
The Beginning

Is it happy or unhappy to live with a mission?

I do not know the answer, but I can only say follow.

My life is mine. I decide the purpose of my life myself, and I don't want to run doubtless on rails that someone would have placed.

Because, everyone was so. The six periods I have seen, the six universe were completely different laws, respectively, but only the underlying pride was consistently the same.

I think, so I am, I am like this, when I am like this, shout out with a whole body.

To find my way of life, to believe in it, and to live through it.

That is a life, it is the world. It is a Mangekyou called Tengoku which draws the colors that each person has.

People have a history and drama. Regardless of status or power, everyone is yourself. The Protagonist of the story called life...

That's why I thought that I should be there.

In this place with nothing, all alone, eternally watching other's drama, I began to think of my own drama.

Because I wanted to become a Protagonist who could hold my head high.

For the sake of the future, I will try to rediscover the process again.

The first era was a tragedy. At that time I was just born and did not know anything, but I can tell you that it was a rather disgusting world even in the past.

First of all, people are simply too dead. Two opposing forces constantly fight and wash the blood with blood. The war has not ended for tens of thousands of years.

Black and white Kill each other repeat on the universe scale.

I am calling on this era with good and evil two yuan, but of course there is no deep meaning.

It was an era where scholars didn't think on what was good or evil. It was just how two opposite and irreconcilable forces called each others, so I'm just calling them like that as well.

However, as a trend, the people who claim good are wild and dangerous. Appearance was miserable, dirty, the heart was painted on hatred and grudge.

Enemies and myself also destroyed, leaving only a curse afterwards. Compared to such a good side, the evil was beautiful and brilliant.

A dazzling, beautiful girl and woman smiles gracefully and acts on its own. Whether to slaughter hundreds of millions of people. Although stars that eat stars can produce demons, they do not have evil dust.

Seven demons who reigned at the apex of evil were consistently gorgeous, although they were called by a ruin workshop, a murder princess, or a swordy nickname.

He laughs as hard as a rogue and gets angry as good as a friend of justice. In such a time, it was such a law.

I understand that it is hard sarcasm, so this starting world is nasty.

From birth, I was the only impolite and irresponsible spectator.

In a place where you can see all over, only one person, a movie called a drama of others was vaguely "I was just looking at me.

I will never forget the day when I was caught in the play by the person in the play for the first time.

I do not want to call that a teacher, but he was strong enough to be terrible.

Daeva "Die. Die! Who said it was okay to breathe ?!"

It was the beginning of the era, a group of people who said good. "But, he was clearly heterogeneous among them.

Murderous intent is different. Rage is Evil. Grudge is different. The curse of the back curse was different.

It is true that the good people were generally catastrophic, but he was completely overwhelmed.

No, I may say that He had nothing but grudge.

And continued fighting only with the grudge as a weapon.

Even though he had so many higher ranked enemies and allies, he would always dive into the worst carnage all alone.

That's stupid. Funny. It is crazy.

The feeling I had for the first time was amazement and despair against him, but it was changed to startle at the next moment.

Daeva "Where is evil, where are the scums? I will destroy every single one!"

He will not die. He will not lose. Survive in how much desperate circumstances, and kill.

Twisting the reasons, beyond humanity... literally a sword with one sword, attacking up to the area of ​​God Hell of the Netherworld.

Even if all six eras are combined, no one has kept fighting and killing as much as him.

Beaten, hollowed out, Hewed up, beaten, reflected, hacked.

The amount of blood that you shed and the amount of the blood you bathed does not tolerate anything else.

While watching the opponent's eyes, listening to the fallen deaf.... Despite existing one universe ..

Daeva "If it is not good, well enough, I will be evil that eats evil."

Daeva does not hold any shame or regret.

Mithra "Stand alone in the wilderness of killing ...? It's the ultimate of Martial arts."

Mithra "I am pleased that a man like you was born under the law of transformation."

Mithra "Now let's go over. Next is your turn."

Then the era of beginning came to an end.

The man who killed the god and robbed the Heaven became the second generation god.

The name is Daeva. His law is consolidated into that single word.

Daeva "My inheritance, those who were born in the garden of my fallen, do not be ashamed, do not regret. Daeva"

Daeva "Living with sin and punishment, it is a person."

The era of Daeva is evil paradise that eats evil. In short it was chaotic.

Every life holds the work of original sin and lives in the punishment difficulty.

There is no such thing as a good person in this world, a weak cookery that enrages others for profit and pleasure. Power is justice, no one will refuse.

The world where bared desires are affirmed prompts the development of civilization, and the new crimes born in proportion are repeated.

Like fertile fruits, burning while releasing a sweet odor was like hellishness, but it was also an attractive paradise.

Indeed, in comparison with the beginning era, there would have been a lot of smiles in the world with vitality. Because there is no shame or regret, I do not want to mourn.

If power is justice, it is a fun time for those with power. Even a stronger guy gets to do it, but it is normal to divide it.

Because it is a kind, a world that was in a bad mood, the annoyance of those who were torn up was like a festival and it was lively.

As Daeva himself said, it may be that it is human. And why should I say that?

As the birth of Daeva from the work of War, the next man was born from the work of people who end the desire. A man who took a skyscraper of science and technology that was extremely glorious and challenged the battle literally in heaven.