
Basketball_: Tale of a fallen genius.

In a world where basketball reigns supreme, Takeshi was on the brink of greatness until a teammate's deliberate act shattered his dreams. Unable to play for three agonizing years, he watched as his once-promising career faded away. At the age of 37, Takeshi found himself in the defining moment of his life—the Basketball Champions League finals. But just as victory was within grasp, he collapsed on the court. Moments later, he awoke in his 15-year-old body, a high school freshman once more. With a burning desire for redemption, Takeshi was determined to rewrite his basketball destiny. His past experiences and knowledge became his secret weapons as he reentered the high school basketball scene, facing not just opponents but also his own demons. Against the backdrop of a new generation of talent, Takeshi embarked on a quest to outshine, outplay, and outlast his competition. As he climbed the ranks, he sought not only to prove himself on the court but also to confront the teammate who had derailed his career.

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19 Chs

League Preperation. (3)

As the days of Hirosaki High's training camp passed, the atmosphere within the team had become a blend of exhaustion, determination, and growing camaraderie. The training camp, which began on the 9th of April, provided the players with a challenging and structured routine that was meticulously designed to maximize their individual skills and team cohesion.

Each morning, well before the sun rose, the players gathered on the court for their skill development sessions. Takeshi, in particular, was committed to improving his ball-handling abilities and versatility on the court. Alongside his teammates, he honed his moves, focusing on perfecting his crossovers, spin dribbles, and pull-up jumpers. With each dribble and shot, he felt himself growing more comfortable and confident.

In the evenings, the grueling conditioning sessions pushed the players to their physical limits. Running drills, sprints, and endurance exercises had them gasping for breath, but it was all part of their journey to peak physical fitness. The conditioning was essential to ensure they could maintain their intensity and play at a high level throughout their games.

The second half of the evening sessions was when the coaching staff's carefully crafted plans came into play. The drills emphasized teamwork, ball movement, and defensive rotations. Each player was assigned specific roles, helping them understand their responsibilities within different offensive and defensive schemes.

Takeshi's transition into the team was remarkable. His ability to absorb instructions and adapt to the team's playing style impressed both his coaches and teammates. The dedication of the entire squad to the training camp was a testament to their collective goal: reaching the national tournament.

The camaraderie was fostered during the intense days of practice. The players spent most of their time together on and off the court, building trust and chemistry that would be vital during the upcoming season. There were light-hearted moments, where laughter echoed through the gym, and there were moments of shared exhaustion and silent determination. Together, they endured the rigors of the camp, growing both as individuals and as a team.

Finally, on the 14th of April, Hirosaki High's players prepared for their first scrimmage game. In Hirosaki High School's basketball club, a scrimmage between the players will be held every Friday. That's a tradition coach Kenji introduced when he took over the team as its coach.

The tradition of the weekly scrimmage between the players at Hirosaki High was a testament to Coach Kenji's innovative approach to building camaraderie and competition within the team. When he took over as the coach, he wanted to create an environment where his players would push each other to become the best versions of themselves. The idea of the Friday scrimmage was born from his desire to foster both friendly competition and a strong sense of unity within the team.

Coach Kenji's success as a player, coupled with his lucrative brand deals, allowed him to invest in the team and motivate them with a unique incentive. The concept was simple yet effective: a game within a game. On Fridays without official matches, the players were divided into two evenly matched-teams. The scrimmage allowed them to put their skills and teamwork to the test in a competitive yet friendly atmosphere.

The stakes were high, and the reward was a tempting incentive: 1000 dollars for each player on the winning team, directly from Coach Kenji's own pockets. This not only provided an extra source of motivation but also added a level of excitement and anticipation to each scrimmage.

Conversely, the losing team had to pay the price by committing an extra hour to intensive training during regular practice sessions until the next scrimmage. This further heightened the competitive spirit among the players, as no one wanted to endure the grueling additional training. It was a perfect balance of reward and punishment, serving as a constant reminder that their collective performance and unity were essential.

As a result, the Friday scrimmages became an integral part of the team's culture. Players who aspired to increase their playing time or earn their spot in the starting lineup knew the significance of these scrimmages. Not only did it provide a platform to showcase their skills, but it also allowed them to bond with their teammates, proving that they could elevate the team's overall performance.

For those players who had yet to secure professional contracts and were unable to make money from their talent, these scrimmages offered a unique opportunity to earn a substantial reward while doing what they loved. It created a tangible connection between their performance on the court and their financial gain, motivating them to give their all in every scrimmage.


As the practice session at Titan's Gym began, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation. The players knew that it was scrimmage day, and the opportunity to prove their mettle against each other was a chance they relished.

Kenji watched his team's warm-up routines from the sidelines, patiently waiting for the right moment to address them. After they completed their drills and gathered around him, he cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Alright, team," he began, "It's that time of the week again. Friday scrimmage. Remember, this is not just about winning some extra cash or avoiding extra practice time. This is an opportunity to test your skills, to grow as a team, and to prove yourself."

Kenji's voice held a mix of authority and encouragement, a blend of mentorship that resonated well with his players. The prospect of a thousand dollars for each player was an enticing one, but they all understood that the real value was in the experience and improvement.

With a confident nod, Kenji continued, "We'll divide into two teams for today's scrimmage. I've made sure they're evenly matched. Remember to play hard, play smart, and play together."

He held two pieces of paper in his hand, on which he had listed the teams. The players waited with bated breath, curious to know which teammates they would be competing alongside.

Kenji unfolded the papers and read out the names, "Team A, you'll have Ryota, Akiko, Hana, Hyouma, and Yuki. Team B, you'll have Shigeatsu, Takeshi, Sora, Kaito, and Natsuki."

The players quickly split into their respective teams, some exchanging determined looks and nods as they prepared for the upcoming scrimmage. 


Kaito Suzuki, the unspoken leader of Team B, stepped forward, his eyes locked onto each of his teammates. The players huddled in a circle, their faces reflecting the anticipation of the upcoming scrimmage. Kaito knew the importance of these practice games and was determined to make the most of them.

"Alright, team," he began, his voice exuding authority and conviction. "This is where we put into practice what we've been working on all week. Yasuda, call out the plays we've practiced. We need to execute them flawlessly."

Yasuda, the point guard, nodded in agreement, ready to take on the responsibility of directing their plays. He knew the plays like the back of his hand, and his precise calls would be essential for their success.

Kaito then turned his attention to the rest of the players, offering individual instructions based on their positions and roles in the game. He emphasized the importance of teamwork, communication, and making the right decisions under pressure.

"Remember, we're not just here for the money," Kaito continued a fierce determination in his eyes. "We're here to get better, to sharpen our skills, and to push each other to the limit. We play as a team, and we win as a team."

As he finished his speech, Kaito raised his right hand high, and one by one, his teammates placed their hands on top, forming a tight circle. With a collective yell, they chanted, "Let's get that money," a blend of enthusiasm and competitiveness.

The atmosphere on Team A's side mirrored that of their counterparts on Team B. Captain Kaito and Vice-Captain Ryota recognized the significance of this scrimmage as they led their players to the center of the court.

The two teams converged at the center of the court, ready to engage in friendly yet highly competitive combat. The coaches, acting as referees, were poised to officiate the game and ensure a fair and controlled contest.

As the players gathered for the tip-off, Natsuki Matsumoto, Team A's starting center, towered over his opponent, Yuki Ito, from Team B. Natsuki's superior height and timing proved advantageous as he deftly tipped the ball to his teammate, Shigeatsu Yasuda, who was prepared for the pass.

The stage was set for a thrilling clash as Yasuda brought the ball up the court, closely shadowed by Ryota, who exhibited an unwavering commitment to defensive pressure. Their one-on-one duel at the point guard position was a testament to the fierce competitiveness that pervaded this scrimmage.

The dynamics of the game began to shift when Natsuki, known for his exceptional basketball IQ, recognized an opportunity. With a keen sense of timing, he positioned himself strategically to set a screen for Yasuda, effectively picking off Ryota and providing the ball handler with a precious opening.

As the screen unfolded, Yasuda quickly slipped past Ryota's tight defense, gaining the breathing room he needed to survey the court. In the blink of an eye, he processed the defensive set of Team A and determined that a one-on-one play was the optimal strategy. He signaled to his teammates, indicating that Kaito Suzuki should be the focal point of the offensive possession.

The players of Team B executed the play admirably, though the nature of such in-game situations always carried a level of unpredictability. The players were relatively new to one another, and seamless execution took time to develop. Yet, their commitment to the plan showed as they worked together to free Kaito.

Kaito, the consummate team leader, received the ball in the high post, expertly navigating his way into a triple-threat position. He was met by Fukuhara, who held his ground in an attempt to stifle Kaito's scoring opportunity.

With a calculated finesse, Kaito initiated a left-hand in-and-out dribble, utilizing his agility and ball-handling prowess to momentarily confuse Fukuhara. The move opened a fraction of space, a sliver of daylight that was all Kaito needed.

Swiftly transitioning into a cross-over dribble, Kaito explosively moved to his right, expertly planting his pivot foot. His change of direction was too quick for Fukuhara to react effectively, and Kaito capitalized on the newfound separation to release an accurate mid-range jump shot.

The ball sailed through the air with elegance, and a collective gasp from the spectators in Titan's Gym filled the atmosphere. The shot dropped through the net with a satisfying swish, announcing the first points of the scrimmage. The exhilaration in the gym was palpable, and it was clear that this spirited battle had only just begun.

The scrimmage intensified with every possession, and as Team A secured the ball following Kaito's impressive mid-range shot, Ryota Tanaka took on the role of orchestrator. 

Ryota Tanaka's composure under the relentless pressure from Yasuda was a sight to behold. As he dribbled the ball up the court, Yasuda was right on his heels, attempting to disrupt every move. Despite the unwavering scrutiny, Ryota demonstrated a level of ball-handling finesse that belied Yasuda's tenacious defense.

The pressure from Yasuda was suffocating, with quick cuts and agile footwork, trying to close off any potential escape routes for Ryota. Yet, the seasoned point guard displayed remarkable ball-handling skills. He maintained a low, balanced stance, using precise crossovers and hesitation moves to keep Yasuda guessing.

As the half-court line neared, Ryota executed a series of moves with effortless fluidity. He transitioned into a between-the-legs dribble, the ball moving seamlessly from one hand to the other, allowing him to change direction while keeping Yasuda at bay.

Ryota neared the half-court line, he deftly assessed the court, searching for any creases in Team B's defensive scheme. He recognized a momentary vulnerability and seized the opportunity to initiate an isolation play for Akiko Nakamura, known for his three-point prowess.

Team A's players responded with seamless execution, their movements attuned to Ryota's directives. Akiko, stationed on the wing, received the ball with Sora Sasaki marking him closely. The intense one-on-one matchup that followed was a microcosm of the talent and competition displayed in the scrimmage.

With remarkable dexterity, Akiko made his first move, executing a precise between-the-legs dribble that instantly created separation from Sora. The subtle fake of a drive and the swift step-back behind the three-point line provided Akiko with the breathing room he needed. The maneuver showcased his exceptional ball-handling skills and basketball IQ.

In that split second, as the gymnasium held its collective breath, Akiko confidently launched the three-point attempt. The ball sailed gracefully through the air, rotating with perfect backspin. It met the net with a resounding swish, eliciting cheers from the spectators.

The score now stood at 3-2 in favor of Team A.

Kaito Suzuki, the esteemed captain of the Hirosaki High basketball team, recognized the significance of enhancing team dynamics. He understood that effective communication was vital in achieving this objective. After witnessing Akiko Nakamura's impressive three-pointer, Kaito seized the opportunity to impart some wisdom. He approached Takeshi to discuss Akiko's playing style and potential weaknesses.

Takeshi, showing a keen interest, listened attentively as Kaito initiated the conversation. "Takeshi," Kaito began, "Akiko is an exceptional player with remarkable scoring abilities, but like all of us, he has his areas for improvement. One aspect he could work on is his court vision. When he's double-teamed, he often tries to handle it alone or makes risky passes. This is something we need to address."

Takeshi nodded in agreement, recognizing the significance of sharp court vision for the team's overall performance. With a moment of contemplation, Takeshi, an experienced former professional basketball player, grasped the message Kaito intended to convey. "Would you like me to assist Sasaki by intensifying the double-team when Akiko attempts an offensive play?" he inquired, casting a quick glance towards Akiko, who was making his way back to their side of the court.

In response to Takeshi's proactive approach, Kaito wore a smile, acknowledging Takeshi's readiness to contribute. "Yes, exactly," he confirmed. "If Sora is guarding Akiko and you notice he's gearing up for an attack, take the initiative to double-team him more assertively. This will apply pressure, prompting him to make quicker decisions. It will help us create turnovers and potentially lead to fast-break opportunities."

Takeshi nodded once more, comprehending the strategy fully as Yasuda, the ball handler, commenced dribbling up the court. The spectators in the stands continued to applaud, still enthralled by Akiko's splendid score.


The thrum of anticipation hung heavy in the air as Hirosaki's weekly scrimmage unfolded. Although nominally "private," the games were a well-known spectacle at Hirosaki High, captivating not only the players but the entire school community. It was an unspoken school tradition, an unwavering commitment from students and teachers alike to assemble in the stands of Titan's Gym, ready to bear witness to the remarkable talents within their school.

Gathered in the bleachers were over 500 passionate spectators, all of whom shared an ardent enthusiasm for Hirosaki's basketball program. These dedicated fans went beyond mere spectators; they were the heartbeat of the program, demonstrating their unwavering support by showing up every time a scrimmage occurred. Among the crowd, you could spot teachers, students, and staff members, each making the trek to the gym, yearning to see their beloved team in action.

This dedicated fan base primarily consisted of second and third-year students, deeply invested in Hirosaki's journey to the top of the high school basketball world. Yet, there were also fresh faces among the crowd, newcomers to the school and its basketball legacy. Hiro Tatsumi, one such first-year student, was an avid basketball enthusiast who had quickly aligned himself with the sport's fervent following.

Sitting amidst several classmates, Hiro's excitement was palpable as he watched the scrimmage unfold. His attention was focused on Takeshi, who showcased his skills in a spirited play. In a moment of stellar teamwork, Takeshi and Sora executed a textbook double-team on Akiko, making a clever steal from behind just as Akiko seemed poised to break free.

Hiro's enthusiasm couldn't be contained. Excitedly, he pointed towards Takeshi and eagerly shared his opinion with his classmates, saying, "I told you he was good!" This exchange rippled through the group, sparking both lively discussion and a newfound appreciation for the promising talent that Takeshi brought to Hirosaki High.


The action on the court continued to unfold as the clock ticked away. Eight minutes into the scrimmage, the score stood at 15-12 in favor of Team B, and the flow of the game was taking shape.

Team B's strategy was evident as they frequently ran plays to leverage their dominant frontcourt duo, Natsuki and Kaito. Natsuki contributed 4 points, while Kaito had already made a significant impact with 6 points to his name. They were proving to be a formidable force, capitalizing on their size and skills.

Conversely, Team A focused on their formidable backcourt tandem. Akiko and Ryota were the offensive engines, with Akiko tallying 6 points and Ryota adding 4 points to the scoreboard. Ryota, the point guard, controlled the tempo, and with a sharp eye on Takeshi, the new defensive prodigy, he aimed to outmaneuver his opponent.

Ryota had observed Takeshi's exceptional defensive instincts, particularly his focus on Akiko's positioning. Takeshi had already attempted to double-team Akiko during the early moments of the game, with one successful steal to his name. Acknowledging Takeshi's prowess, Ryota knew that he needed to employ a counter-strategy.

With a knowing smile, Ryota signaled for a specific play designed to exploit Takeshi's aggressive defensive approach. The play called for Hana to set a crucial screen for Akiko, positioned at the corner, allowing him to sprint from the corner to the wing. This maneuver forced a switch in defensive assignments, with Takeshi immediately switching to guard Akiko. As the defensive shift occurred, Hana swiftly reversed direction, making a sharp cut to the basket.

On the court, Ito and Fukuhara played their roles perfectly, drawing their respective opponents out of the paint. This strategic movement left the key wide open for Hana's attack. Ryota recognized the situation and delivered a precise pass to Hana, who seized the opportunity for an easy dunk. The basket narrowed the score to 15-14, with Team A closing the gap.

Upon seeing his teammate score, Akiko couldn't resist flashing a smug grin in Takeshi's direction. With a teasing tone, he remarked, "You're still a rookie. You have time to learn." The comment was meant in good spirits, but it couldn't help but elicit a competitive response from the fiery Takeshi. The game was heating up, and the interaction between the players added an extra layer of intensity to the scrimmage.