
Battle of Yogyakarta [HIATUS]

When we're trying to chase Rovoletsky, Morozefa came and shoot my teammate. I suddenly aim my gun at Morozefa while he's trying to clean his pistol. "Good afternoon Morozefa, or... rather the perpetrator of this attack?" "Your guts are big huh... but... do you know who the real culprit is? Captain Fatih?" "What do you mean?!" "Relax.. this is a secret between two of us, fellow soldiers who defend their country. I will tell you who is the person behind this bullshit." I was surprised when I heard Mr. M's words, but i didn't trust him so quickly. " Tch.. tell me your reason!" "Of course...." Curious about the continuation? Check it out and read the story! Note: This story uses real life location, you can find it on Maps.

0ttobeuren · War
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21 Chs

Third Party

Hawaii, USA-09.00 HST (Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone)-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

"So... what happens when you leave the frontline?"

"I disguise as Chechen militant, get inside their base, convincing them to covert as Russian soldier so that they can escape. I only get ten people, so I think to split our team. 5 people follow me, and the rest retreat as injured soldiers."

"So, five people that open the barrier is Chechen militant."


"After open that thing, you leave us? Without any hesitation or something?!"

"Uh... y... yeah."

"Do you know how desperate I am?! Getting stuck in a dangerous position and bombarded by your ally, as well as others. Huh??!!"

"Well... I didn't know that."

"You son of a bitch."

"Oi! What's wrong with you?!"

"Nothing. Let's move onto the second discussion. Why your army tries to attack Indonesia."

"Excuse me, but what army?"

"Your army from Rebellion V, more than 2500 soldiers are attacking Yogyakarta and this shit making a lot of problem to us."

"First off, Rebellion V isn't my organization. My organization is 'The Movement', which is in Berlin. Also, I don't know anything related to that Rebellion V organization."

"What the actual fuck?"

"Yeah. Wait, where is M?"


At the same time, a massive explosion happens in the next room. Push both of us to run in two nearby but different hallways. Both of us asked each other who is the traitor while running in the hallway. But it seems like M was the only traitor in there.

"What should we do now?!"

"We will separate, but I need you to receive this." While giving it to me.

"What is this, Morozefa??"

"Find what's inside that paper!! I need you to do it! Alone!! We don't have much time!! I'll arrange another meeting for you."

"Alright! Let's separate!"

"See you again, partner!"

Morozefa and I ran in different ways from each other. This meant to avoid any police and military detection. The explosion that happen didn't intend to target us. But a chemical bunker that located under our meeting room. I successfully escape and meet my team at the harbor. The next day, a massive chemical leak was broadcast around the world. The American military stated that this happens because of a broken security system. But in the reality, this happens due to massive explosions and was suspected of a terrorist attack.

The Hawaiian government must closed the island when the U.S. Army tried to clean the mess. Tons of people must be evacuated before the radiation spreads over. Now, the main island is closed for everyone except the military. This situation will happen longer because of how dangerous this chemical is.

Hawaii, USA-07.00 HST-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

We are currently at Lahaina/Maui Island, the second biggest island in Hawaii. Inside a safe house provided by my old friend from FSB.

"Captain, you good?"

"Yeah. What happens?"

"Nothing, just want to make sure. What's inside that paper?"

"This? Just a note from HQ."

"Oh, ok then."

Inside the paper that Morozefa gave, there's a word 'Novaya Zemlya Kampf' written in there. Novaya Zemlya is an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean north of Russia and the extreme north-eastern point of Europe at Cape Zhelaniya. The islands were administered, by Arkhangelsk Oblast under the name the Novaya Zemlya Island Territory. The population is approximately 2,716 by the 2002 census. 2,622 people live in Belushya Guba, a city-type settlement that is the administrative center of Novaya Zemlya District.

Novaya Zemlya Kampf itself is a concentration camp north of Belushya Guba. That place has been abandoned since 1954, leaving a lot of debris at the ruins. But the tools and interior of the building are still intact. I think I didn't have any sort of old memory in there. That's why I questioned what Morozefa gave to me.

As for right now, the high command directs us to help the CIA catch the perpetrator. The High command does this to ensure our operation went smoothly and prevent a further investigation from any spy/intelligence association. This clearly will open what we're doing to the Americans and change our playstyle in the future.

Those CIA people came to us two days after the incident. We tried our best to explain to them while covering the operation. The investigation and the cleanup are done five days after the incident. Black Ops team take back to Indonesia for re-briefing and delayed due to this incident. Before going to Indonesia, I decided to do something in Russia.

Novaya Zemlya Kampf, Russia-09.00 MSK-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

I'm at the ruins, searching for clues and information from Morozefa's message. So far, I got an old tape from local people who work as a keeper and know the history of this place. I was wandering around the different areas while suddenly seeing someone. I quickly hide and try to hear what he's saying.

"It doesn't look good. I must find it before the authority came here. But where do I hide those things??"

I was confused about his mumbling. Those things? I think it was an old tape that I got before from that guy. He must be cleaning the ruins and not realize that it was his stuff.

"Damn it!! I gotta go back now, fuck this place!"

When he left the place, some people with the military outfit and the keeper came to do a digging? I don't understand the entire thing that happens today. But I kept hiding in the place to know what they doing.

Novaya Zemlya Kampf, Russia-05.00 MSK-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

I waited a whole day to see what stuff they got. Turns out it was an old nuclear shell without active radiation.

"Спасибо, что помогли нам. Я заплачу вам, как обычно."

(Thank you for helping us. I'll pay you, as usual.)

"Без проблем, сэр."

(No problem, sir.)

Wait, isn't that Solovetsky? What did he do here?! I must know his activities from Alexei. I'll call him later.

Two hours passed, Solovetsky has done doing his nuclear shell business. He already left the spot, remaining me and the keeper itself. I quickly ran and snap his neck, making him unconscious. I search for what is left and then proceed to call Alexei.

"Алексей! Объясните мне, что делает Соловецкий в "Новой земле"?!"

(Alexei! Explain to me, what Solovetsky is doing in "Novaya Zemlya"?!)

"Что вы имеете в виду? Соловецкий все это время находится в своем кабинете!"

(What do you mean? Solovetsky is in his office for the whole time!)

"Then who the fuck am I seeing?! He's Solovetsky! I can identify him even he didn't notice or see me! Check your CCTV! He's on the FSB list so he'll know someone watching him."

"Alright, I'll check it. What is he doing in there?"

"He rent some people to take an old nuclear shell."


"Yeah. That's why I doubting."

"All of the nuclear shells included the uranium, have been kept on Bunker G-42. I didn't see any nuclear digging since 1950. Why did he know about this?"

"Investigate it. I'll be doing other stuff before checking his purpose."

"Alright then."