
Bakudeku/Dekubaku Oneshots

This is my BakuDeku/DekuBaku oneshots so it's exactly what it says. Read at your own discretion lol. I keep my oneshots under 4000 words so they should be quick to read

RndmFndms65000 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Beach Episode!

"Alright, since you all somehow did well on your exams, Principal Nezu suggested we do something special for you. The other teachers and I discussed it, and decided to take you to the beach for two days and one night. I, Present Mic, Cementoss, and All Might will be chaperoning you so you won't do anything stupid. Now go pack what you need, class dismissed." Aizawa told his class

It was the end of the day as the students rushed back to the dorms and started packing for the beach.


"The beach will be so fun!! I haven't been in a while." Midoriya was packing his things and talking to himself

*knock knock*

He went to open the door and was met with his friends.

"Hey guys." Midoriya welcomed them in

"Are you packing?" Uraraka asked

"Yea, I just started. I was trying to finish the homework Aizawa Sensei gave us before the beach announcement." Midoriya walked back to his bed

"We already finished packing ribbit." Asui shut Midoriya's door

"Both of you?" Midoriya asked

"Yep, want us to help you?" Uraraka said

"I can get it." Midoriya told them

"Okay if you say so." Uraraka sat down with Asui on Midoriya's bed

"Where Iida and Todoroki." Midoriya asked getting a set of shirt and shorts out of his closet

"Iida is still packing for the trip, he said he had to organize all his things alphabetically. Which I'm not sure how you do that with clothes." Uraraka giggled

"I saw Todoroki down stairs watching tv with Yaomomo." Asui said

"So they're busy. Well are you guys excited for tomorrow?" Midoriya put a set of night clothes in his suitcase

"Yea! The beach is gonna be so fun!" Uraraka smiled

"I'm excited to swim in the ocean again, I haven't been since my internship with the Sea Rescue Hero: Selkie ribbit." Asui put her index finger on her chin

Midoriya was looking for his pair of swimming trunks.

"I'm excited too. It'll be nice to relax even if it's just for a little while."

"True. Hey Deku, what are you doing?" Uraraka got of from Midoriya's bed

"I'm looking for my other swim shorts." Midoriya didn't look back because he was busy

"What wrong with those?" Uraraka grabbed the pair Midoriya was holding in his other hand

"Hey give those back!" Midoriya blushed

"Okay, sorry." Uraraka apologized

"What was that about?" Asui asked

"It's okay. Sorry for yelling, but these are too short and it would be embarrassing to wear them." Midoriya told the girls

"They don't look that small, go try them on." Uraraka said

"N- No you'll laugh at me." Midoriya looked away

"We promise we won't laugh at you ribbit."

"Are you sure?" Midoriya frowned

"Promise." Uraraka said

Midoriya exhaled and walked to the bathroom.

He took his pants and underwear off but left his shirt on. Then he walked out.

"See their too short." Midoriya showed them

"They look like boxer briefs to me." Asui said

"You should take em." Uraraka suggested

"Take them, why?" Midoriya asked

"Because Bakugou might like them~" Uraraka gave Midoriya a smug face

"Y- you th...ink?" Midoriya blushed

"I think you could wear a potato sack and he would still threaten others for making fun of you ribbit." Asui said

Midoriya's door opened.

"T- T- Todoroki!" Midoriya pulled his shirt down over his shorts

"Are they making you wear girl clothes again?" Todoroki shut Midoriya's door

"Ack, that was one time and he looked cute in that dress!" Uraraka defend herself

Asui snickered.

"That's true." Todoroki agreed

"Todoroki you can say that." Midoriya's eyes went wide

"I'm dating Momo, but I'm not blind." Todoroki said

"You think Yaomomo is cutier though right?" Uraraka asked


The three gasped.

"I think she's beautiful." Todoroki gave a small smile

~Ew love~

"Aww." Asui, Uraraka, and Midoriya said

"So why is Midoriya wearing those shorts?" Todoroki changed the subject

Midoriya pulled his shirt back down.

"He said they were too short, but I don't think they are." Uraraka answered

"They look like boxer briefs." Todoroki said

"That's what I said ribbit." Asui told him

"So are you taking them?" Todoroki asked

"I don't know. It would be weird to wear them right?"

"Not really plenty of people wear swim suits like that." Todoroki told Midoriya

"I also said Bakugou would like them~" Uraraka looked smug again

"I'm sure the pervert would." Todoroki joked

"Kacchan is not a pervert! Or at least not as much at Mineta." Midoriya told him

"I don't think anyone is." Uraraka added

"I'm gonna go change." Midoriya awkwardly walked back to the bathroom and changed

"So are you taking them ribbit." Asui asked

Midoriya walked over to his suitcase.

"I don't know."

"Oh, come one live a little, take risks." Uraraka encouraged him

"He breaks his bones a lot, I would say that's taking risks." Todoroki said bluntly

"Okay take risks that won't break your bones." Uraraka shrugged

"Fine I'll take them, but I'm taking my other ones too." Midoriya gave in

(What if one of the teachers sees me. I don't think I could ever show my face to them again if that happen.)


After finishing homework, his nightly workout, and a shower, Bakugou got his suitcase and sat it on his bed.

He started putting clothes it in when he heard a knock at the door.

(It's 7:00! Leave me the hell alone.)

"What?" He opened the door sounding annoyed

"Hey Bakugou!" Ashido greeted

"You busy?" Kaminari asked

"Yes." Bakugou shut the door to his bed

*Knock Knock*

Bakugou walked back and opened it again.

"What?" He asked in the same tone

"You know, I figured you would be in a better mood now that you're dating Midoriya." Ashido pushed her way in his room

"You coming in too?" Bakugou asked Kaminari

"Uh can I?" Kaminari asked

"Might as well." Bakugou gritted his teeth

Kaminari quickly walked in.

"Oh are you packing for the trip." Ashido asked

"Yea." Bakugou shut his door

"Okay. What's got you in a bad mood?" Ashido crossed her arms

"Nothing." Bakugou muttered

"Yes there is. You only answer in one word sentences when you're mad." Ashido frowned at him

She sat on his bed crossing a leg over the other.

"It's probably because Midoriya didn't sit with him at lunch." Kaminari started to sit down by Ashido

"Sit in the damn chair." Bakugou told Kaminari

"But Mina's sitting on the bed." Kaminari whined

"Don't care." Bakugou crossed his arms

"Fine. Mr. Grumpy." Kaminari mumbled

"So you're in a bad mood because Midoriya didn't sit with you at lunch? Who was he sitting with?" Ashido tilted her head

"Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki, and Tsu." Kaminari answered

"Seriously you're mad he was sitting with his friends? Dude he has a life besides you." Ashido told him

"That Nerd doesn't have a life." Bakugou frowned

"They probably wanted to talk to him about something." Kaminari suggested


"Don't Tch-. You can't monopolize Midoriya." Ashido said

Kaminari was enjoying not being yelled at.

"He didn't even tell me." Bakugou made a pouty face

"Bakugou I think you're over thinking this. Midoriya wasn't trying to make you upset. Plus he probably thought you would be fine sitting with your friends." Ashido told him

"What friends?" Bakugou frowned

"We- never mind. Just quit being grumpy your no fun when you're all gremlin Bakugou." Ashido said

*Knock Knock Knock*

Bakugou walked to the door again

"Ugh what!" Bakugou yelled

Midoriya flinched and recoiled.

"Oh sorry Kacchan are you busy."


"Uh, no sorry for yelling. Though you were Shitty Hair or Soy Sauce Face." Bakugou said

"Are you mad or something?" Midoriya asked

"Come in." Bakugou said

"You mean in your room?" Midoriya questioned sheepishly

"Yea." Bakugou frowned at the question

"It's just you haven't let me in your room yet?" Midoriya blushed a little

"What you haven't let him in your room?" Kaminari spoke up

"Hi Kaminari and Ashido, I didn't know you were here." Midoriya waved as he entered Bakugou's room

"Just chatting with Grumpy Grumperton." Ashido smiled

"What are you grumpy about Kacchan?" Midoriya asked

"Nothing." Bakugou answered

"Okay? Well I came by to say sorry I didn't sit with you at lunch today. Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, and Asu- Tsu wanted to talk about the homework Aizawa Sensei gave us." Midoriya hugged Bakugou

Bakugou's mood changed as he hugged back.

"Eh it's fine just tell me next time."

"Kacchan I did tell you." Midoriya looked at him

"You did?" Bakugou tried to remember

"Yea, just before we left for lunch. You were behind me as we walked out of class. I was talking and but you didn't answer me. I turned around and asked if you heard me. You said "Yea, I heard you Nerd." And walked off." Midoriya recalled

"I don't remember that." Bakugou frowned

"What were you doing while I was talking?" Midoriya asked

"Uh, nothing." Bakugou glanced to the side

"You're lying." Midoriya pointed at him

"No I'm not." Bakugou denied

"You so are." Ashido laughed

"I think I now what he was doing. Kiri and I were walking behind him." Kaminari grinned

"Shut up!" Bakugou told Kaminari

"Kacchan what were you doing that was so important you had ignore me?" Midoriya asked

"I was just... distracted." Bakugou said

"Pfft-" Kaminari nearly fell out of the chair

Bakugou glared at him

"Denki pull yourself together, it's not that funny haha." Kaminari told himself

"Why were distracted?" Midoriya asked

"Bet I know." Ashido muttered

"Your ass." Bakugou muttered

"What?" Midoriya asked surprised

"I was distracted... by your ass." Bakugou said

"Ha knew it!" Kaminari laughed

Ashido giggled.

"Get the hell out of my room!" Bakugou told them

The other two quickly left while still laughing.

"You were distracted by my butt? Well, I guess that explains a lot." Midoriya giggled

"I'm an ass man what can I say." Bakugou smirked

"As long as it's mine your looking at, then it's fine." Midoriya hugged him

"You ready for tomorrow?" Bakugou changed the subject

"Yea I already packed." Midoriya smiled

"I still need to finished. I was trying to when they barged in." Bakugou rolled his eyes

"Then I'll leave you to finish gathering your stuff. It's getting late anyway." Midoriya walked to the door


"See you in the morning Kacchan." Midoriya walked back and kissed Bakugou quickly

Midoriya left his room.


"Good Morning' Vietnam!" Present Mic said

"This is a literal nightmare." Aizawa muttered

"Good Morning kids." All Might greeted

Most of the students groaned or yawned from being tired and not wanting to be up this early.

"Okay we have a seating arrangement alphabetically according to last names. If you don't like who you're sitting by too bad I'm not changing it." Aizawa told the students

"When I call your name step forward and I'll tell you what seat you'll sit in."

"Starting with the row behind the drivers seat is Present Mic and I in seat 1.

All Might in seat 2.

Aoyama and Ashido, seat 3.

Asui and Bakugou seat 4.

Hagakure and Iida seat 5.

Jirou and Kaminari seat 6.

Kirishima and Koda seat 7.

Midoriya and Mineta seat 8.

Ojiro and Sato seat 9.

Sero and Shoji seat 10.

Todoroki and Tokoyami seat 11.

Uraraka and Yaoyorozu seat 12."

Aizawa counted the students as they dragged themselves on the bus.

"Are we ready to go?" Cementoss asked Aizawa

"Yea everyone's here and accounted for." Aizawa sat down in his seat with Present Mic


They pulled up to a row of beach houses.

"Listen up kids!" Present Mic said

"We've rented four beach houses. It's two to a room. I'm going to announce what house and room you'll be staying in. No changing unless you have a very good reason. You can get off as I call your names."

"Starting with house 1:

Room 1 is Ashido and Asui,

Room 2 is Hagakure and Jirou,

Room 3 is Uraraka and Yaoyorozu."

"House 2:

Room 1 is Aoyama and Bakugou,

Room 2 is Iida and Kaminari,

Room 3 is Kirishima and Koda."

"House 3:

Room 1 is Midoriya and Mineta,

Room 2 is Ojiro and Sato,

Room 3 Sero and Shoji."

"House 4:

Room 1 is Todoroki and Tokoyami,

Room 2 is Present Mic and I,

Room 3 is All Might and Cementoss"

As he call each student they left the bus and head for their assigned house.

"Woah it's so pretty!" Ashido said as her and the other girls got to their beach house

"Look at this view!" Hagakure went to balcony

"This place must be so expensive." Uraraka said

"The rooms are big too." Asui said peeking into one of the rooms

"If i has to estimate this house probably costs about 72,679 yen a night." Yaoyorozu calculated

Uraraka nearly passed out.

"What! That's like... like 218,038 yen all together!" Jirou said

"Ochako are you okay." Asui asked

"I just feel a little dizzy." Uraraka's eyes swirled

"We should get settled in." Yaoyorozu told the other girls

"That's a good idea ribbit." Asui said


"Man this nice." Kaminari said

"Dude come look at the rooms!" Kirishima told Kaminari

"It has a beautiful view!" Aoyama said

Koda smiled.

"We should get settled before we do anything else." Iida suggested

"For once we agree on something Four Eyes." Bakugou crossed his arms

"My name is Iida not Four Eyes." Iida frowned

"Same thing." Bakugou walked off with his suitcase

"It is most certainly not." Iida trailed after him


"Wow it's so spacious." Midoriya said

"It's huge!" Mineta exclaimed


"Everything is to you Mineta." Sero laughed

"That's rude, but also true." Mineta said

"Are they all like this? I've never been to a beach house." Ojiro asked

"I've been to one once, but it was a whole lot smaller." Sato said

"We should probably get settled in guys." Ojiro told the others

"Good idea." Midoriya went to search for his room


"Man Principal Teddy bear speared no expense on this baby." Present Mic said

"It's very bright." Tokoyami said

"Agreed." Aizawa grumbled

"We should go put our stuff up." Todoroki said to Tokoyami

"Sorry you boys have to stay with us lame teachers." All Might told them

"You might be outta date, but I ain't yo." Present Mic said

"It's fine Sensei." Todoroki said

"I don't mind either." Tokoyami agreed with Todoroki

"We should all go get settled in." Cementoss suggested

"I'm not looking forward to this." Aizawa muttered

"Just cause you don't like the sun doesn't mean the rest of us do." Present Mic frowned at him

"Shut up Mic." Aizawa said

"Aww did I make you angry." Present Mic teased

Aizawa hair floated up as he glared at Present Mic.

"Okay, okay! I'll stop, chill man." Present Mic said


Everyone got settled in and we're just lounging around for a little while.

All of their phones dinged.

{Aizawa Sensei}- Us teachers will be at the beach, but since we can't keep up with every single on of you. We would prefer if you stuck with a buddy of your choosing or a group. There are plenty of free activities happening on the beach so enjoy yourself while you can and don't leave the beach or house area without notifying a teacher.

Students hurried to change so they could go to the beach.

The girls made it first.

"Woohoo!!" Ashido shouted as she ran to the ocean

"Mina wait for everyone else!" Jirou ran after her

"It's okay Jirou just let her go! You can't contain a free spirit." Uraraka laughed

"I think I'll lie on the beach." Yaoyorozu said

"I'll join you." Uraraka said

"I'm heading to the water with Mina and Kyouka." Asui told the two

"I'll go with you." Hagakure said

"Be careful." Yaoyorozu said

"I will ribbit." She walked to the water


"Come on let's go!" Kaminari whined

"Shuddup we're waiting your boyfriend." Bakugou rolled his eyes

"I'm heading to the beach, au revoir." Aoyama waved as he left

"I'll accompany you." Iida said

Koda followed them.

"Sorry, I couldn't find my swim trunks." Kirishima walked out the door

"Yay we can go now!" Kaminari was excited


"Don't be so grumpy we're supposed to be having fun." Kirishima said

(How am I supposed to have fun when I'm pent up. Deku and I've been too busy.)

"Let's go." Bakugou stomped to the beach

Kirishima and Kaminari followed Bakugou to the beach.


"Hey Yaomomo I'll be right back okay. If the teachers ask where I went, will you tell them I went to see Deku?"

"Yea." Yaoyorozu answered putting her sunglasses on

"Thanks oh looks like Todoroki's cominng this way." Uraraka grinned as she walked to the beach house Midoriya was in


"Alright we're heading to the beach." Ojiro told Midoriya and Mineta

"Okay, I'm going to change. I'll be there in a few minutes." Midoriya told them

"Me too." Mineta said

"See you at the beach then." Sero waved as they left

Midoriya went to his room and searched from his swim shorts.

Mineta has already found his and was putting them on.

*Knock Knock* "It's Uraraka."

"I'll get it." Mineta opened the door

"What can I do you for."

"Is deku- oh hey Deku." Uraraka walked passed Mineta

"Of course I'm forgotten. Oh well." Mineta muttered to himself

"I'm heading to the beach."

"Okay Mineta." Midoriya answered

Midoriya finally found his swimming shorts but... they were the short short ones.

"Hey I brought you something." Uraraka said

"Uraraka I cant fine my other summing trunks." Midoriya panicked and started removing clothes from his bag

"Woah calm down just wear those it'll be fine. Here this might make you feel more comfortable." Uraraka gave Midoriya a hoodie

"Uh Uraraka not to be mean, but where's the rest of it?" Midoriya asked

"It's a croptop hoodie, I'll look cute with your shorts. Go try it on, it should fit." Uraraka pushed him to the bathroom

"Okay... I guess." Midoriya went in and changed

He didn't feel as uncomfortable as he thought he would.

"See you looks fine, and I'm betting all my money Bakugou is going to love this." Uraraka giggled

"I don't know. I might just swim in a pair of my athletic shorts I brought." Midoriya blushed

"Nope, c'mon we're leaving." Uraraka pulled him out of the room and to the beach


"Wait Uraraka." Midoriya tried to keep up with her

"No not waiting. Once we get out there you'll forget all about what you're wearing and you'll be having fun." Uraraka practically dragged Midoriya to the beach


"Hey Yaomomo hey Todoroki." Uraraka found them sitting together

"Hey Uraraka hey Midoriya..." Yaoyorozu rose and eyebrow at what Midoriya was wearing

"Um hi." Midoriya blushed rubbing his upper arm

"Guess she got you to wear the shorts." Todoroki asked

"Yea." Midoriya looked away

"This is embarrassing." Midoriya muttered

"What ever could be wrong, you look just fine?" Yaoyorozu said

"They're too short." Midoriya told her

"Most the girls are wearing Bikini's and there are boys wearing speedos. There's nothing to be ashamed of Midoriya." Yaoyorozu told him

"So it's not that weird?" Midoriya asked

"Nope and it I'll make you feel better I'll make Todoroki wear a pair too." She grinned

"You don't have too." Midoriya told her

"Please don't I'm not thick enough to pull it off." Todoroki said

(Does he mean I'm thick?)

"Hey where's the teachers?" Uraraka asked

"They went to order and pick up out lunch. Their getting us all pizza. They put Iida and I in charge until they get back." Yaoyorozu answered

"That sounds good. Come on Deku lets go have some fun!" Uraraka said

The two ran to the water.

Someone whistles at Midoriya.

"Looking good Midoriya!" Ashido smiled

"Th- thanks, you too." Midoriya said back

"Come over here ribbit!" Asui told them

Uraraka and Midoriya made their way over to them.

Once they got there they talked to the girls for a few minutes. It mostly the girls talking, but Midoriya chimed in every now and then. Eventually Midoriya got out of the water and just stood on the beach looked out at the water.


"Ah!" Midoriya jumped

"What the heck?" Mineta frowned

"Mineta why did you poke my butt?" Midoriya asked holding his butt and frowning at him

"Why do you have a girl butt?" Mineta asked


"Whoo! That was fun." Kirishima said as the three of them good out of the water

"Achoo! Whew, glad I didn't sneeze in the water. I might've electrocuted everyone." Kaminari rubbed his nose

"Idiots." Bakugou shook his head trying to get the water out of his hair

The three found their towels and sat down.

Bakugou put his shirt back on after he was dry enough.


"I'm hot again let's go back in the water." Kaminari said

"Okay, wanna come Bakugou." Kirishima asked


(Wonder what Deku's doing? I haven't seen him yet)

"Okay don't get to hot wouldn't want you to pass out." Kirishima follows Kaminari to the ocean

Bakugou rolled his eye as they left

A few minutes later Midoriya ran passed Bakugou.

"Mineta stop chasing me!"

Bakugou froze. He saw Midoriya in his very tight shorts and his croptop hoodie.

(What the hell, is he trying seduce me? What kinda swim shorts are those, aren't they to damn short?) Bakugou felt angry

He calmed down for a second.

(The Nerd.) Bakugou smirked

"Mineta stop!" Midoriya ran passed Bakugou again

(That's it! I've had it. I can't wait any longer. It doesn't matter if fuck him to death if he wears that right?.)

~Yes, yes it does, but if he consents then no it doesn't matter lol.~

"Oi!" Bakugou yelled

Midoriya tripped and landed in the sand.

"Why is your butt better looking than mine or a girls!" Mineta hit Midoriya's leg

But it didn't hurt Midoriya because it was like being hit by a baby.

"He said stop, so back the fuck off!" Bakugou shouted at Mineta

"Fine... Sorry." Mineta walked off

Bakugou helped Midoriya up.

"Thanks Kacchan, that was close. You saved me." Midoriya smiled at him

"Mmhm, yea come with me." Bakugou told him

"Oh we're we going?" Midoriya asked

"Just follow me." Bakugou grabbed Midoriya's hand

Midoriya followed Bakugou back to Midoriya's room.

"Uh, Kacchan why are we here." Midoriya was standing in the middle of the room

Bakugou shut and locked his door.

Midoriya heard the lock click.

"K- Kacchan." Midoriya saw Bakugou turn around

Bakugou walked towards Midoriya making Midoriya walk step back until he was met with the wall.

Bakugou did the Kabedon to Midoriya.

"Who do you think you are wearing clothes like this." Bakugou lifted Midoriya's hoodie with his other hand

He rubbed one of Midoriya's nipples with his thumb.

"D- Don't.~" Midoriya blushed

(I don't want him to stop.)

"Why are you wearing outdated shorts like this?" Bakugou ran a finger underneath the bottom of the shorts

He pulled the edge and let go. It made a snap sound.

Midoriya let out a small moan.

"Who would even wear this besides you?" Bakugou smirked

"All Might isn't outdated." Midoriya frown at Bakugou

"That's not the point Deku. Why are you wearing these tight ass shorts anyway." Bakugou ran his hand down Midoriya's side

He stopped and rested his hand on Midoriya's luscious ass.

"It d- doesn't sound like you hate it." Midoriya glanced to the side then back at Bakugou

"Haah? You sayin you wore this on purpose?" Bakugou squeezed Midoriya's plump ass cheek

"Ow, that hurts." Midoriya whined

Midoriya looked at Bakugou with his puppy dog eyes.

"You bastard, so that's how it is huh?" Bakugou smirked

(He wore 'em for me.)

Midoriya put his face to Bakugou chest blushing very hard.

He lifted his head up.

"Please don't rip or dirty them." Midoriya asked

"Yea we'll see about that." Bakugou turned Midoriya around

"Oi, look this way." Bakugou commanded

Midoriya turned his head and was met with a kiss.

It was a little sloppy, but Midoriya liked it anyway. Bakugou ran is tongue along Midoriya's bottom lip asking for entrance. Midoriya of course let him in.

Bakugou played with Midoriya now swollen pink nipples.

"K... acchan.~" Midoriya moaned quietly

The kiss broke and Midoriya rested his head on the wall in front of him.

"You get this hard just by playing with your nipples?" Bakugou smirked rubbing Midoriya's tip through his swim shorts

(I'll keep that in mind.)

"Haa~ ahh.~" Midoriya moaned

Precum leaked out of Midoriya's tip.

"W- wait let me take them off.~" Midoriya was breathing heavy

"No, you wanna wear them you can wear them." Bakugou grinned evilly

"You wore it for me anyways, didn't you?" Bakugou looked down at Midoriya's ass

"N... no." Midoriya lied

Bakugou pulled out his throbbing member and lifted the edge of Midoriya's shorts. He slid his member under the shorts and it sat between Midoriya's fleshy ass cheeks.

~Lol booty~

"Haah...~ Kacchan's Kacchan is so hot.~" Midoriya said

Bakugou lifted one of Midoriya's legs, holding it just behind the knee. Midoriya placed his hands against wall to keep balance while standing on one leg. Bakugou slowly thrusted back and fourth in the shorts gaining friction for him and Midoriya as their members rubbed together.

"Mm.~ huug~" Bakugou grunted in the back of his threat

"Aah~ Fwah~" Midoriya moaned

(His ass spasms every time I brush against it.) Bakugou was tired of waiting, he let Midoriya's leg down

He pulled Midoriya shorts down just enough to gain access and stuck a finger in Midoriya's entrance.

"Nya!~" Midoriya arched his back from the sudden invasion

~Wanna hit from the back let me arch my back~

(I wanna stick it in.) Bakugou massaged Midoriya a little more

Midoriya looked back.

"Do... do you want to put it in now?" Midoriya asked

"You ready?" Bakugou wasn't sure if he was or not

"Y- yea." Midoriya answered

Bakugou pulled him to the bed and Midoriya laid on his back. Bakugou pushed Midoriya's legs back, aligned himself, and pushed his member in Midoriya.

"Aah!~ Haah.~" Midoriya yelped and moaned

"Fuck~." Bakugou could feel how warm Midoriya's insides were

Midoriya was practically sucking Bakugou in.

"I'm moving." Bakugou told Midoriya

Midoriya nodded.

"Hnn...~ ahh!~ aah.~" Midoriya moaned over and over grabbing the sheets as Bakugou sped up

"Uh~ hmm~ yea~" Midoriya was already edging

He clenched.

"D- Deku!~" Bakugou almost came from the sudden tightening around his member

"Kac... chan~ f- faster please.~" Midoriya moaned loudly

Bakugou speed up more hitting Midoriya good spot.

"Nyah!" Midoriya was fixing to cum

"Damnit... I'm cuming!" Bakugou kept thrusting

He released his load in Midoriya.

Both we're breathing heavy trying to calm down.

Bakugou sat up.

Midoriya was dazed.

(That felt awesome.)

He suddenly felt his shorts being taken off.

He looked at Bakugou and noticed Bakugou was completely naked.

"Get hard Deku." Bakugou demanded

"A- Are we going another round?"

(Wait did he tell me to get hard like I can just make it happen.)

"Yea so sit back and shut up." Bakugou leaned down towards Midoriya's member

He let a stream of spit cover the tip.

Midoriya blushed and covered his face.

"Deku don't cover your face. I wanna see you." Bakugou told him

Midoriya slowly moved his hands away.

Bakugou licked the tip then took the whole thing in his mouth.

"Guh- mu-" Bakugou sucked Midoriya

(Kacchan's giving me a blowjob. This is my second one and it feels just like the first time Kacchan did it.)

"Kacchan~ ah!~"

Bakugou swirled his tongue around the tip. Then he would deep throat and hum making Midoriya erect again.

When Midoriya was hard enough Bakugou stoped and straddled Midoriya.

"So easy." Bakugou smirked

Midoriya's member was standing between Bakugou thick but toned butt cheeks waiting to enter.

"Wait a- are we seriously, you're r- r- really gonna let me?" Midoriya asked

"Shut it, you talk too damn much like always."

Midoriya covered his mouth as he recoiled.

Bakugou moved Midoriya's member and aligned it with his entrance.

"Hold on shouldn't we prepare you before- I- I I'm already in...~ ahh it's too...~ ah amazing...~" Midoriya moaned and Bakugou plunged himself onto Midoriya's erect member

Bakugou started moving up and down.

"Ngh.~" he grunted out of pleasure

Midoriya was feeling good, but Bakugou was doing all the work. He wanted to make Bakugou feel good, not Bakugou making himself feel good by using Midoriya.

"Kacchan...~" Midoriya leaned forward using all us force

Bakugou fell on his back.

"Let me do it." Midoriya leaned down and kissed Bakugou and he thrusted into him

"Ha.~" they parted to breath

Midoriya gripped Bakugou pecks then rubbed his index finger over one of Bakugou's nipples making become swollen.

"Deku... harder.~" Bakugou demanded

Midoriya sped up.

"Aa!~ hell yea.~" Bakugou moaned

Midoriya turned Bakugou around so he was on all fours.

"It's so damn deep.~" Bakugou smirked

"Can't stop.~" Midoriya moaned

"Don't Nerd~" Bakugou said

Midoriya's body had a mind of its own. He was feeling good and it seemed like Bakugou was too. Midoriya was happy.

"Gah ahh, harder!~" Bakugou could barely hold himself up

Midoriya sped up again as they both neared their end.

"Ah uu aah.~" Midoriya's mind was blank all he could hear Bakugou moaning

Midoriya plunged in harder hitting Bakugou's sweet spot everytime.

"Fuckin Deku!~" Bakugou moaned out

Midoriya leaned forward and hugged Bakugou.

"Sorry Kacchan, ah ah...~" Midoriya was almost there

"I'm gonna~ uh ah...~" Midoriya moaned

"Ah~ m- me too.~" Bakugou arched his back

"Kacchan I'm gonna come! Ah uh aa!~" Midoriya was seconds away from releasing

(It's so good. Kacchan feels so good!)

"Come inside me Deku. NN~" Bakugou told him

(Feels so fuckin good!)

With that Midoriya filled Bakugou up.

Bakugou couldn't hold himself up anymore neither could Midoriya.

They both plopped into the bed.

Heavy breathing filled the room.

Once the high was gone Midoriya sat up.

"What have I done? Are you okay!" Midoriya panicked

Cum was oozing out of Bakugou. He wasn't down from his high yet.

"Kacchan... sorry." Midoriya said

Bakugou snapped out of it and sat up slowly.

"I'm fine who the hell do think I am." Bakugou smirked

"Oh... I though I might've hurt you." Midoriya fiddled with his fingers

"You can't hurt me nerd." Bakugou told him

"So you're okay then?" Midoriya asked

"Yea I'm fine and we're doing that more often." Bakugou pointed at Midoriya

Midoriya felt embarrassed.

"Okay um but what does that mean."

"It means we can take turns topping." Bakugou told him

"Okay, but how will we know who gets to top." Midoriya tilted his head

"Shut up we'll worry about it when we get to it." Bakugou got out of the bed.

"Are going to take a shower?" Midoriya asked

"Yea cum is dripping down my damn leg. You coming?" Bakugou asked

"If you don't mind." Midoriya smiled as he got up

The two showered and got dressed again.

Bakugou just put hid clothes back on. Midoriya did the same but wore different shorts.

Bakugou started changing the bed sheets and Midoriya helped. Midoriya took them to a house cleaning lady after he put them in a bag. Bakugou made the bed while he was gone.


"There now it looked like nothing happened." Midoriya said

"We should get back out there." Bakugou said walking to the door

Mineta bumped into Bakugou leg as he was entering the room.


"Watch where you're going." Bakugou told him

"I said sorry. Oh, Aizawa Sensei and the other teachers came back with lunch you guys should go get some." Mineta bumped into Bakugou's leg

"Okay thanks Mineta." Midoriya nodded

"No problem." Mineta sniffed the air

"I smells like someone had sex." Mineta commented

"Ew, How- never fuckin mind come on Deku." Bakugou left

"Coming." Midoriya ran out the door


~I have a Ko-Fi! So if you guys would like to support me that would be great! You can donate any amount. Obviously you don't have to, I'll definitely understand.


