
Battle Angel System (has been republished)

the year was 2056 and the world had changed drastically. machines were now a normal thing in life. some humans were now embodied with machines to improve themselves. but a low life girl was about to change this scene forever?

ikudehin_david · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Zain skylar

In the ruins of elite city laid a barren and deserted land, this once great city full of life was now brought to it's knees by the sudden evolution of the earth. A great amount of it's population were lost, followed by the addition of strange creatures never for once witnessed before.

"Has any of you been infected." The young man with blue hair asked, still driving the space car.

"No, we haven't." Mira was the first to speak, confirming none of them had been scratched by a zombie.

"Thanks for saving us." Atlanta softly uttered, causing the young blue haired man to look at her with a frown through the rear mirror. She didn't take it to heart seeing his frown, as she was just happy they'd all made it out alive without any harm.

"How did you find us?" Mira softly asked narrowing her eyes at this stranger. She was grateful, but Mira unlike Atlanta didn't trust this foreigner one bit. Normally she didn't expect any space car to still be active, as the earth evolution had powered them down.

Though they could still be repaired, but she doubted any one would have the time to be focused on a car rather than his own life.

And second reason she suspected him was how he found them, as they were basically out of the outskirts of elite city. She'd theorized most humans living her would have been killed by the earthquake, or worse turned into these mindless flesh eaters.

If any living in this area survived, she guessed they would've took to more safer grounds regrouping with the rest of the survivors of elite city.

"I can sense machines." The blue haired boy softly said, making the group's eye go wide a bit. The man seeing this wasn't bothered, in fact he didn't care at all seeing their shocked expression.

'Sense machines.. is that some kind of ability.' Atlanta wondered as she'd never heard of such, never in her history of abilities naming has she ever heard of such a weird ability. Glancing a bit she could see Mira wasn't shocked, no! instead she was the opposite as her eyes gleamed with excitement, staring at this young man with a lewd smile plastered on her lips.

"You're getting creepy again." Sole mumbled, seeing Mira suddenly to into her creepy nature once more.

"Sorry, my bad." Mira chuckled, raising her hands in defeat. Atlanta didn't know why, but she felt there was more to Mira's smile that met the eye which she couldn't place her finger on.

"You said you could sense machines, but there wasn't any machines at all." Atlanta coldly said, causing the man to look at her again through the rear view mirror. A frown planted on his face as he gazed at her, his expression serious like always.

"Wrong.. there was." He softly said, causing her to frown a bit raising a brow. She didn't know what he meant by what he said, as there was clearly no machines in the area at all.

'He's probably insane.' Shaking her head, she decided to let it go and focus on the task at hand which is surviving. Flying over the many tall buildings, Atlanta could see a few zombies lurking around mindlessly downwards. She couldn't see any signs of other humans or life forms, except for the mindless killing machines.

Flying a bit the hovering car then stopped at a tall building of about 5 feet, softly landing on the hard roof. Looking, Atlanta couldn't sense a trap as there was no one present on the rooftop.

"We shouldn't stop here, we need to keep on moving and find the rest of the humans." Atlanta said, annoyed by the fact that this arrogant man had decided to land on a building, it's grounds crawling with flesh eating zombies. The blue haired man then glanced at her a bit, scoffing before walking away out from the car.

"No." He softly said before exiting, leaving an annoyed Atlanta in the car.

"N-no~" Her eyes twitched slightly as she remembered his last words. She clenched her fist tightly, her blood was already boiling boiled more in anger.

"Calm down Atlanta." Sole's soft voice sounded in her ears as he held her hand, stopping her before she could do anything stupid.

"Your right, he's not worth it." She softly muttered having calmed down a bit. The group of three then exited the car, following behind this strange young man. In front they could see an iron door that proposedly led downwards, to the inside of the building.

"What is this place?" Atlanta asked seeing he didn't respond, she followed up with another question.

"What's you're name?" He still didn't respond, causing her annoyance to rise more. "You know even though you saved our lives I still don't trust you." Atlanta spoke, having finally gotten the attention of the man as he turned, staring at Atlanta with his lazy eyes.

"Don't you ever shut up?" He said making her eyes go wide a bit.

"Why you-" Mira and sole quickly held Atlanta back, before she would do anything that would jeopardize their miracle card.

"Calm down tiger.. I know he may be cocky and arrogant, but he might also be our best shot about learning more about this part of elite city." Mira said in a low tone.

"Fine.. Just tell him to watch his back." She coldly said, scoffing clicking her tongue as she folded her arms together. The strange young man with blue hair, then placed his hand to a biometric scanner besides the door.

It showed a green light going up and down his hand, after the scan the door then slid back opening revealing the sraircase going down. Not waiting the young man went down through the stairs, as the group followed behind cautiously.

They could see several cracks running along the walls, parts of the stairs were also partially destroyed and it looked like it would cave in any moment soon. Reaching down they could finally see the first, or the fourth if you counted from down up in front.

They could see a room not that large, but spacious that could contain about 30 people max. The room was seemingly empty, as only few items like broken chairs sofa's refrigerators etc laid here.

"Do you live here alone?" Mira suddenly asked, finally speaking after being silent for a while.

"No." He answered walking forward, and that's when they could see three more figures in front. Going closer they could see they were humans also male, chatting about some things as they then stopped noticing the group approaching.

Going closer Atlanta's eyes went wide a bit, seeing the group of three male as she clearly recognized them.

"Why did you bring her here?" Kaiser frowned, seeing Atlanta and the others behind her. They weren't the best of friends before Earth's evolution, and even now the situation was still the same.

"You wanted revenge right? Well here's your chance." Zain softly spoke with a lazy expression, walking over to where tippy and Jack where sitting on a rectangular table.

'How did they survive?' Atlanta wasn't monitoring them as she had other important things, but she'd guessed they were still in the resistance when the earth was evolving. She didn't know how, but somehow Mira with the others had managed to move all the members in the resistance, to the original resistance HQ.

"Haha! You're finally understanding what must be done." Kaiser smiled, the frown on his face contorting into a creepy smile as he darted his eyes at Atlanta.

"Y-you can't seriously be thinking about doing this now." Tippy stuttered a bit, but quickly received a slap to the head by Jack indicating he keeps his mouth shut.

"Now where were we.." Kaiser smiled cracking his knuckles, as in his hand was a gold sword with hints of black and blue running along it. Atlanta knew this sword was strange, as it was pulsating with energy.

"Look, I don't know what differences you had in the past but it's unwise to be stupid and make rash decisions." Mira spoke, annoyed by Kaiser's unwise choices. They had far more bigger problems at hand, but this stupid arrogant boy had chose to fight against his fellow race.

"Shut up!" Kaiser retorted with anger, a thin line of vein bulging on his forehead as his breathing had now gotten a bit rough. Rage lurking all over his face, as he tightly grabbed the short sword of 4 meters.

"You humiliated me, now it's time I repayed the favor." With that he dashed forward to Atlanta with speed, reaching her in a short time as he slashed his sword downwards at her. She could see his attacks as she dodged, shifting her body a bit to the side before sending out a fist to Kaiser.

'What?' The fist didn't pack that much of her strength, as she didn't intend to hurt Kaiser but it wasn't lacking in speed. Just as the fist inched closer to Kaiser's face, it looked like he wouldn't be able to dodge. but just at the last second his body shifted, appearing besides Atlanta a kick sent to her guts.

"Ahh." His kick shockingly packed a punch, as it had managed to send her skidding back a few meters. Kaiser didn't stop to allow Atlanta rest for a moment oment as he chased after her, slashing his sword down at her.

"Atlanta!" Sole shouted, about to rush out and help Atlanta but he was held back by Mira.

"Wait.. she can handle it." Mira calmly spoke, staring at the sudden fight that had broken out.

"Handle it? He's trying to kill her." Sole frowned, shoving her hands away already moving out but Mira was fast, swiftly hitting him by the edge of her hand.

"N-no.." Sole softly said as he fell to his knees his vision blurry.

"He's still conscious." Mira said a bit surprised seeing sole still conscious. She then hit his neck again, this time applying some more pressure finally knocking him out.

'Shit.' Using both her hands she managed to block the sword, stopping it just inches from going any further down to her.

"Don't try and fight it.. it's only fair to take your head!" Kaiser shouted like a mad man, pressing his sword down to her with all his strength.

"You're a mistake. You shouldn't even be existing." Kaiser grinned, staring at her with mocking eyes. Kaiser's word seemed to have gotten to Atlanta as her eyes glowed purple, and within the blink of an eye purple energy burst out from her body, sending Kaiser flying back much meters.

novel has been republished!

ikudehin_davidcreators' thoughts