
Ballad of the Crows

He reincarnated with the mission of the one above all, but not everything is as it seems. War on all scales. This is not a typical protagonist story, so don't expect the protagonist to be someone who achieves everything with the power of friendship. The protagonist's ideology is 'the end justifies the means'

deimospendragon · Anime & Comics
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164 Chs


Katahara: I will wait for you on my boat tomorrow.

After he said that he left together with his crew towards his ship, they walked for a while until Katahara fell to his knees.

Drust: Captain you must rest, you are in no condition to continue.

Katahara only looked at Drust with a smile.

Dabi: I will take you to the ship captain.

Then he supported Katahara's arm on his and started to use Geppo until they reached the ship, where they saw Urouge awake talking to Augur.

Urouge: Thank you for saving me.

Katahara: It was nothing my friend.

Then Drust interrupted.

Drust: The captain must rest, you can pay your respects tomorrow.

After saying that they took Katahara to his cabin where they let him rest.

They left Katahara in his cabin, then Katahara lay down to rest.

Katahara: Thanks to this fight I got better than I expected with swordplay, although leaving me like this, I didn't expect it.

Katahara slept until the next afternoon.

When Katahara woke up and took a seat on his bed for a few moments.

Katahara: Damn I destroyed all my clothes during the fight, luckily Drust left me clothes.

At that moment Katahara put on the clothes Drust had left her, after that she left her room.

She left her cabin and walked to the front of the ship where she took a seat in the bow.

Drust: Captain, what are you doing out of bed? He needs to rest.

Katahara: Take it easy Drust, first I'll have a meeting with the representatives and then I'll rest.

Drust: Captain, those guys have been waiting for you since first thing in the morning.

Katahara: Well then tell them to come, we'll talk while I eat something.

Then Katahara went to the table that someone had set for him to eat, when he approached he realized that Urouge was waiting for him.

Katahara took a seat and began to eat, while Urouge approached him.

Urouge: Thank you for saving me once again.

Katahara: It was nothing.

Urouge: My name is Urouge, it's an honor to meet you.

Katahara stopped eating and extended his hand.

Katahara: My name is Katahara, it's a pleasure to meet you.

The two shook hands, at that moment they heard footsteps approaching so Urouge went to Katahara's side.

Katahara: We'll talk later Urouge, right now I have a meeting with them.

Pointing to Chief Shandia, Gan Fall and Amahiro the representative of the divine army.

Urouge understood what Katahara meant and moved a little away from them.

Gan Fall: I hope you are well... after all, defeating a god is not easy.

Katahara: It really wasn't, old man.

Chief Shandia: My people have already started to retake our lands as we agreed.

Katahara: A promise is a promise, I hope you understand that.

Gan Fall: Then let's start with the first thing new god.

Katahara: So be it, but before that avoid calling me god... As we agreed I eliminated Enel and also returned the land to the Shandians.

Shandian Chief: And we are extremely grateful for that.

Katahara: From now on all men as well as women will start training, without rest, Gan Fall your people will start building ships necessary for both the Shandians and the golden army to board.

Fan Gall: What you want is a private army, you didn't free us to free us from that tyrant... you freed us so you could use us!

Gan Fall shouted, what he did not realize was that at the moment he raised his voice, the entire Katahara crew was surrounding them ready to attack.

Katahara: You'd better moderate yourself, old man. .... I am giving them the freedom to choose, whether to obey or die, tell me if I don't give them freedom.

Chief Shandia: My people will follow you forever and ever, sir.

While kneeling down.

Amahiro: The golden army will always obey.

Katahara: Maybe I should let the Shandians get their revenge... Gan Fall, The golden army is under your command now Amahiro.

Amahiro: Yes sir, I am the highest ranking at the moment.

Katahara: Well then they will also start training like there is no tomorrow, I will also need you to stay.

Amahiro: Yes sir as you ordered.

Katahara: Then Gan Fall what is your choice.

Gan Fall was worried that if he did not make a decision now a massacre would be unleashed that he would not be able to stop.

Gan Fall: I will order them to start building ships.

Katahara: Aside from the boats for the people here, I will need more boats.

Gan Fall: And how do you plan to get all those boats down.

Katahara: Our dear Amahiro will help us with that, you don't have to worry... one more thing before we conclude, I need you to bring all the gold found in the golden city, as well as the golden bell.

Boss Shandia: My people will bring all that to you sir.

Katahara: So that's it... Gan Fall, I need those ships as soon as possible you heard.

Gan Fall: I understand.

After saying that, everyone left except for Amahiro who stayed by Katahara's order.

Katahara: Laffitte, why don't you take our dear Amahiro, to know if he is reliable.

Laffitte: Hohoho, of course captain, you have my word that by the day after tomorrow he will be someone who will give his life for you.

Lafitte took Amahiro to the second deck of the ship.

Katahara: From today until you leave, you are not allowed to go down to the second deck of the ship. .... Urouge why don't we have a little chat.

Urouge: Please allow me to join your crew... I want to pay for saving my life.

Katahara: If you want to join me just for saving your life, it's not necessary.

Urouge: I know you are the strongest in the whole place, you are even the strongest in this whole island. I believe I can achieve all my dreams by joining you. So, please let me join your crew.

His characteristic smile disappeared for a serious look.

Katahara: Right now there is no need for you to join my crew.

Urouge: Is there any reason for you not to accept my application, is it because I'm not from the blue sea?

Katahara: I don't care where you're from, you're just no help to the crew... but I'll tell you what, I'll give you a ship and you can sail the Blue Sea and when it's time you can join the main crew.

If I can get the Mad Monk, to join my crew he will be the leader of a legion for the coming war, I will bring him to my side just before he has his fight with Big Mom's commander, up to that point he will be at his peak, if I can get him to overcome his limit when he is by my side he will be unstoppable.

Urouge: I'm not sure about that sir.

Katahara: Look at it this way, you will be under my command only you will not use my flag and when the time is right you will join the main crew.

Urouge: If you put it that way I will agree.

Katahara: Good... as a gift I will give you some manuals, but you will have to train them in the order I will give you.

Urouge recovered his characteristic smile when he heard that, and left the place.

Katahara: We will be in this place for a few months guys, in that time you should train as much as you can, it will be one of the few times that we will be able to train in this way.

Drust and Augur only nodded while Katahara went to his cabin.

When she got to her cabin she climbed onto her bed and got into the lotus position to start meditating.

He stayed like that until the first rays of the sun began to rise the next day, until someone knocked on his door.

Katahara: Come in.

Then Augur entered from the other side.

Van Augur: Captain, Chief Shandia said he brought all the gold found in the place.

Katahara: Damn... I never expected it would take them only 1 day to bring everything, it seems they want to earn our appreciation... tell them they can come all the way up once Laffitte finishes his work with Amahiro.

Van Augur: As you command captain.

Katahara: Wait a moment, also give them this.

After saying that Katahara grabbed a piece of paper that was on a table near her bed and started training on it, Saitama's most rigorous training.

Katahara: Tell him that all warriors must follow this training regimen without exception.

Van Augur: I will inform them captain.

Augur grabbed the paper and left the cabin.


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