
Forgotten Magic

"Where did you hear about Gwendowlyn?" Stefan asked.

"I have one of her Grimoires." Bonnie half lied. It took some reflection for her to realize that the wordings of the cover less Grimoire was similar to the other one. The only thing that was different was the content. The concealed Grimoire contained spells like love potion and fertility spells while the one without the cover contained far more powerful spells, some of which Bonnie couldn't even use in her limited prowess as a witch.

"Gwendowlyn was the last invoked witch of the millennium. She was very powerful and every creature feared her. She was however in love with a vampire. But the vampire had trust issues and feared that the witch was plotting something against him. In his paranoia he actually told the village where she lived that she was a dark witch and the villagers stoned her to death. They would have burnt her body but it was raining and they decided to wait but some wolves carried it off. What no one knew was that Gwendowlyn had used her power to conceive the child of the vampire. It is not something otherwise possible. The child was more powerful than an immortal and some said he was a demon incarnate. That child continued to grow inside Gwendowlyn's corpse and clawed its way out of her body. The child terrorized every living creature and it took every force in the world to destroy him. After that all of Gwendowlyn's Grimoires were destroyed." Stefan narrated.

Bonnie blushed. "I didn't know that vampires could have babies." she confessed.

"No we can't. We are dead that way.The only way a vampire can be with a woman is by exchange of blood. We are eternally flaccid, if you know what I mean." Stefan blushed as well.

"So now I have a book that is supposed to not exist." Bonnie said, to rid the awkwardness.

"I think it would be wise of you to hand the grimoire to me. I don't want you to get into any trouble." Stefan suggested.

"What will you do with it?" Bonnie asked.

"Hand it over to Elena. She is the Guardian after all." Stefan sighed.

Bonnie handed over the Grimoire with the cover.

"Bonnie", Stefan then asked, "Why did you bring up the book when I asked you about your hickeys?"

Bonnie knew Stefan could read her body language. She had her vervain necklace on but that wouldn't be much help given his power of observation.

"The book was concealed by a spell. If you open the first page it says that to discover the magic within you need true love's kiss. I went searching for true love's kiss. I went over to Matts and Zanders but nothing worked. Then I thought of trying people I was attracted to." Pointing to her neck Bonnie emphasized, "This was also a part of the experiment." she said timidly.

Stefan laughed hard. "So did this work?" Bonnie shook her head, crossing her fingers behind her. "Then there is nothing that Elena needs worry about. I will let her know that and may be she will be able to open this book with a little help from me that is." So saying Stefan got up to leave.

"Thanks Stefan, for not judging me." Bonnie whispered in his ears giving him a brotherly hug.

"Now if you think I support your reckless behaviour, I do not. But I know Zander was a shitty boyfriend and you are like a sister to me. I am glad that you broke up with him and I am thankful to whoever gave you the push to do it, whether it be Gwendowlyn or the mystery man." So saying he deepened the hug and Bonnie felt happy for the first time since a long time.

As Stefan left Bonnie closed the door behind him and opened the secret Grimoire. She opened the page with the last spell she tried and tried to decipher it. She decided to use that spell with 'night' in place of 'eclipse' and she made the preparation for it. Without the eclipse the spell was quite taxing on her but she managed to create the power cell. As she stepped inside the cell was empty though and her heart sank.

"Redbird, behind you."

Bonnie heard a whisper against her ears. She tried to turn around but Damon had her in a firm grasp. "How?" she asked glancing sideways at his face.

"Your eyes need adjusting in the darkness. I have always been able to see well in the dark." he answered.

"Do you mind having another nightmare with me in it?" Bonnie asked unsure. Damon smiled. Bonnie's heart started thudding. She had never seen him smile.

"Can't get enough of me?" he teased. Bonnie looked away. She struggled for words when Damon walked around to face her. Raising her chin to face him with his hand he asked while looking into her eyes, "Aren't you sore from last night?" he asked.

Bonnie laughed nervously. "I will live." Then fearing that she may give away her secret she said, "Anyways, this is just a dream"

"Cara, you know very well that this isn't?" Damon challenged.

Bonnie looked into his face alarmed. He knew? But how?

" This morning when I woke up from this wonderfully erotic dream fathom my surprise when in my right hand I am clenching a soaked yellow polka dotted lingerie, something that I dreamed about the previous evening." Damon teased.

Bonnie felt her tears threaten while Damon continued. "So before you start confessing what you did to get us in this situation imagine how your werewolf will feel to know that you, Bonnie McColough, lost your virginity, at the age of twenty two to a vampire, a evil vampire at that?"

"Zander and I broke up." she confessed

"Did last night have anything to do with it?" Damon asked with a knowing smile.

"I didn't know Damon." she confessed looking away. She couldn't bear looking into his eyes. "I didn't know it would be you. I didn't think it could be you. I should have guessed but I was so stupid to see it.

"You see I needed true love's kiss to undo a spell to open a mysterious Grimoire I found and I didn't know who, if any one loved me.

"I didn't tell Elena about it because she wouldn't approve of me practicing spells I didn't know. But how will I know without learning. I kissed her and nothing happened. I kissed Zander and nothing happened. I flew to Boston to kiss Matt, because he was my first kiss, but it didn't work.

"Then I found the spell. It was a spell to capture your true love and bring before you.

"I knew you died for me once but I always thought that it was because Elena would have lost her friend if I died. I couldn't imagine any other reason for it.

"I always had a crazy crush on you but seeing you yesterday I let you do more than kiss me because I didn't know if you would have agreed to anything if you knew that it were real. But then I grew greedy. I thought.."

"You thought you fooled me." Damon concluded. "Not that easy Cara, especially given that I am older than the country you live in."

Bonnie blushed profusely at his words.

"I like this new version of you." He confessed. "Still shy and blushing but bold enough to open her mouth and talk."

"I don't know how to let you go out of this circle." Bonnie said truthfully.

"How much time do we have together?" Damon asked briskly.

"Yesterday the spell lasted during the eclipse. Tonight I extended it to include the whole night." she confessed.

"That is excellent. It is a pity that you won't be able to leave your bed in the morning though." so saying Damon brought his smirking lips to close against hers and Bonnie gasped against him in surprise.