
Bandit in the Dead (The Walking Dead/Multiverse)

Rob is a normal dude, usually he is quiet and don't talk much not because he is shy he just don't have interest in some people. Things he likes to do is barely seen he is 6 foot with a good kept body but one day he traveled to a tv series with zombie in it. When Rob woke up he found out that he is in the walking dead series, a show that he watch way back, and now he is in a big trouble because he had been informed that the system which usually comes with all transmigrator is going to be late. Luckily he is healthy and strong plus due to being late he is given a buff of 10x strength of a human, let's see how far he will go. (pretty far with that strength and if not ill be ashamed) all of this is a fanfiction which do not relate to nobody its a fiction does all the names nor town city country or whatever does not relate in real world it is just a reference!

Daoist_Cain · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Morgan

Chapter 3: Morgan

for a few seconds I was stunned when I saw who it was, the man who went on a killing spree when his son died.

the man who is alone in the walking dead series with a trusty stick.

so much potential in this man and he also has a lot of skills.

while he was stunned for a few seconds Morgan's wife fell and his son was trapped in the corner by a zombie.

Morgan is in distress.

"Don't worry about me save Duane!" Morgan's wife said.

Morgan hesitated but in the end, he went to help Duane who was cornered by a zombie

Rob came back to his senses and without thinking about it he rushed to the zombie who was about to bite Morgan's wife.

Rob with the axe in his hand didn't hesitate to split the zombie's heads one by one in a blink of an eye.

Morgan's wife who have accepted death didn't know what was happening because she closed her eyes.

but when she didn't feel any pain of being bitten she slowly open her eyes and meet Rob's eyes.

she saw that Rob was covered in blood and she thought it was a zombie.

she panics again and crawls backward.

"relax I am a human not one of those things," Rob said calmly while wiping the blood on his axe.

hearing this she then calms down but in a second panic again and looks for Morgan and her child.

she saw that Morgan is still fending off the zombie that was attacking Duane she got up and was about to help but was stopped by Rob.

"What are you doing I need to help them!" she yelled but Rob didn't pay attention to her.

when she yelled it distracted Morgan and lost his footing and the zombie got on top of him.

Duane who was about to help his father was frozen up and it look like he was scared.

while this was happening Morgan's wife was yelling at Rob again to get out of the way but again Rob just stand there but the yell attracted 2 more zombies.

but she couldn't do anything.

"see what you did yelling and all that I mean, it attracted more of those things," Rob said and shook his head.

Morgan's wife was stunned and was about to say something but Rob spoke again.

"Aim for the head," Rob said to Morgan who was barely fighting off the zombie, and threw the knife he has in his waist.

when Morgan heard this and saw the knife on the ground next to him, he instinctively follow what rob said.

Morgan's wife who was worried franticly rush to Morgan and his son.

"How did you people survive this when you don't even have a weapon and dare to go out in the streets?" Rob asked morgan who was still panting.

Morgan who was heavily breathing suddenly froze and look at Rob vigilantly.

he went in front of his wife and son covering them in case Rob attacks them.

Rob shook and said, "if I wanted you dead you'll be dead already."

Morgan thought about it and look at the 9 dead zombies behind Rob.

seeing this his vigilance is slightly lower but when he was about to give the combat knife to Rob rob suddenly spoke.

"look behind you there are 2 more of those things," Rob said, "it was caused by your wives yelling while trying to help you."

Rob looks at Morgan's wife with a look of irony on his face.

Morgan was stunned and look behind him there he saw 2 slow-walking zombies and put his wife and kids behind him.

"make sure you aim for the head this time," Rob said without the intention to help them.

Morgan rush to the closest one and kick its legs, the zombie knelt and Morgan stab it in the head.

when the other one is closing in, Morgan holds them tightly and rushes toward the zombie.

after a few seconds of heavy breathing, Morgan turns around and looks at rob with gratitude.

not to mention helping them it was good enough that Rob didn't make trouble for them and let him borrow a knife.

Morgan walk to Rob and handed him the knife.

"Thanks for saving my wife and letting me borrow a knife," Morgan said.

"Why are you even out here without a weapon?" Rob asked with a look of puzzlement on his face.

"We did have a knife we found at the house we were staying but it got stuck on one of those things," Morgan said ashamedly

it was an awkward silence

"We were here to get some supplies me," Morgan said to ease the awkwardness.

"If you guys are looking for supplies you better hurry or it will get dark soon," Rob said

Rob knows that all the supplies nearby have been looted by him and all the stores which still have things on them are surrounded by zombies.

"oh and also all the shops in here are almost looted up so you need to go to the next block to see your luck there" Rob turn around and got back to the store he had just gone out.

Morgan hesitated and said "thanks for the reminders and thanks for the help we will be in the way"

"if you need anything you can come back here ill be in here for a couple of hours," Rob said

Morgan nodded and went to search other buildings nearby but things have already been looted they went a bit farther and were stuck for an hour until the zombie left.

they went back to the store where Rob is and they saw him eating some noodles there were a lot of used cups on the floor but it seems that the store is also cleared out.

"your back sooner than expected, found nothing?" Rob said looking at Morgan and his family with empty hands.

after a while, Morgan explains what happened and that they are looking for medicine because his wife has been throwing up lately.

Rob was shocked and think about it for a moment and said something that stunned Morgan and his wife.

"I think she might be pregnant," rob said with a blank face.