
Battlepet Masters

An asteroid crashed into a planet, forever changing the environment and all the creatures living there. Afterwards, portals started randomly appearing, with hordes of alien lifeforms pouring out and killing what lies in their path. For the human civilizations to survive, humans started harnessing the environment to help empower themselves to the extreme, and to contract animals to help strengthen themselves and fight. Follow Jamie on his journey as he embarks on the path of becoming the ultimate Battlepet Master.

Ultravioletx · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 7 - Bob's Farewell

Jamie got up, groaning, rubbing his eyes before getting out of bed. It had been three weeks since Jamie had started staying at Bob's house, to continuously feed and interact with the dragon. Bob was all too happy to agree, being sick of the damage the dragon had continually caused. As far as Bob was concerned, the sooner the dragon was gone, the better.

Jamie walked down the stairs, with Eve at his heels, to the living room. As he entered the living room, Bob entered the house in nothing but black running shorts and white sneakers, breathing heavily, his lean body gleaning with sweat, with a red puma, Swift, trailing behind him.

Upon seeing Bob, Jamie said to him "Good morning."

"Good morning Jamie. There's something I need to discuss with you after I take a shower."

Jamie nodded. "Okay."

With that, Jamie waked into the kitchen to make himself some cereal while Bob walked off to the kitchen. After he finished, he walked to the living room, with Eve at his heels, and flicked on the T.V. As he sat on one of the couches, Eve sat at his feet, facing the television. On the television, a portly man in a suit was standing in front of a image of Hastrood Gardens was saying "Last night the city lord declared the portal in Hastrood Gardens open for Hunter Association teams and members. This announcement took place just two hours after it was rumored that a City Guardian dispatched to venture into the portal returned, after, according to rumors, killing any high level beasts inside showing ill intent towards humans."

Eve's ears twitched at this, and she transmitted to Jamie "I thought City Guardians were meant to remain inside the city at all times, hidden, their sole job to focus on improving themselves?"

Jamie sighed, then transmitted back "Things changed two years ago with the destruction of the city of Barcelona, and the leaked footage of the fight that took place before the area was devastated. The City Guardian Kort died in the chaos because he couldn't properly use his strength, not because of a low stage. Since then, City Guardians are required to occasionally spar with each other, and venture into portals, in order to get combat experience. Supposedly, they spar in a portal, because of the devastation to the environment that results in the fights."

Just as Jamie finished transmitting to Eve, he was patted 'lightly' on the back, knocked him forward, and Eve rapidly stood up and moved away, sensing the disturbance.

Jamie coughed, then stood up, and turned around to look at Bob, who was standing there in a clean black shirt, while rubbing his back lightly. He shook his head, then said "You wanted to talk to me about the portal in Hastrood Gardens, right?"

Bob nodded, then crossed his arms and said "Yep. I've mildly tamed all the beasts captured by the team and sold them off. Well, all except that black pest. With the portal in Hastrood Gardens being opened up to the Hunter Association members, Michael has decided were going to venture inside and try capture some more beasts. We'll be gone for at least two weeks."

With that, Bob grabbed something out of his pocket, and tossed it to Jaime. Jamie caught it by instinct, then looked at the keys in his hand.

Bob continued "Those are all the spare keys to the house and everything around it. I've shown you where everything is. I've also restocked the freezer at the back of the house with the meat the black pest and Eve likes to eat. It's enough for two weeks. The meat is all yours, as is the black pest. Your the only one who can approach it. Once you have bonded it, lock up everything around the house and leave. I'll collect the spare keys from you after I get back from the portal."

Jamie smiled, then put the keys away in his pocket. He then reached out his hand for a handshake, saying "Thanks for everything Bob."

Bob shook his hands, then said "Think nothing of it kiddo. I'll see you when I get back."

With that, Bob walked towards the garage, with Swift trailing after him. Jamie stood there for a second, then turned off the T.V. and walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth, with Eve remaining in the living room. After he left the bathroom, Eve got up and ran to him while Jaime walked towards the back door of the house, grabbing a knife off a shelf inside the house along the way.

Once outside, Jamie walked towards a freezer along the back wall of the house, then opened it and grabbing a red bag full of meat, and slinging it over his shoulder. Upon seeing the bag, Eve almost started drooling, and her tail started wagging.

Eve transmitted "Finally. I'm hungry."

Smiling, Jamie transmitted back "Patience Eve. "

Jamie grabbed two trays next to the freezer, then made his way over to the desolate pen to the left, with Eve trailing behind him waggling her tail As he saw the enclosed pen came into sight, he saw the black dragon sitting at the entrance to the pen, watching them approach calmly. As Jamie reached the pen, he dropped the bag on his shoulder and the trays in his hand to the floor, and reached into a pocket for the knife, while transmitting an image to the dragon of it walking backwards. The dragon huffed, then did so. After cutting open the bag, he separated the meat on the two trays, then grabbed one tray and walked into the pen, while Eve remained outside, wolfing down the meat on the other tray with gusto. Jamie walked into the pen and placed the tray on floor in the center of the pen. Immediately after he did so, the black dragon practically leaped at the tray, tearing apart the meat with gusto, ignoring Jamie's presence. After the dragon had finished eating, Jamie sat down on the ground, with his legs flat on the ground, and the dragon walked up to him and rested it's head on his thigh. Jamie started rubbing the neck of the dragon lightly, and it made a low huff as he did so. After Eve finished the meat, she walked into the pen towards the tail of the dragon slowly, before crouching down, then pouncing on the dragon's tail. The dragon got up and snapped at Eve playfully, then started chasing Eve around the pen. Jamie just sat there and watched, then started thinking about what happened over the last three weeks.

He had finished his exams and passed, getting an A- in everything. After getting his Tamer Trainer ID and finishing his last exam he applied to various battlepet stores and had been accepted by Warpets Delux, and had been working there for three days now. Jamie lightly smiled at the memories of the last three days working there. It had certainly been an eventful three days. With the news of the portal being opened to members of the Hunters Association, it wouldn't be long before pet stores started sending some Beast Tamer's inside to get more beasts to sell.

With that, Jamie took a look at the dragon that was sitting there, basking in the sun, while occasionally moving it's tail away from Eve as she pounced on it. He knew the chances were non-existent for him to be sent to venture into the portal with the store Beastmasters unless he was bonded to a stage 2 pet. He was just too weak, unfortunately, he couldn't hurry up the bonding process with the dragon. Likely, when he arrived at work today they would have started discussing who to send in.

Sighing, Jamie reached his hand into his pocket, and pulled out his mobile, before flicking the screen on to check the time. Realizing he had been spacing out for thirty minutes, Jaime got up and started stretching, which alerted the Dragon and Eve.

Jaime called out "Eve, it's time for us to go."

Eve started walking towards Jamie, before turning around and lifting it's paw to the dragon. Then she continued walking towards Jaime, who had already started walking towards the gate. The dragon paused, before letting out a howl. It then chased after them and bit lightly on Jaime's pants, lightly tugging it backwards.

Jaime sighed, then stopped and turned around, putting his hand on the dragons head, giving it a slight rub. He transmitted images of his work, then an image of him going there, before saying "I can't take you there."

The Dragon growled, then let go of Jamie's pants. He looked at Eve then growled again. Jamie gave a slight chuckle and transmitted "I've formed a contract with her. I haven't formed a contract with you, so I can't take you. I'll see you when I get back."

With that, Jamie turned around, then started walking slowly towards the fence, with his heart palpitating. He was hoping the dragon would initiate the contract. As he drew towards the exit, his heart sank, before letting out a sigh, giving up on the idea.

As he reached the entrance of the pen, he felt something on his ankle, just below the pant leggings. He looked down, in slight shock, to see the dragon put it's bleeding claw against his bleeding ankle. As it did so, an illusionary white line briefly appeared, connecting the dragon and Jamie, before disappearing. Milliseconds afterwards, the right thumb of the illusionary miniature Jamie flashed briefly, while a white line attached to it.

Jaime eyes widening slightly, feeling the changes in his soul, before he smiled. With this, maybe he had a chance to be selected to be sent along with the Beastmasters of Warpets Delux into the portal.