
Basketball System: Rebound of the Underdog

Kaiden Tian's aspirations of basketball stardom take a heartbreaking turn when a car accident not only claims his mother's life but also robs him of his ability to walk. Undiscouraged, he settles for a role as the waterboy of a top high school basketball team, determined to stay close to the game he loves. However, he meets an untimely death and finds himself inhabiting the body of Kai Guo, a notorious troublemaker blessed with an ideal physical form. [Welcome to the Rise to Legend System!] With this second chance at life, Kaiden sees an opportunity to rewrite his destiny and fulfill the dreams that were once shattered.

SandKastle · Sports
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251 Chs

The Acquaintance Ball (2)

Kai felt like he entered the gates of heaven. 

Not only because the hall was filled with people who looked like they belonged in a different tax bracket. 

But also because most, if not all of them, were wearing white clothes. 

His eyebrows raised in surprise, although it wasn't really obvious because of his obnoxiously long hair. 

Then, he looked down at his red suit before bolting to the table meant for the Shizi Dogs. It was a good thing he saw Yuze right away because of his huge height, which spared him some shame. 

As soon as he arrived at their table, Jet covered his mouth to stifle a chuckle. 

Kai clicked his tongue and glared at him. "Don't even start. You never told me that there was going to be a dress code!" 

"I didn't?" Jet asked. "I definitely did! I gave everybody a copy of the invitation." 

"Well, you definitely didn't!" Kai deadpanned. "I didn't get the memo." 

"Oh," Jay chuckled. "So, that's what I forgot!"