
Ballad of the Crows

He reincarnated with the mission of the one above all, but not everything is as it seems. War on all scales. This is not a typical protagonist story, so don't expect the protagonist to be someone who achieves everything with the power of friendship. The protagonist's ideology is 'the end justifies the means'

deimospendragon · Anime & Comics
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164 Chs


The next day after Dabi communicated his mission status, Katahara continued eastward in search of the Shandian tribe.

After traveling for hours through the jungle they arrived at a river that connected to the sea, where they stopped to rest.

Katahara: Drust, you will stay here to wait for the others, when they arrive communicate with me... one more thing if you are attacked, you must use non-lethal force, I don't want any dead yet.

Drust: As a matter of fact captain, I will communicate it to the others.

Katahara: Augur, let's go.

At that moment the two disappeared using Soru, while still searching for the Shandia tribe.

Van Augur: Captain, I don't understand the order, to use non-lethal force, it's not that I won't follow it, I'm just curious.

Katahara: It's simple Augur, we can't harm them because they are part of the plan... the first step is to contact the Shandians.

Augur just nodded at the answer he received from his captain.

Van Augur: Captain, something is moving around.

Katahara: we found the Hidden Cloud Village, I guess the name hidden cloud wasn't for nothing.

Van Augur: Captain we are surrounded...

Katahara: Don't shoot, if these natives get aggressive just knock them out.

He said in a loud voice, so that all those who were trying to ambush them could hear, which caused the atmosphere to be tense for a few moments, while Katahara and Augur walked waiting for the attack of the Shandians.

A few minutes of silence passed, a dozen men jumped from the trees to try to capture Katahara and Augur.

The moment the captors pointed their swords and spears in Katahara's direction, Augur launched a kick with great speed and force, sending a sharp blade of compressed air, strong enough to knock them unconscious but weak enough not to kill them. Sending half of the captors flying while the other half were being beaten by Katahara, who began to hit them as if they were a punching bag, in a short time all the captors were on the floor unconscious.

Katahara: They weren't even strong enough for me to use my sword... now I understand why they couldn't even defeat the Priests of Enel.

As they continued walking, they noticed that they were now surrounded by more than 50 people who were hiding in the trees and bushes, then a man appeared in front of them with a bazooka.

The man was muscular and as such has a pair of wings on his back. He is tattooed with several tribal tattoos across his left shoulder and the left side of his face this was Wyper.

Wyper: Freeze invaders or we will open fire....

Katahara: Quiet we are not here for a fight.

Wyper: You're not? then explain why you killed all our guards.

Katahara: No one killed anyone, we just came to talk to boss Shandia.

Wyper: And how do you know you're not seeing him.

As he pointed his bazooka at Katahara.

Katahara: I know boss Shandia is an old man and you don't look like one... listen I'm not a fan of you pointing a gun at me, so you better put it away.

Augur, just looked at everyone around them,

Wyper just looked at him and ordered them to go check on the condition of the guards that Katahara had knocked out, upon learning that they were telling the truth under his gun.

Wyper: What do you want with Chief Shandia.

Katahara: To talk about our common enemy Enel.

Hearing this everyone present was surprised, but the one who was still reluctant to believe him was Wyper but still decided to take him to his village.

Wyper: Even if I don't quite believe you, we need all the help we can get, follow me I will take you to the Chief.

Then Wyper and his men led Katahara and Augur through the thick fog that covered their village, where there were tents where they all lived, it was a kind of tepee used by the Indians of the prairies.

After arriving at the center of the village where there was a large teepee tent that was where Chief Shandia was located.

Wyper told them to wait, while he talked to the chief, shortly after he came out.

Wyper: The chief is waiting for you.

Katahara: Augur wait here I will enter alone.

As he entered where the chief was, as he entered he saw an old man with a gray beard and mustache, like all the people of the sky he has wings on his back, he wears a caniform mask on his head and ceremonial feathers on top. He wears a dark brown striped cloak.

Chief: Visitor of the Blue Sea, I welcome you to the village of the hidden cloud, home of the Shandians, I am Chief Shandia.

Katahara: It is a pleasure to meet you.

Chief: Wyper told me you had a misunderstanding with our lairs, I'm sorry about that.

Katahara: Don't worry about it, no one was hurt.

Boss: He also told me that you also have conflicts with the god Enel.

Katahara: I have a proposal for you that I'm sure will benefit you more than you think.

Meanwhile with Drust he was waiting for Laffitte and Dabi to arrive at his location, he was waiting for hours until he could spot a boat approaching by the river.

Drust: They finally arrived, I was waiting for hours.

The boat stopped right in front of Drust letting him get on.

Laffitte: Dear Drust, I didn't expect it to be in this place, I understood something completely different, hohohohoho.

Drust: The captain went in search of the Shandians.

Dabi: I guess they must have some courage for the captain to take the trouble to look for them.

Drust: They had some trouble with someone when they arrived.

Laffitte: It really doesn't look like a peaceful place, except for some lightning that didn't seem normal.

Drust: Maybe it's your so-called god controlling the lightning.

Laffitte: A user, mmm that sounds interesting, hohohohoho.

Dabi: I wonder if the captain will face him too.

Laffitte went in the direction of everything they looted to count when the exact amount was, while twirling her staff.

Back with katahara and chief Shandia.

Katahara: It's your only choice, or I should just leave this place and let God kill everyone.

After thinking about it for a few minutes Chief Shandia came to a conclusion.

Boss: Then we have a deal as long as you keep what you promised.

Katahara: I always do what I say, as long as you follow what I said.

Boss: Then when do you plan to do it.

Katahara: First I must talk to the people of Skypiea, and get them to agree too, otherwise they will be eliminated.

What Katahara said surprised Chief Shandia.

Boss: And what about your 5 priests.

Katahara: 5 priests?

Boss: Ohm, Satori, Shura, Gedatsu and Urouge.

When he heard Urouge's name Katahara was a little surprised, he didn't expect him to be one of Enel's priests.

Katahara: They will all be eliminated in the process, only his subordinates will remain, which I will also subdue.

Boss: that will work, it will also avoid the bloodshed of my people.

Katahara: They should just wait for the bell, and you all should gather at the temple.

After saying that Katahara left the tent and went in the direction where they left Drust.

Van Augur: Captain I guess you got what you wanted at the meeting, with Chief Shandia.

Katahara: That's right Augur, now it's time to kill a god.

Van Augur: We will go after this Enel.

Katahara: I will go after Enel, you and the others will take care of his priests, who are his strongest subordinates.

After walking for a few hours, they heard sounds of a fight occurring at the location where Drust was.

The two began to use Soru and moments later arrived, where a battle was being fought where the crew was facing 4 men, also saw a giant extremely muscular man lying on the side of the ship.