... you know...." Bonnie ended biting her lips.

"No, I don't know Bonnie." Damon replied flatly.

"Well, what is your worst nightmare where I am involved?" Bonnie asked timidly.

Damon closed his eyes looking heavenwards and shook his head. This seemed to rattle him, the infamous Damon Salvatore. For a moment there it scared Bonnie. What could it be to frazzle Damon? "You lying lifeless in a coffin, pale white face and puncture wounds on your neck" Damon confessed. He heard Bonnie inhale sharply.

"Anything involving a live version of me?" Bonnie prodded further.

This time Damon smiled. "Yeah, a recurring one, where I lose control around you and end up taking advantage of you like I shouldn't."

"It doesn't end in me being dead though." Bonnie asked with trepidation.

"No, it is a fate worse than death though" he said. "You end up being mine." He confessed.

The tears that were for now only playing peek-a-boo in her eyes burst forth at his statement of desire. She stepped towards him with open arms. "This is that nightmare Damon, where I become yours." She stated.

With those words Damon's mask finally slipped. The look on Damon's face spoke of joy, disbelief and a hidden fear. But despite the range of emotions being played on his otherwise emotionless face Damon stepped forward towards the woman before him. As they stood toe to toe Bonnie was quite short despite his lack of altitude. He only had to bend slightly to unite their lips. As the lips met there was a spark everywhere and Bonnie could feel herself being surrounded in a deep blue light that seemed to touch her core. Damon gently whispered in her ears, "It is your turn to let me in Bonbon." And with that Bonnie closed her eyes against his lips and her pink aura went out to mingle with his blue creating a purple light that enveloped them. Damon's lips returned to claim hers. They were soft but demanding and it was only a matter of time before her own lips parted to let in his scent and his taste. To Bonnie he tasted divine and to Damon her taste was surreal. The kiss appeared to go on for eternity. No one knows how long because the time in the cell was not measured like outside. Bonnie was so engrossed in the kiss she didn't even feel Damon's hand reach to her back and rip her dress in half. The noise of the tearing jolted her back to reality and she realized that she was standing in Damon's arms in nothing but her lingerie while Damon looked at her with hungry eyes.

Bonnie had got her kiss and she could tell Damon to stop but she didn't want to. She had the man of her dreams exactly where she imagined him and she wanted this to play out to its conclusion even if it left her undead. She was ready to risk her humanity if it meant she could experience desire from Damon. She reached up to undo the buttons of his black shirt. As she reached up though Damon's hands stopped her. He grasped both her wrists in his left hand as his right hand tore the shirt off his back in haste. Holding both her hands Damon led her backwards towards the prominent round bed at the centre of the cell.

"This isn't the first time we are doing this in my dream and I think I know exactly how I want to pleasure and torment you." Damon stated. That sentence stirred strings in Bonnie's heart to know that Damon had desired her in dreams even if they seemed undesirable to him in the light of the day.

"I think I am ready for whatever you have Damon." Bonnie said shyly.

Damon let go of her hands and pushed her onto the bed while parting her legs wide. She was wearing a yellow underwear with blue polka dots. "Even your lingerie is cute like you." He said making her blush. Then in a moment he managed to slip it to the side and plunged one finger deep in her core. Bonnie gasped at the suddenness and foreign sensation of the touch. She looked up to see Damon's dark eyes swirl with lust. "You definitely are ready for me" he said and with that slid the underwear along her legs and off. Bonnie lay on the bed with only her bra on.

"Bite me Damon." Bonnie pleaded in desperation.

Damon closed his eyes but when he opened them again there was a disappointment. "Sorry Redbird. Apparently I am human in this nightmare. I can't summon my fangs." He said. Bonnie looked confused but shook her head. "Bite me still Damon. I want to know how it feels."

Damon almost smiled as he leaned forward and got on the bed. He kissed the pulse on Bonnie's neck and sucked there for a while. Bonnie felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach bursting forth in joy. Her arms reached out to caress Damon's perfect black hair. She felt friction between her bare skin and his trousers and it sent a shiver down her.

Suddenly Damon stopped sucking her neck and started laying kisses down her neck and down to her cleavage. Bonnie always had small breasts. It was only when she was in college that she started to grow. She was now proud to possess a substantial cleavage that Damon took advantage of. Damon plunged his tongue inside her cleavage blowing air to cool it and thereby sending goose bumps along her skin. As he did it his hand reached down to her feminine parts. As Damon fingered her moist core while sucking her cleavage Bonnie gasped in ecstasy. Taking advantage of the fact that she had raised herself from the bed with her gasp, Damon tore the only piece of cloth that covered her body.

With continuous and deliberate movement of his fingers Damon looked up to see Bonnie. She had large tits with prominent pink areolas. Damon bent down over the left breast and licked the areola as his fingers started to massage her clit. Then he started sucking her while rubbing her clit with hastened strokes. Bonnie muffled her own cries with the back of her hand as it was becoming too much to bear. Damon heard her soft whimper though looked up and shook his head. Bonnie removed her hand and gave out a soft cry. Damon let out a soft growl in response against her skin that made her vibrate. Damon reinserted two fingers inside her as his thumb continued to massage her clit. He abandoned the left breast which was swollen with a few bite marks and turned his attention to the right nipple. With the steady pace of his strokes Bonnie's cries intensified till she started panting. Damon looked up and saw that she was close to experiencing her first orgasm. It was then that he removed his fingers and tasted her juices on him. He stared into her eyes as he licked his fingers dry before smirking at her.

Bonnie was still heaving but her breathing was steadying itself when Damon looked down at her body again. Bonnie blushed at his attention and the blush spread down her whole body. Damon crawled down the bed and took a seat at the edge. He held her right ankle and swung her leg across so that he was sitting facing her throbbing sex. When he bent down to blow over it Bonnie gave out a moan. Damon bent down further to plant a kiss on her clit, only that kiss graduated into sucking and then licking and before long his fingers joined in as his tongue explored her intimate areas.

"Damon" Bonnie gasped.

"That is right redbird. I want you to repeat my name while you come." He said against her core, resuming his licking.

"Come where?" Bonnie asked gasping when the first wave hit her.

"Aah" she cried out as her walls vehemently shook and Damon lapped up every drop of her cum that he could elicit of her. When the twang of blood reached his tongue however he was slightly alarmed. He touched her core to have faint blood stain his fingers that he quickly licked up. When he next looked at her his eyes had a different glow to them. Damon could hear Bonnie's heart beat loudly. She was still coming down from her high.

Damon got down from the bed and discarded the rest of his clothes. When he climbed up her body Bonnie looked sated. "Damon..." she started but he cut her off with his lips while placing himself between her legs. The next thing Bonnie felt was invasion in her core as Damon's manhood started thrusting inside her. They were deep, hard strokes but slow and deliberate and Bonnie could feel the tension in her core building again. As Damon left her lips to trail kisses down her neck and breast Bonnie started panting and between her gasps for air started chanting Damon's name. Damon angled his thrust for maximum pleasure and Bonnie felt like she would explode. After a few thrusts she actually did explode, closing her eyes, she thought she saw stars. Damon held himself still as Bonnie pulsed around him. Once the intensity of her contractions lessened he resumed his thrusts again.

After Bonnie had come the umpteenth time Damon called out to her. "Redbird, are you spent?"

Bonnie smiled at him nervously, nodding.

Damon mouthed an OK before resuming his thrusting. Bonnie groaned before her orgasm started to build again. This time Damon's was moving faster and deeper than he had. His thrusts bordered on painful but Bonnie cherished the pain as a reminder of him. They had been at it for hours. Finally with one last push Damon released his seeds inside her and collapsed on top.

When Bonnie opened her eyes she was back in Fell's Church. The eclipse had passed and the spell had ended. The next day she would have to make sure to ask Stefan about checking on Damon. She hoped Damon wouldn't remember this dream and even if he did he would just chalk it up as a disgusting nightmare. Bonnie took a deep breath and decided to clean up the room. As she tried to get up entire body ached like it had been bulldozed over. She looked up to see all her clothes scattered around and herself lying naked on her bed. She smiled to herself and gathering her clothes as she walked to her bathroom. When she stood in front of the mirror she was shocked to see a prominent hickey on the right side of her neck where Damon had kissed her. There were other smaller blueish bruises all over her body. She decided to run a bath. As she entered the water she could feel how sore she really was. The worst thing was that she could barely walk. It would have been really bad if she had to venture outside her house any day soon. But for a reclusive witch that was hardly a concern.

Back in Italy Damon woke up few hours later. It was almost evening and it was an unnatural time for him to be asleep. He was really happy with the dream he just had. Then he realized that he was lying naked on his bed, something he never did. Also in his left hand was clutched a yellow polka dotted cotton panty that smelled of arousal and stood as a proof that the dream wasn't just a wild dream.