
Basketball_: Tale of a fallen genius.

In a world where basketball reigns supreme, Takeshi was on the brink of greatness until a teammate's deliberate act shattered his dreams. Unable to play for three agonizing years, he watched as his once-promising career faded away. At the age of 37, Takeshi found himself in the defining moment of his life—the Basketball Champions League finals. But just as victory was within grasp, he collapsed on the court. Moments later, he awoke in his 15-year-old body, a high school freshman once more. With a burning desire for redemption, Takeshi was determined to rewrite his basketball destiny. His past experiences and knowledge became his secret weapons as he reentered the high school basketball scene, facing not just opponents but also his own demons. Against the backdrop of a new generation of talent, Takeshi embarked on a quest to outshine, outplay, and outlast his competition. As he climbed the ranks, he sought not only to prove himself on the court but also to confront the teammate who had derailed his career.

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19 Chs

League Preperation. (2)

In this world, high school basketball isn't just a mere sport; it's a thriving culture and a way of life. The structure of the high school basketball scene in Japan is a meticulously organized and fiercely competitive framework that spans various tiers of play.

The basketball season springs to life at the end of April with the Prefecture Leagues, which are impeccably organized in every prefecture. These leagues feature a selection of high school teams, typically comprising 30 D1 (first division) schools in each prefecture.

The Prefecture League in this realm serves as the initial battleground for high school basketball teams, where they fervently compete to secure a coveted spot in the prestigious Prefecture Tournament.

The league season takes the form of a round-robin tournament. Each team competes against every other team in the league, usually once, either on their home turf or away.

Games adhere to the standard basketball rules, featuring a regulation duration of four quarters. In most cases, overtime periods are employed to resolve ties.

Teams earn points based on their performance in each game. A win grants them two points, while an overtime loss results in one point, and a regulation loss earns them zero points. Points are meticulously tallied throughout the season to determine the league standings.

In case of a tie in the standings, various tiebreakers such as head-to-head results and point differentials are utilized to ascertain the final order.

The chief objective for teams in the Prefecture League is to attain a commendable ranking by accumulating points during the regular season. The top 16 teams from the league standings by the end of the regular season will earn their tickets to participate in the intense single-elimination Prefecture Tournament. In this prestigious tournament, they fiercely compete for the privilege of representing their prefecture in the highly anticipated Regional Tournament.

Over the past decade, a dominant quartet has reigned supreme in the Tokyo prefecture's high school basketball scene. Hirosaki High, Imabari High, Tokyo Central, and Seishu High, have consistently showcased their prowess, earning the distinction of being the Big Four of Tokyo basketball. These schools have perpetually outshone their rivals and secured a coveted ticket to the regional tournament year after year.

These four powerhouses demonstrated time and time again that they were in a league of their own. Their consistency was no fluke but a testament to the dedication, hard work, and unyielding pursuit of excellence that characterized their basketball programs.

The quest for supremacy wasn't only confined to the courts but also involved a passionate fan base. Basketball aficionados from all walks of life congregated at the gyms, adding an electrifying atmosphere to the matches. The roars of support, the clashing chants, and the waves of jubilation painted a vivid picture of the basketball fervor that coursed through the city.

In a league where every game was a battle, these four schools managed to stand out. Their clashes against one another were the most anticipated fixtures of the season, drawing large crowds of eager spectators who yearned to witness their fierce rivalries.

Amidst the formidable dominance of the Big Four in the Tokyo prefecture, a new era seemed to be on the horizon. The emergence of a team like Ishikawa High had sent ripples of excitement and anticipation throughout the basketball community.

Last year, they were narrowly defeated by Seishu High, a member of Tokyo's Big Four, making every basketball enthusiast in the prefecture sigh in disappointment, especially the Tokyo Central fans. Still, many believed it was a fluke as only one player in the starting five wasn't a third-year player.

This year, Ishikawa High had ignited a beacon of hope in the hearts of their fans and those who yearned for a change in the league's dynamics. The addition of an exceptional new talent to their roster had raised eyebrows and sparked conversations among fans and critics alike. This player, an embodiment of potential and promise, was seen as the catalyst for a potential shake-up in the established hierarchy of the league.

Yet, it wasn't just the infusion of new talent that set Ishikawa High apart. Their seasoned captain, having matured and evolved over the years, now carried the mantle of leadership with newfound strength and determination. He had honed his skills, learned from past challenges, and was poised to inspire his team to greater heights. 

The collective belief at Ishikawa High was that this was their year to make a statement, redefine their role in the Tokyo League, and provide fans with a level of competition and entertainment that surpassed the norm.

With less than 20 days remaining before the start of the league, Ishikawa went on a national tour, facing multiple teams outside of the Kanto region.


In the heart of the Chubu region, the basketball court was alight with intensity as Ishikawa High, the upstart team from Tokyo, faced off against the formidable third-ranked team in the entire region. The matchup had garnered the attention of fans and pundits far and wide, and it lived up to the hype, delivering a fiercely contested battle from tip-off to the closing minutes.

Both teams played with a level of intensity and passion that suggested they were fighting for a championship rather than a regular pre-season game.

It was a testament to their dedication, as well as a preview of the competitive spirit that was becoming a defining characteristic of the upcoming high school basketball season.

As the clock ticked down, with just two minutes remaining in the game, the scoreboard displayed a narrow margin. The Chubu region's team held a slender lead, with the score standing at 78 to 75. The tension in the gym was palpable, with every possession and every shot carrying immense weight.

Spectators were treated to a display of skill, teamwork, and determination that showcased the very essence of high school basketball. In those final minutes, plays were executed with precision, defenses dug in their heels, and the crowd roared with anticipation. The game hung in the balance, and every player on the court knew that their actions could be the difference-maker in securing victory.

Ishikawa High, the underdogs from Tokyo, was in the midst of an exhilarating battle that exemplified the essence of their journey to challenge the status quo in the Tokyo League. With just two minutes remaining, they had a choice to make – to fight with all they had, or to concede to the Chubu region's team and use the experience to grow stronger for the battles that awaited in the league.

As the final minutes of the game ticked away, the players from Ishikawa High found themselves content with their performance so far. The scoreboard showed a closely contested match, and they had given their all, displaying their potential and determination to challenge the status quo. It seemed like a respectable outcome, and some players began to let their guard down, their intensity waning.

However, amidst the slight complacency that had crept into their ranks, their captain and starting point guard, Haruki Nakamura, held the ball at the top of the key. His eyes were filled with a steely determination and a sense of purpose radiated from his every movement.

As Haruki Nakamura stood with the ball at the top of the key, his sharp eyes scanned the court, assessing the positions and expressions of his teammates. What he saw in their eyes disappointed him slightly; there was a hint of complacency, as though they felt they had done enough to secure a good result.

The departure of the talented third-year players had left a gap in the team. The new players weren't as experienced or determined as their predecessors, and Haruki knew that it was his duty to lead and inspire them.

A glimmer of hope had appeared in the form of Yuta Kobayashi, a highly skilled freshman center. Yuta was working diligently in the paint, battling for position against the Chubu region's third-ranked team. Haruki was determined to develop chemistry with the young talent, and this game presented the perfect opportunity.

With a nod to Yuta, Haruki called for a screen. The young center responded swiftly, setting a solid pick that allowed Haruki to slip past his defender. But Yuta didn't stop after the screen; instead, he cut to the basket, showing both his basketball IQ and his willingness to work together with his captain.

The defense of the Chubu team collapsed onto Haruki, surrounding him with three defenders. Haruki knew he had a split second to make a decision. With a flick of his wrist, he launched the ball toward the hoop. It was a bold and unexpected move, and it caught everyone, including the opposing team, off guard.

As the basketball arced toward the basket, it seemed like an audacious gamble. But then, a pair of massive hands reached up and plucked the ball from the air with ease. In the blink of an eye, the young freshman was airborne, his powerful leap carrying him upward. The gym fell silent as spectators and players alike watched in awe.

Then came the explosive climax: the dunk. With a thunderous roar, Yuta threw down the ball with unbridled force. The rim shook violently, and the backboard quivered under the sheer power of the slam. The ferocity of the dunk sent a clear message to everyone in the gym: Ishikawa High had a new, formidable player on its team.

The crowd erupted in cheers, recognizing the exceptional athleticism and determination displayed by the young player. Haruki couldn't help but smile, acknowledging that Yuta's presence was a game-changer. The powerful dunk left an indelible impression on all who witnessed it, and it seemed that Ishikawa's future was brighter than ever.

In Ishikawa High's mind, The Tokyo League, often characterized by its predictable outcomes, was about to experience a shift in its equilibrium. 


Sitting at the front of the bus, Haruki and Yuta were flanked by their coach as they embarked on the next leg of their national pre-season tour. The narrow loss to the Chubu region's team had left a bittersweet taste, but it was an invaluable learning experience. Haruki and Yuta leaned forward, eager to hear their coach's insights and advice to further improve their game, particularly their pick-and-roll plays.

Their coach, a seasoned and wise mentor, began to share his thoughts. "You both played exceptionally well out there," he said with a reassuring smile. "I can see our pick-and-roll game developing nicely. But there's always room for improvement."

He continued, "Haruki, your decision-making on the court is impressive. You're reading the defense well and making quick judgments. Keep that up. However, there were a few instances where you could have varied the timing of your passes to catch the defense off-guard. Experiment with different angles and entry points when feeding Yuta."

Haruki nodded attentively, taking mental notes as he absorbed the coach's advice. He had been watching films of famous and renowned point guards to improve his game. Players like Adam Spencer, who specialize in P&R play, are a great source of knowledge for him. Still, he has a lot of room for improvement. He's barely 18 years old, after all. 

The coach then turned his attention to Yuta. "Yuta, your athleticism and agility in the paint are a significant asset. Your timing on setting screens is improving, and it's a key component of our plays. What I'd like to see is even more communication between you and Haruki. Use hand signals or quick calls to indicate the type of play you want to execute. Don't be afraid to demand the ball when you have a good look inside."

Yuta paid close attention, recognizing the pivotal role of communication with Haruki in their pick-and-roll success. He wasn't new to the realm of basketball. He'd been playing the game since he was merely four years old, just like many other budding high school stars in Japan.

Nonetheless, Yuta's journey had been decorated with numerous trophies. From his youth league days to various junior high competitions, he had accumulated quite a collection of victories. This extensive list of accomplishments had, in a way, fostered a certain level of arrogance when it came to his prowess in basketball. He often thought to himself, "I possess enough talent to lead any team to victory. Why not take the helm of a mid-tier team and challenge Hirosaki and the likes?"

However, this newfound challenge he had embarked upon was a humbling experience for Yuta. As they traveled to different regions, Ishikawa inevitably found themselves pitted against one or two of the more formidable teams. In these encounters, Yuta consistently struggled to break the 15-point mark.

Gradually, this humbling experience began to chip away at his arrogance, creating room for his competitive spirit and a fervent desire to improve. It was precisely this transformation that endeared Yuta to both Haruki and the other members of Ishikawa's team. After all, who wanted to deal with an arrogant kid who had never ventured outside of Tokyo?

Nodding in agreement with the youngster's attitude, Ishikawa's coach continued to offer valuable advice, recognizing the determination and potential of the young player.

"As we continue this tour, we'll face different teams with unique defensive strategies," the coach explained. "Adaptation is the key. If a team starts double-teaming Haruki during the pick and roll, be prepared to make quick passes to the open man or even attempt mid-range shots when the opportunity arises."

Haruki and Yuta nodded in agreement. They knew that mastering the pick and roll meant understanding its nuances and adapting to various situations on the court.

The coach concluded, "We're on the right track, and I'm proud of your efforts today. But remember, it's not just about individual improvement; it's about understanding each other as teammates. You two have the potential to be a dynamic duo on the court. Keep working together, supporting one another, and we'll continue to surprise our opponents."

The coach's encouraging words deeply resonated with both Haruki and Yuta, fueling their determination to implement these invaluable lessons and take their pick-and-roll game to new heights in preparation for the forthcoming challenges in the upcoming season.

In contrast to Yuta's relatively limited experience, Haruki had already faced teams like Imabari High and Hirosaki High for two years. He possessed an intimate understanding of what it took to exert even the slightest pressure on these formidable opponents. Both Imabari and Hirosaki were renowned for their high-level play, and while Hirosaki had faced some unfortunate circumstances that prevented them from reaching the national competition for half a decade, they remained a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Yet, the fact remained that if Hirosaki could secure the prefecture championship over Imabari, much like they did in the previous year, it meant that Hirosaki had the potential to progress to the national competition's finals, akin to what Imabari had achieved the year before.

Understanding the magnitude of the task at hand, Ishikawa's coach and captain were well aware that relying solely on straightforward pick-and-roll tactics wouldn't suffice to break through the ranks of these two titans in the Japanese high school basketball world. However, they also recognized that every monumental journey had to commence from somewhere, and implementing pick-and-roll tactics alongside the addition of a highly talented freshman was a promising starting point.