
The God of Sin

Lucifer "Purification of sin, I will live for that"

Lucifer "Let's wipe away all the contamination from this Universe. "

The man was furious. Like Daeva once, he pledged to extinct the evil.

The Father the Chile, he would. That spirituality which was too similar was obliged to let me feel that parent and child's cause was the cause.

Of course, it is not really blood relations. But God is both a father and a mother of all things.

As all the universe is part of God, this guy is also part of Daeva and must be a child of Daeva.

In that sense, it was this guy who is the strongest and succeeded to the father's soul.

Lucifer "Stupid, God, your law is mistaken"

Lucifer "In this broken world, mistakes will have to be rectified"

The natural original sin he born is arrogant.

Throughout the Heaven and Earth, you are absolutely right, absolutely correct.

I will show you anything to prove it. I am not ashamed. I regret. There is no such thing as apologizing words.

Because I am right. Because I believe only my own law.

Daeva massless that it is so arrogant as to surrender even insanity to the Shinto.

Lucifer "Let us create a life like life without sin, no impure, new snow"

Lucifer "It's just like God's work, there is no problem, the heavenly people are weaving"

Lucifer "I am better for Tengoku God"

He manipulated the biological weapons created by himself, and made a great destruction called the Dai-Hakai-Tengou-Dou. That is exactly the task of evil that eats evil.

Daeva, who was a warrior, destroyed the universe with a single sword, but he tried to indirectly make use of weapons.

But essentially it does not change. It is only a difference that it is skill or intelligence to execute.

So, these two people were really alike.

Daeva "Welcome, Morningstar · Lucifer. I know a lot about you."

Daeva "I am Daeva, I am your Father."

Lucifer · · · ... Daeva was laughing with joyfully for the man who had become the third generation god later.

As if to say that I was waiting for this time.

Daeva "Would you like to rectify the world that is undaunted, forgive those who are sinful, they will purge all evil and rare good horizons?"

Daeva "Every time you exclude waste, you also become stained with blood. When eventually creating a world of pure white, you are the ultimate pollution that you remain at last. "

Daeva "If it is a chain of sin and punishment, what would you do?"

Daeva "Why is that profitable head?"

Daeva "Embrace the same ideals as mine, build a different horizon from me, because you are the only paradise that is you"

Daeva "Show me, next time it's your turn."

Daeva tried to put an end to the struggle of right and Evil continued from the beginning of the era by erasing the last pollution which it was himself.

Never shake, a strong and rugged man anywhere.

The oath of sweeping evil does not change for the whole lifetime, if it says even more, it is undefeated for a lifetime.

Lucifer "If so, I would like to dismiss you in my way"

Lucifer "No way it is not cowardly, Father?"

If Daeva is the ultimate martial artist, Lucifer is the ultimate in knowledge. Warriors and scholars have a different fighting field in the first place.

In that sense, Daeva was invincible until the very end with his own soldier. There is only he who has finished his life without being defeated even throughout the entire era.

However, in front of the villain who kept hating for many years, I realized the Throne immediately that I could not win by fighting. Lucifer is also extraordinary.

This guy who had thorough rationality and the right to streamline efficiency did not have any useless nature or pride.

The metaphor of being like a machine may be a standard, but I think that Lucifer was the most inhuman in the past.

So Lucifer who became the God of the Third Generation of also called Morning Star.

Like a phenomenon telling morning and night. A man who changed himself into a huge system creates a pure white world without impurities.

Lucifer "Every evil comes from ignorance"

Lucifer "Do not know will frighten you and run it for a foolish act, so please share it for us"

Lucifer "There is no difference between self and others, all is one thing, one is full."

Lucifer "Bend yourself, pure white of salt."

How should we describe the world of Morning Star? If it says strongly, it is a group society, a dystopia named heaven.

All evil comes from ignorance. Because I do not understand, I am afraid, because I am afraid I commit a crime.

I do not intend to disagree with that argument, but in terms of what to do, Morning Star's answer was frighteningly succinct.

Exclusion of. Disappearance of our intention. The point is, it has erased all individual differences.

Appearance, thoughts, everything.

I am myself, you are you. Because it is another person, there is a difference and I do not know what they are thinking.

I concluded that "I do not know" is a problem, purification of Morning Star began.

What I can not exclude from talking about him is purity and rationality to the Shinto. As I said, the spirit of emphasis on efficiency that dislikes any waste does not exist as mechanical and emotional.

I am you, you are me. If everyone is me, there is no conflict ... ... may be true, but usually nobody does that.

That's why Morning Star was a Godish God.

It is most faithful to the act of dyeing all of the universe into his own color. I myself am a law, myself is Jigoku.

After all it was an arrogant man anywhere, it was unrelated to the end to the subtlety of humanity.

The campaign of colonization of all living things was carried out step by step, but it was only concerned about reaction against the sudden change of one shot.

Just like a computer that repeats updates. It is the result of continuing to paint an endless picture of pure white.

As the word is that fish can not live if the water is too beautiful. The world of Morning Star was exactly that, it was a salt prison itself with intense bactericidal effect.