
Battle Royal : i select the technology upgrade system

Luke at the age of 30 realized that he was a bored otaku: video games, novels, manga, anime ... there was not a single subject where he had nothing to say . he wasn't really lacking anything since he was also a scanner translator and made a lot of money. He had delivered all the games he was interested in and the sequel to his favorite manga was only coming out in a week and everything else was just copy paste of things he had seen. that's when he got a strange message while surfing the internet to pass the time he thought it was a stupid ad and clicked yes because he had nothing to do then swishhh he got sucked into his computer

Steve_Mekam · Games
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7 Chs

A Special Celebration

Three years had passed since Luke Reynard's rebirth in the world of Titanomachia, and his third birthday was approaching. In the grandeur of Reynard Manor, located in the heart of the Mogra continent, preparations were underway for a celebration befitting the son of a duke.

The halls of the manor were adorned with exquisite decorations, and the fragrance of exquisite cuisine wafted through the air. Luke's parents, Duke and Duchess Reynard, were meticulously overseeing the arrangements to ensure the celebration was nothing short of spectacular. Silk banners in shades of deep blue and gold fluttered from the walls, lending an air of regal elegance to the scene. Crystal chandeliers cast a soft glow, their reflections dancing on the polished marble floor.

Inside a lavishly decorated room, Luke's parents were accompanied by their closest advisors and attendants. The atmosphere was one of bustling excitement as the final touches were being added to the evening's festivities. Gowns of fine silk and attire adorned with intricate embroidery showcased the affluence of the attendees.

As they finalized the preparations, Duchess Reynard's voice rang out with warmth. "Our dear Luke's third birthday is upon us. It's a momentous occasion."

The Duke nodded in agreement. "Indeed, my love. Our son has brought so much light and joy into our lives."

As the guests exchanged smiles and shared their fondness for the young Duke, the grand doors swung open, revealing a trio of figures. Sarah, her red hair shimmering like fire, and Thomas, with his scholarly demeanor, entered with gifts in hand.

"Happy birthday, Duke Luke!" Sarah's voice resonated with excitement as she presented him with a beautifully crafted bow. The gift gleamed with intricate engravings, the wood polished to perfection. Her gown, a rich crimson that complemented her hair, flowed gracefully as she moved.

Luke's eyes lit up as he accepted the gift. "Thank you, Sarah! This is amazing!"

Thomas offered a warm smile, holding out an intricately designed quiver. "Happy birthday, Duke Luke. I thought this quiver might complement your new bow." His attire, a deep blue ensemble accented with a silver brooch, carried an air of scholarly refinement.

Luke examined the quiver with admiration. It was adorned with delicate patterns reminiscent of intertwined vines. "Thomas, this is perfect! Thank you."

Amid the celebration, Duke Reynard's voice resonated once more, commanding the attention of all present. "As we gather to celebrate this special day, let us also reflect upon the growth and resilience Duke Luke has shown. His journey is only just beginning."

Duchess Reynard's gaze held a blend of pride and tenderness. "Our son, you carry a legacy of honor and strength. With each passing day, you pave a remarkable path in this world."

The candles on the grand cake were ignited, casting a warm glow across the room. Luke closed his eyes, his heart filled with aspirations and gratitude. With a deep breath, he exhaled, extinguishing the candles amid applause and jubilant cheers.

The sumptuous feast commenced, accompanied by laughter and storytelling. In the midst of the festivities, Luke cherished the genuine connections he had formed with his friends and family in Reynard Manor. The conversations flowed freely, punctuated by bursts of laughter and shared memories.

Sarah's laughter rang out as she recounted tales of her own childhood escapades. "You wouldn't believe the time I tried to sneak into the castle's kitchen to get a taste of the royal desserts. It was a disaster!"

Thomas interjected with a playful grin. "Oh, and I suppose you've outgrown such misadventures now?"

Sarah shot him a mock glare. "You'd be surprised, Thomas. Some things never change."

As the night grew darker, Luke found a moment of reflection by a towering window. The stars twinkled in the night sky, casting their radiance upon the vast estate. He contemplated the journey that had brought him to this moment, pondering the passage of time and the purpose he sought in this world.

Despite the grandeur of his surroundings, Luke had grown accustomed to the solitude that accompanied his noble status. In a world where children matured and developed at an accelerated rate, he found himself in a unique position, mentally ahead of his physical age.

Luke's thoughts turned to his friends, Sarah and Thomas, who had seamlessly integrated into his life. Their introduction had been unorthodox, yet they had become the foundation of his existence in this new world.


Sarah's effervescence had caught his attention during a brief encounter in the city. "Hey, you're that boy from the courtyard, right?" she had asked with a grin.

Luke had nodded, intrigued by her boldness. "Yes, I am. And you are?"

"Sarah! Daughter of Duke Fairwind. But you can just call me Sarah. You looked pretty serious back there. Why don't you come play with us?" she had suggested, gesturing toward a group of children.

Luke had been taken aback by her invitation. He had grown accustomed to the formalities of his status and hadn't expected such an open approach. A hesitant smile had tugged at his lips. "Play? I don't usually..."

"Come on!" Sarah's enthusiasm was infectious. "We're playing tag. It's so much fun! And don't worry, everyone's welcome."

With a mix of curiosity and a longing for connection, Luke had agreed. As they joined the game, he found himself laughing and running freely, caught up in the thrill of the moment. Sarah's laughter had resonated beside him, and he realized that he hadn't felt this carefree in a long time.

Their bond had deepened over time as they shared stories, explored

the city's nooks and crannies, and discovered hidden gems together. Sarah's vivacious spirit and fearlessness had ignited something within Luke, reminding him that he was more than just the heir to a title—he was also a child who deserved moments of pure joy.


Thomas had become an essential part of his life when they crossed paths in the City's extensive library. Their shared love for knowledge and exploration had formed a deep bond between them.

Luke had been browsing through a selection of books when Thomas approached him, his eyes alight with curiosity. "Fascinating choices you've got there. Anything you're particularly interested in?"

Luke had smiled, appreciating the genuine interest. "History and strategy. How about you?"

Thomas had chuckled. "Pretty much the same. I've been trying to decipher this ancient text about tactics. It's a puzzle, but I think I'm getting closer."

Their conversation had flowed naturally, and they had soon delved into discussions about history, tactics, and the mysteries of the world. Over time, they had become each other's confidants, sharing their dreams and aspirations without reservation.

As their friendship grew stronger, they had embarked on various quests for knowledge, seeking out ancient ruins and deciphering inscriptions. Their shared determination and intellectual curiosity had solidified their bond, and Luke found in Thomas a kindred spirit—one who shared his desire to uncover the secrets of the world.


Even though magic was inaccessible to Luke until the age of seven, his determination to learn and train had not wavered. Recognizing the importance of physical prowess, he had taken up archery, honing his skills under the guidance of the finest archer in the Dukedom.

Additionally, he had incorporated rigorous fitness routines into his daily regimen, enhancing his strength and agility. Luke was committed to cultivating his body and mind, determined to excel in every aspect of his life.

As the night wore on, and the revelries subsided, Luke exchanged farewells with his friends. Their camaraderie and support had become integral to his journey, grounding him in the face of uncertainty.

Within his opulent chamber, Luke settled into a plush chair, his gaze fixed on the starlit sky beyond the window. The stillness of the night offered a canvas for introspection, reminding him of the distance he had traversed and the path that lay ahead.

The years had flown by, each one marked by growth, discovery, and transformation. As he closed his eyes, sleep embraced him, carrying him into dreams that mirrored his reality—a world of limitless potential and profound connections.

The grandeur of the celebration was a testament to the legacy that Duke Luke was destined to carry. Amid the opulent setting, the bonds he had formed with Sarah and Thomas, along with his commitment to personal growth, shone as beacons of purpose. As he drifted into slumber, he carried with him the promise of dawn—a new day in a world brimming with opportunities and friendships.