
Battlepet Masters

An asteroid crashed into a planet, forever changing the environment and all the creatures living there. Afterwards, portals started randomly appearing, with hordes of alien lifeforms pouring out and killing what lies in their path. For the human civilizations to survive, humans started harnessing the environment to help empower themselves to the extreme, and to contract animals to help strengthen themselves and fight. Follow Jamie on his journey as he embarks on the path of becoming the ultimate Battlepet Master.

Ultravioletx · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 6 - Attempting to Tame the Black Dragon

Jaime sat in the passenger's seat of a black van, with Eve in his lap, with Michael driving. It had been thirty minutes since he got in the van as they headed for the towards one of Michael's squad members houses where the baby black dragon was being kept. Suddenly, the car started slowing down, before Michael pulled into a driveway, and followed it down, past the open gate, to a large two storey white house with a large lawn in front. As the black van approached the house a high pitched peal echoed in the air, and two large bald eagles could be seen gazing at the van from the top of a large tree in a nest. Shortly after Jamie, Jake and Eve hod hopped out of the van, a lean tall man in a red and white checkered shirt and red cap exited the house, followed by a red puma the height of his knee.

Upon seeing Michael, the puma ran up to Michael, sniffing at him, then walked towards Eve. Eve backed away nervously, hiding behind Jaime's foot. As the red puma approach Jaime and Eve, it stopped suddenly, turning to look at the man in the checkered shirt for a couple of seconds, before turning back to walk into the house. The man nodded to Michael then took a deep look at Jaime. He then turned back to Michael and said "You arrived just in time. I was about to feed the thing. I'll be honest, that dragon is starting to become a pain. The amount of damage it's causing is ridiculous."

Michael frowned. "it's still lashing out at everything?"

"Yea. I've resorted to getting Swift to go in there and give it a scare if it starts lashing out at the walls or roof of the enclosed pen. It's not a long term solution though. I'll bring you to him."

With that, the man turned around and led the way to the the back of the house. At the back of the house, there was a large green field with a shed in the middle. Spread out throughout the field, there was a large number of enclosed, spacious pens spread throughout the field, with a variety of beasts in different pens. The man, Bob led the way towards the left of the field, towards one pen that was separated from the rest, with an esky in front of it. The land the pen was on and the land in a perimeter around it was desolate, devoid of grass, and roars kept echoing from the pen. Inside it, there was a miniature black dragon with purple eyes, with it's height halfway up to his knees, glaring at them as they approached.

When they reached the pen, Bob glared at the dragon and made a punching gesture at the baby dragon. The dragon took a step back, slightly cowering, before straightening up and answering with another roar, however, this one was at a lower intensity then the previous ones, then remaining silent. Bob then turned to Jaime and said "Your up kiddo. The meat to feed it is in the esky. Good luck."

Jaime took a deep breath and said "Thanks..Before I start, can you tell me anything about it?"

Bob nodded. "These dragons are carnivorous, and they are aloof. Usually, you can only see two adults together if they have mated, and the male and female only stick around together until the offspring have hatched and reach a certain age before leaving each other. This baby dragon in particular watched it's parents and siblings get slaughtered by a large flock of Black Beaked Pterodactyl's. We arrived at the end and finished the flock off, so you could say it is traumatized. Beyond that, we don't know much. Only baby Black Dragons have been contracted thus far that we know off. The adults captured have ended up killing themselves when they knew they were captured to be bonded with humans. It's impossible to make it bond a human by force."

"What's it's strength?"

"Stage 1 still. I think it will reach stage 2 in about a month."

"How did the others bond a baby Black Dragon?"

"Only one person was willing to share. Apparently, he visited the nest when the adults where elsewhere and the baby was along, before feeding it exotic meats. He talked to it about other places he went to, and the terrifying fights he had been in. Six months after continually approaching the dragon, the dragon went up to him and initiated the bond."

Jaime took a deep breath. "Okay. Wish me luck."

Jaime reached into the esky, and pulled out slab of meat. He then opened the gate of the pen, and walked inside. Once inside, the dragon started roaring. Jaime stopped, then stooped down, and held his hands forward in a placating manner while approaching slowly, transmitting via his soul, saying "easy, I don't mean you any ha..."

The baby Black Dragon's mouth opened, and an ember spat out of it's mouth and headed towards Jaime. He quickly dived towards the side and got up. The baby Black Dragon continued to watch him warily. Jaime next tried sitting down at the edge of the pen, and waving the meat at the Black Dragon in an enticing manner for thirty minutes, while occasionally showing images of the Dragon approaching and eating it with relish. The baby Black Dragon just ignored him.

Jaime then tried occasionally sending it images of the video footage he had seen brief instances with large breaks in between to conserve his energy for another thirty minutes, but still got no response from the baby Black Dragon. Jaime sighed, laying down flat in the pen, feeling like an idiot. Eve transmitted to him "Can you ask Bob if I can have some of that meat? It looks delicious."

With that, Jaime had an idea. He transmitted to Eve "Eve, come in the pen slowly. Let's see if it has any reaction to you getting closer."

"And get burnt to a crisp? Hell no."

"Please. I'll give you some of the meat if you do."


With that, Eve slowly walked in the pen, watching the Black Dragon warily. Seeing it had no reaction, Eve became emboldened, running up to Jaime, with her tail wagging, while transiting to Jaime "MEAT. MEAT."

Jaime tossed the meat to Eve while watching the Baby Dragon out of the corner of his eye. He noticed it raised it's head slightly to look at Eve eat the meat. Jaime transmitted to Eve "I'll give you another piece of meat. I want you to walk halfway to the dragon, and drop the meat, before returning. "

Eve huffed at that, then transmitted back"No. Hell no."

Jaime grinned and said out loud. "Eve, it's only stage 1, the same as you. Are you afraid of it?"

As he spoke, he kept an eye on the Dragon, and noticed it's tail twitched as he said that.

Eve growled, then transmitted "Fine."

Jaime then slowly got up, and walked slowly towards the Esky outside the pen. He got another piece of meat from the esky, then held his hand holding the meat out through the gate to Eve. She bit it, then cautiously walked up to the dragon keeping an eye on it's movements. Seeing it unresponsive, she continued, and dropped the meat when she reached halfway, then walked back outside. When Eve had walked halfway towards the exit, the dragon moved forward to the slab of meat and gulped it down, before moving halfway back and looking at Eve.

Jaime rubbed Eve affectionately and said out loud "Eve, do it again."

Eve ferried the meat twice, with Jaime deliberately patting Eve and holding her close each time she returned. On the third attempt, the Dragon didn't bother moving away from the center. Eve cautiously approached the dragon and dropped the meat in front of it, before backing away. Almost as soon as the meat touched the ground, the dragon bit into it, tearing it apart before gulping it down. It then walked away to the back of the pen, lay down, and closed it's eyes.

After Eve exited the pen, Bob closed the gates, saying "Impressive. It usually only eats when I walk away. How did you do that?"

Jaime grinned, then said "I provoked it, when I said out loud that Eve was the same stage as it. From what you mentioned, I think it's scared of humans and pretty much everything to do with us, but I think Black Dragons generally love fighting, and are probably arrogant of their strength. Eve is half his height, and at the same stage. Next, I would ask you a favor Bob. I would like to ask if I could crash here for awhile, and take over feeding this dragon. I'll get Eve to feed it, while cuddling her in plain sight of the dragon, while slowly closing the distance with the dragon. Then, when it's comfortable with me, I'll do what the person you mentioned did, to get the dragon to initiate a bond with me."