
Battle For The Crown

Sebastian Delaville. Half Demon and Half Angel. Born from the passion between a Demon King and an Angel. Being the illegitimate son and rightful heir to the throne of Duville, he must go on a quest with his three step brothers to find the horn of the mythical unicorn. The survivor of this quest gets the crown to the Kingdom of Duville. King Cyrus is faced with the burden of choosing one of his sons to succeed him and now he is faced with a greater trial when he discovers that his first mistress bore a son for him twenty five years ago. This illegitimate son, Sebastian is the true heir to the throne but his other sons, born to him by his queens and filled with so much hate for one another will never let what they call an atrocity to occur. They are set to end Sebastian's life because he suddenly becomes a threat to the crown. King Cyrus has no choice but to declare a battle for the crown. Each of his sons will go on a far away perilous journey to unearth the horn of the mythical unicorn. Whoever succeeds this quest becomes the next King of Duville. Sebastian is determined to win this quest and claim his rightful throne. Fate directs him to meet and fall in love with Aurora, an angel he met a long time ago. She alone can help him succeed in his quest. Along the line, he unfolds the mystery surrounding his mothers death and traces it to the castle. Now he won't rest until he has avenged his mother's death and wiped out every last one of the murderers responsible. With the thirst for vengeance flowing through him, Sebastian's demon side slowly takes over. Friends become enemies. Vicious secrets are revealed and the love between him and Aurora is threatened. In a Kingdom where no one can be trusted, where many wants him dead, can he succeed? Can the love between an Angel and a Demon conquer all obstacles? Author:BellaCupid Email:cupidofafrica@gmail.com Instagram:bellacupid17 BellaCupid

BellaCupid · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 25

Beatrice looked at Evaleen disapprovingly. It hurt her that Evaleen still couldn't bring herself to tell her son the whole truth. She wished she could tell Sebastian herself but telling him would only cause a rift in his relationship with his mother. Sebastian would never forgive Evaleen if she told him the truth herself. And she didn't want that. So she remained quiet, while she let her disapproval show in her eyes.

Sebastian on the other hand stared at his mother disbelievingly. She just lied to him, something she had never done. Or had she? He couldn't say for sure. She surely had a reason for not telling him the cause of his wounds. Was she hiding other things from him as well? He had so many questions but he couldn't ask because he knew his mother was obviously hiding something from him. If she didn't want to tell him about the wings he had, it also meant she knew what he was. And it made him question himself if his mother had also lied to him about the scars on her back. Was she ashamed to let him know about it? He needed answers and it seemed she was the only one that had the answers he needed.

He was about to tell her he knew about the wings he had and that he knew he was an Angel when Aurora's words came back to him.

'Do not speak of what you saw'

He closed his mouth. He couldn't tell her about it. He couldn't let Beatrice or Nicklaus know about the existence of the Angels. Or the demons. Since his mother knew already, he wouldn't let her know he knew about them. Maybe she was just trying to keep the existence of the Angels secret. Maybe that was why she didn't want to tell him. He didn't know, he could only assume. And with time, he would find out if his mother was hiding anything else from him. Before then, he could only hope to meet the beautiful Angel he saw. Maybe Aurora would tell him more about what he was.

"It must have been terrible for you mother",he said and took Evaleen's hand in his.

Evaleen let out the breathe she had been holding. She smiled a genuine smile and squeezed his hand softly.

"It was terrible darling",she said. "You were bleeding so much. I had to drag you home because I couldn't leave you out there all alone".

Sebastian smiled at her. It hurt him that his mother was literally lying to him. He could only hope she had a good reason for it.

"Well the wound is healed already",he said. "I will be heading out soon".

"Really? Why?",Evaleen asked.

"I can't stay home all day mother",Sebastian said. "I just want to take a walk around the woodlands. I might see someone who needs a worker".

"I told you Sebastian",Evaleen said. "You don't have to work. We're doing fine with the little I earn".

"We can't keep living on your earnings forever mother",Sebastian complained. "Someday I'm going to get married and start a life. I have to begin now".

"Evaleen",Beatrice said. "You need to let him out more. He's a man now. You can't keep locking him up inside".

There was anger in her voice and Evaleen knew why. Beatrice wanted Sebastian to know the truth at all cost. But she just couldn't do it.

"Alright",she said. "But don't stay out too late. I want you back before supper".

"I'll be early",Sebastian said and got up. He walked round the table and placed a kiss on his mother's cheek. Then he turned to Nicklaus.

"You're coming with me Redhead",he said with a grin.

"Hey I'm older than you",Nicklaus said and pretended to be offended.

"But I'm smarter",Sebastian said and walked back to his room.

"I thought we were stepping out",Nicklaus said behind him.

"We are. I just want to get something",Sebastian said and pulled Nicklaus into the room, shutting the door behind him.

Evaleen was left in the living room with Beatrice. The atmosphere was a bit awkward.

"Beatrice I..."

"Evaleen stop",Beatrice cut her short with a hand held up. "Just stop. If you think you're doing the best thing by keeping this secret from your son, that's your business now. I don't want to hear anymore about it".

"Beatrice please, you don't understand", Evaleen pleaded. "I... I just couldn't..."

"You just couldn't tell him?",Beatrice said. "Mark my words Evaleen. If Sebastian should find out from someone else that he's the King's son and that you knew all along, he would never forgive you". Having said what was on her mind, she picked up her shawl and got up.

"Where are you going?",Evaleen asked.

"I'm heading towards Hanna's house",Beatrice said crisply. She was obviously still unhappy with Evaleen. "I haven't seen her in two days now. She could be ill".

"Let me come with you",Evaleen said, trying to lightens her friend's upset mood.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay back and wait for Sebastian to return?",Beatrice asked sarcastically.

Evaleen knew Beatrice was just upset so she made no comment. She grabbed her shawl and both women went out.

Back in Sebastian's room, Nicklaus sat on the bed and waited for Sebastian to get whatever he wanted. But Sebastian only stood in the middle of the room, staring at the mirror.

"Take what you need and let's go",Nicklaus said.

"Why did you lie Nicklaus?",Sebastian asked suddenly.

Nicklaus felt his heart slam against his chest. He looked up at Sebastian, knowing what he meant but pretending not to know.

"What are you talking about?",he asked pretentiously.

Sebastian didn't answer. Instead he turned around and Nicklaus shot out of the bed in shock.

Sebastian's eyes were changing. They moved slowly from turquoise to bright emerald. His fangs elongated until it touched the sides of his lower lip. His back hunched and two powerful black wings emerged from his back, standing high behind him.

Nicklaus was simply speechless. When Evaleen had described the transformation, he hadn't paid much attention to it. Now to witness it with his own eyes was so shocking and heart shaking that he took a step back in fear. In the space of a few seconds, Sebastian had transformed into a creature he had never seen in his entire life. Was this what they called a Demon? It was terrifying, to say the least.

"Sebastian...?",he stuttered fearfully.

"I'm not going to hurt you Nicklaus",Sebastian said. His voice had transformed too, going from the smooth deep sound to a hard, grating voice. "I just want to know why you lied. You knew what happened yesterday. My mother told you and aunt Beatrice. Why didn't you tell me?".

"I... I didn't...your mother didn't want you to find out",Nicklaus said.

"WHY?",Sebastian barked angrily. Nicklaus flinched at the harsh tone, taking another step back.

Sebastian cursed softly and focused. He slowly transformed back, his wings shrinking until they merged with his skin and his claws disappeared. His fangs shortened and his eyes were turquoise again.

"Why doesn't she want me to know?",he asked more softly this time.

"I don't know Sebastian",Nicklaus said with his bowed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't mean to lie. Your mother said she would be the one to tell you. I couldn't go around her and tell you now, could I?".

"Does aunt Beatrice knows?"

"She does",Nicklaus said.

"Did my mother say anything about her being an Angel?".

Nicklaus frowned. "No she didn't. She was only concerned about you".

"Did she talk about why I'm like this?",Sebastian asked further. "I know I wasn't just born like this. Maybe my father was an Angel".

Nicklaus was literally sweating now. He didn't want to lie to his best friend, but he had no choice. And Sebastian thought he was an Angel. It would come as a shock when he would discover that he was a demon.

"She doesn't know why you're different",he said finally. He could only pray that Sebastian would never find out about the lies surrounding him. "She's worried too. That's why she didn't want you to know".

Sebastian was quiet for a while. He was in deep thoughts. Something strongly told him that his mother was keeping secrets from him. And he couldn't figure it out. There was only one way.

He had to find Aurora. She seemed to know what he was. She was an Angel after all. She was the only one who would give him the answers he needed.

"Don't tell my mother, or yours about this",he said. "They can't find out that I know about me being an Angel".

"I promise I won't",Nicklaus said. He was willing to do anything. Probably to allay the guilt he felt for keeping the truth from Sebastian. "What do you plan to do?".

"There's someone who can give me the answers I need",Sebastian said.


"You will know when you see her".

"Can't you just tell me who she is?"

"An Angel. Just like me",Sebastian said and Nicklaus mouth fell open in wonder.

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