
Battle Angel System (has been republished)

the year was 2056 and the world had changed drastically. machines were now a normal thing in life. some humans were now embodied with machines to improve themselves. but a low life girl was about to change this scene forever?

ikudehin_david · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

old Nemesis

"Argh!" Atlanta grunted and the built up energy in her burst out, sending Kaiser flying back multiple feets before crashing to the floor hard. Standing up Atlanta's eye still glowed purple, cracks of lightning crackling around her body.

Mira could see Atlanta wasn't done as she stared in the direction where Kaiser flew, before Atlanta could head out though Mira had appeared besides her, holding her wrist tightly.

"That's enough Atlanta." Mira whispered in her ears but it didn't get through to Atlanta, as it looked like something had overwhelmed her thinking. She placed her other hand to Mira's, forcefully pulling away the latters hand.

'Fuck! how did she get so strong.' Mira thought, as Atlanta strength had increased considerably. Not giving up Mira sent her fist towards Atlanta's head fast, intending to knock her out. Her hand moved fast with purple lightning following behind, but just as it was inches from Atlanta's head she moved, tilting her head a bit avoiding the blow.

Using her legs Atlanta sent out a kick to Mira's gut, the kick was fast cutting through the air as it met it's target landing on Mira's guts.

"Mhm.." Mira grunted a bit as she was sent backwards, but she managed to press her leg to the floor stopping the motion. Looking up, she could see Atlanta was already coming for her with her fist sent forward.

At the right time Mira twisted her body, intercepting Atlanta's punch lifting the latter in the air and slamming her downward. Mid air Mira's eyes widened as Atlanta maneuvered her body, and instead directed a knee to Mira's chest.

'She's blocking all my attacks.' Mira thought, a light smile planted on her lips seeing Atlanta suddenly grown in this state.

'It doesn't matter am not a little girl anymore.' Stretching her hands purple lightning moved to Mira's hand spiralling very fast, and after one second it shot out released from it's bondage as it headed for it's target. Atlanta seeing this wasn't scared, the lightning was really fast like a jet making bang noises through the air.

It didn't take two seconds before it reached Atlanta. Seeing the incoming threat Atlanta's mind raced fast, she then shifted her body sidestepping the attack. A lewd smile was plastered on her face having dodged Mira's attack, but she quickly regretted it.

"Argh!" Atlanta screamed as the lightning had now somehow retraced it's target, hitting her in the back. Sending waves of electric currents through her system, causing her to scream in pain before falling to her knees.

"Told you I'll beat you one day." Mira softly chuckled, walking steadily towards Atlanta. She could feel the latter was down and out, so she didn't think Atlanta would attack her any moment soon.

"Why did you turn on your group?" Zain asked, as he calmly sat from afar watching the scene. He was intrigued when Atlanta's body exploded lightning, blasting Kaiser away into the air flying a great amount of feets back.

The resistance had sent them on a mission with a senior personal, to scout out small level hunters and report back few days ago. He sensed something wrong, but didn't bother about it. If need be, he could just figure out a way from the problem. During the mission they were caught up in the chaos, the senior personal was killed but they'd somehow managed to survive. they'd tried contacting the resistance but to no avail, so the started hiding in this building ever since.

They could feel something awaken in them, and it didn't take long for Zain to put two and two together. From what he'd theorized they'd awoken strange powers, and he guessed the whole world had too. It didn't take them long to get used to their powers as they tried leaving, but was sent up back by the terrible hoardes of zombies down.

"Turn? I didn't turn on them silly, I just scolded them a bit." Mira giggled softly, acting like a mom scolding her troublesome children.

"Seems like you're doing a bad job." Zain softly said making Mira a bit confused, but she quickly realized when she turned.

'Damn.' Atlanta wasn't there anymore as she stared down, and she immediately felt her lights go out as a fist was sent to her face.

'Boom!" A small explosion sounded as Atlanta's fist collided with Mira's cheek, sending her flying crashing into a set of wooden chairs and tables destroying it. Atlanta could see Mira wasn't getting up anytime soon, as she then shifted her attention to Zain and the rest of his gang. lightning crackling all over her, as she steadily walked towards the group anger filling her eyes.

"Aren't you going to do it now?" Jack asked with a frown, staring at Zain who had a weird grin plastered on his face.

"Not yet.. I haven't felt the connection yet." He softly said causing hack to scoff a bit.

"Guess I'll have to buy more time then." He said taking out two pairs of a axe, coloured black from the bottom stopping before the head which was coloured green. A light smile was smeered on his lips, as he stomped the floor shooting his body like an arrow.

Atlanta didn't bother waiting, also heading out to meet Jack as they clashed in the center. He swung his axe at her head but with lightning fast reflexes she moved, appearing at his side stunning him a bit.

'Shit." Her fist was sent to his chest, but he managed to block by barely lifting both his axe up in an x form. He was sent skidding back a bit from her punch, and Atlanta didn't give Jack time to regroup already meeting him.

A series of punches were sent forth to Jack as he managed to block with his axes, also sending out a strike of his own at every opportunity he got. It was a fair fight and Atlanta was winning, sending Jack back as her speed was on a greater level compared to his.

'Why isn't she slowing down.' Jack frowned, seeing Atlanta's movement didn't flutter one bit. It wasn't long when he discovered his ability, which was to slow down his opponents movement. Though the ability was weak now he didn't mind, as he knew it would get terrifyingly stronger in the nearest future.

He'd tried slowing down two persons but unfortunately, his ability was only limited to one individual for now. He'd immediately activated his ability on Atlanta, and he could feel it worked but she wasn't slowing down. He'd expected it to have somewhat effect on her now, but nothing was happening.

'Bam.' He was sent to a wall denting it a bit, as some bones were broken in his ribs. Gritting his teeth he stretched his hands out, focusing solely on directing his ability at Atlanta. Atlanta shot herself to Jack her fist sent out. Truth was, she could feel the strange force reacting against her movement but she purged forward, refusing to give in.

Just as her fist was inches from his head, a strange cage made out of condensed white light materialized around Atlanta, trapping her. She tried bulldozing her way through, but it backfired on her as she was zapped back to the floor.

"Just in time." Jack smiled, seeing tippy now had his hands held out towards Atlanta, his eyes glowing a dim white. Jack then proceeded to go towards Atlanta, now trapped in tippy's energy cage.

"How do you like me now?" Jack smiled seeing Atlanta defenseless unable to do anything.

"Argh!" Atlanta shouted, slamming into the cage causing jack to fall from the sudden shock as he stared at her shocked a bit.

"I-i can't hold on any longer." Tippy grunted struggling to keep the energy cage active, as beads of sweat strolled down his forehead. His ability was surprisingly a strong one called a barrier ability. He was able to create barriers out of his energy, which was really strong but there were serious downsides. He could only create one barrier for now as his ability was still limited, and another great downside was it consumed his energy to keep the barrier active.

'Why is she smiling.' Jack wondered, seeing a creepy smile form on Atlanta's face. She was still trapped, but Jack couldn't help but feel this wouldn't last for long.

'Bam!' Atlanta slammed her body to the barrier, it still stood but tippy's control on the barrier was greatly lessened. Seeing her little experiment worked the grin on Atlanta's face grew wider, as she punched kicked and rampaged her way in the barrier.

"Fuck, Jack! I-i can't hold it anymore." Tippy grunted, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead like a stream of water sliding down a rock. Atlanta continued in her barrage of attacks hitting the energy cage, though she suffered setbacks in the sense it took two of her hp points, Everytime she strikes the cage but she didn't stop. Still continuing in her insane attacks.

'Bam!' With one last fist, Atlanta finally managed to break free from tippy's energy cage as he fell to the floor panting.

"Shit." Jack mumbled seeing Atlanta break free. his whole world immediately felt like it had stopped, seeing her fist heading straight for his head.

"Stop." Just before the fist could connect, a figure stood in front of Jack his hands held out. And just like a command Atlanta suddenly halted in her attack, as Zain activated his ability.

"Quick, knock her out?" Zain shouted as he also struggled to keep Atlanta at bay, Jack regaining himself then nodded as he moved out, sending the hilt of his axe down her head.

She fell to her knees but she still wasn't knocked out, as she struggled to move her body.

'How is she this strong?' Zain pondered, his concentration loosening as Atlanta was breaking free. Seeing the opportunity slipping from their hands Jack tried hitting her again, intending to knock her out but failed miserably.

"No.." Jack mumbled as Atlanta broke free, swiftly moving her body sending a fist to Jack's head. He blocked by raising his axe up but it didn't save him, as his body was sent flying back with him crashing to a wall unconscious.

Atlanta then moved, heading out to Zain who stood there with an emotionless expression. but just as her fist was about to connect to him, five lines of golden rays hit her making her fall to the ground unconscious.

Turning Zain could see Kaiser had gotten up, a frown on his face as he held his golden sword.

I need your stones!

ikudehin_davidcreators' thoughts