

After the death of his father, a blind young man goes on a crusade to save the city that he loves.

DaoistVH0g1W · Anime & Comics
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One day Gotham City, multi millionaire Thomas Wayne walks outside of a building, concerned when he doesn't see his son, Bruce Wayne, anywhere. He soon hear sirens and sounds of an accident up on the road ahead. Worried about his son, Thomas goes to search for him. He quickly walks down the sidewalk, yelling out for Bruce as people scatter through the street. When he can't find him, he sees multiple people crowded around someone in the middle of the accident. Thomas takes a closer look and sees that it's a boy on the ground.

"Oh God." Thomas says as he makes his way through the crowd.

The worried father pushes and shoves through multiple people, as the image of the boy gets clearer, realizing that it is really his son on the ground.

"Bruce? Bruce!?" He starts to yell.

He finally gets through and sees Bruce on the ground, dazed and barely conscious. Thomas quickly runs over to his sons side, putting his hand on his chest while everyone is shocked by Thomas Wayne's presents.

"Bruce! Bruce don't move, ok? Everythings going to be alright.... SOMEONE GET SOME HELP! PLEASE! GET HELP FOR MY BOY!"

Bruce starts to slowly stir on the ground, still dazed, but somewhat conscious. Thomas sees this and is relieved that his son seems to be alright.

"Bruce it's going to be alright, just don't move. Ok?" Thomas repeats.

"What- happened?" Bruce asks.

Thomas looks around, seeing wrecked cars, an old man nearby on the ground with a big open wound on his forehead, and a flipped over truck that was carrying barrels. The old man is slowly helped to his feet when he sees Bruce on the ground.

"Your boy... Your boy pushed me out of the way... He saved my life." The old man says as he's carried off to safety.

Bruce then starts to cringe in pain, clutching his eyes, worrying Thomas.

"Ah! It burns." Bruce says.

Thomas then notices something over his eyes. Something liquid that is leaking out of one of the barrels. Thomas takes a closer look at one of the barrels, seeing a warning label for chemicals. Thomas's heart drops as he quickly tries to wipe Bruce's eyes.

"Close your eyes. Bruce, close your eyes right now." Thomas frantically says, quickly wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

But it's too late, as Bruce's vision begins to fade, the last thing he sees is his father's panicked face as everything fades to darkness.

"Dad I- Can't see! I can't see...I can't see...I CAN'T SEE!"

Thomas starts to cry for his son, and all he can do is hug him.

"I CAN'T SEE!" Bruce yells again and again.

Days later, at Wayne Manor, Bruce blindly walks around in the backyard, still trying to adjust to being blind. He slowly walks onto an unstable part of the ground, unaware of the danger he's in. Inside the manor, the Wayne's butler, Alfred Pennyworth looks around for Bruce.

"Master Bruce?" He says.

This startles Bruce as it sounds like he is right behind him. As he turns around the ground under his feet gives way and he falls down an old well, hitting the bottom hard. As he slowly sits up, hearing all kinds of sounds in the cave with him. He hears rushing water nearby, insects crawling, and he even hears footsteps above him. As he starts to question how he's hearing all of this, he hears multiple screeches in the distance. Bruce is frozen in fear by whatever it is inside the cave with him. At that moment, multiple bats fly through the cave, surrounding Bruce, causing him to hold his ears and causing him to scream. Minutes later, after Bruce passes out, he hears someone coming down the well.

"Bruce. It's ok." Thomas says.

Thomas extends his hand towards his son.

"Take my hand, son."

Bruce slowly reaches out, grabbing his father's hand. Soon Thomas and Bruce make it out of the well and Thomas carries Bruce inside, where they are met by Alfred.

"Took quite a fall, didn't we Master Bruce?" Alfred says.

"And why do we fall Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up." Thomas says.

Soon, Thomas carries his son upstairs while Alfred smiles at the two people he loves so much. That night, as Bruce lays in bed, he still hears the bats under the manor, almost as if they are in the room with him. The young boy soon jumps up from bed, face dripping with sweat.

"Is it the bats again?" Thomas asks from the doorway.

Bruce hears his father, turns to the doorway and nods. Thomas then sits on the bed with his son.

"You know why they attacked you, don't you? They were afraid of you." Thomas asks.

Bruce is confused.

"Afraid of me?" Bruce asks.

"All creatures feel fear."

"Even the scary ones?"

Thomas smirks

"Especially the scary ones."

The two laugh as Thomas rubs Bruce's head.

"Get some sleep, kiddo." Thomas says.

Bruce turns to go to sleep as Thomas leaves the room.

The next night, Bruce and Thomas goes to a play, but when Bruce is overwhelmed by the noises, being reminded of the bats, causing them to leave the theater early.

"I'm sorry, dad." Bruce says.

Thomas smiles.

"It's alright, Bruce. Alfred should be here in a second."

Bruce smiles, then hears something that confuses him. He can hear someone's heartbeat racing rapidly. As the heartbeat gets closer, he also hears a gun being loaded.

"Dad!" He yells.

Before Bruce can warn his father, a man pulls out a gun and aims it at them.

"Hand over the wallet and watch, now!" The man demands.

Thomas puts his hands up as he steps infront of his son.

"That's fine. Just take it easy."

As Thomas goes to take off his watch, he quickly grabs the muggers wrist, moving the gun out of the way, and punches him in the face. While Thomas continues to punch the mugger in the face and stomach, Bruce cheers, somehow knowing that his father is winning. Before Thomas can land another punch, the mugger pushes Thomas off of him and shoots Thomas in the chest. Bruce covers his ears, dropping to his knees as the mugger turns the gun on him. Before he can pull the trigger, police sirens are heard off in the distance, causing him to run away. Bruce slowly reaches over to father, putting his hands on his face. Thomas slowly looks over to his son, dieing on the ground.

"Don't- be afraid." Thomas whispers before dieing.

"Dad? Daddy! Daddy!" Bruce continues scream, with tears in his eyes.