
Bad Boy Vs country girl

Karina is an orphan girl who has to live a very difficult life. He was still 24 years old and had to work hard to earn a living and had to work hard to earn money to be able to care for his mother, who had recently suffered a stroke. When he was struggling to earn a living, he did not expect to have to face a man who was heartless and at the same time irresponsible for his actions. However, Karina didn't want the brat to do as he pleased with her. Because all this time, Karina has been used to living a life full of challenges, so she will face people who always try to make her life more difficult. Giving in is not Karina's character, she is a village girl who doesn't want to just give in and of course she will make people who look for trouble with her so that they can't do anything more to her. Wiliam is a brat who clearly likes to get into trouble with Karina. He was so happy when he saw the village girl suffering because of him, but he didn't realize what he had been doing all this time just because he wanted to get the girl's attention. And of course, William was completely unaware of his feelings for the village girl. Misunderstandings and problems always come and go, will William and Karina be able to unite with sincere love? Come on, see the story here.

Indra_yuni · Urban
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6 Chs

Grandtather Farhan

"This brat always makes things difficult for me!" muttered Karina, who felt very annoyed with William who had not yet left the bed which he had actually prepared to transport onto the motorbike.

"Can you get out of here?"

"I'm already comfortable sleeping here! What's going on? Huh?!"

Karina was completely speechless. If he told the truth, the man would clearly make things difficult for him and he wouldn't be able to take home the mattress that Farhan's grandfather had given him. Karina currently still doesn't have the idea to kick William out, so it would be better for her to just go back to cleaning the warehouse while William is bored of lying on the bed.

However, after several hours of work and all of Karina's work was finished. Until now, William hasn't left, in fact the man is now sleeping while snoring so loudly that Karina hears him and becomes very annoyed. However, the girl suddenly got a pretty crazy idea to build William, she picked up a tin roof that was currently leaning against the wall and she quickly dropped it as if she wasn't the culprit.

William, who was sleeping peacefully, was very surprised when he heard a sound that was so loud near him that the man even ran so fast that he almost hit the wall because he thought that the sound was the sound of an earthquake that would destroy his house. And coincidentally he also dreamed about an earthquake, so the sound just now made William think that an earthquake had really happened in that village.

"What has he done? Why does he look like a fool?!" Karina muttered while giggling in amusement when she saw that William's attitude was really very strange.

Now that she had succeeded in throwing William out of the warehouse, Karina tried to transport the mattress onto the viar motorbike that she had previously borrowed from Farhan's grandfather. After working hard to transport the mattress alone, Karina finally managed to do it and she went back to cleaning the warehouse, which looked like some parts were a little dirty, then after she finished her work. It didn't take that long, now Karina immediately closed the warehouse and then got on a viar motorbike to deliver the mattress to her house.

"Good luck won't go anywhere!" Karina muttered, feeling very happy to get some of the items she brought to her house.

"It's already afternoon, I've been working too long. I hope mom is fine at home," Karina muttered to herself.

After several minutes of traveling, Karina finally arrived home and now the girl was again trying to put the mattress down. However, a few seconds later Karina accidentally slipped and fell to the ground. The girl tried to get up and wouldn't just give up, even though she was really tired after working all day, but that wouldn't make Karina stop working. He will continue to work hard so that he earns a lot of money.

"Finally finished!" Karina immediately entered her mother's room and made sure her mother was okay. He also wanted to know whether his mother had eaten or not this afternoon and it turned out that his mother had indeed done what Karina had said before.

Now Karina really feels very relieved when she sees that her mother is in good health. Then Karina decided to go out again because she had to return the motorbike she had used before and also take her bicycle which she had parked next to Farhan's grandfather's house.

Karina, who was no longer carrying heavy items, was able to move the motorbike a little faster so that she could arrive quickly and return home quickly. Along the way, Karina was seen smiling because the girl would soon get her wages from Farhan's grandfather. And he really couldn't wait to get the money and then buy delicious food for himself and his mother. For the past few days, he and his mother have only eaten fried tofu, while Karina keeps wanting to buy her mother delicious food. What's more, his mother, who is currently sick, clearly needs nutritious food.

"Where's my bike?" Karina immediately turned off the motorbike then got off to look for her bicycle which she had previously parked next to Farhan's grandfather's house.

"Grandpa Farhan!" Karina called when she accidentally saw the old man just returning from his garden.

"What's wrong, Karina?"

"Did Grandpa Farhan see my bicycle?"

"Didn't you think about it next to the house before?"

"Nothing, Grandpa."


Farhan's grandfather immediately stepped to the side of his house and it turned out that it was true that Karina's bicycle was not there at all.

"Grandfather! Karina, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, Grandpa will help you look for him!" said Grandpa Farhan who clearly understood Karina's feelings. He knew that the tailed bicycle had been very valuable to Karina all this time.

"I don't think anyone else could have stolen the bicycle, Karina," said Farhan's grandfather, who suddenly stopped looking for the girl's bicycle.

"Then where is my bicycle?"

"If he wasn't the perpetrator, who else would it be?" said Grandpa Farhan, immediately looking at William, who had just come home from a walk. His feelings suddenly became so certain that his grandson had stolen Karina's bicycle and he wanted William to be responsible for everything.

"Grandpa's bratty grandson?!"

"Hmm, you're right."

"Grandfather, I don't want anything to do with him at all. You know that, right? The two of us have never gotten along at all since we first met!"

"Don't worry, I will solve all your problems."

"William!" called Farhan's grandfather when he saw his grandson wanting to come into the house. And the man looked too lazy to approach his grandfather who was currently calling him.

"What is it?" William asked sarcastically, but William's attitude was like that and Grandpa Farhan suddenly kicked his butt.

"If you act rude to your parents like that again, I won't hesitate to kick you into the lake!" threatened Farhan's grandfather. Meanwhile, William could only remain silent while stroking his butt which was quite sore and it turned out that his grandfather's kick was really quite strong too. He would never have thought that his grandfather still had enough strength to beat him up.

"What's wrong, Grandpa?"

"You were the one who disturbed the bicycle, Karina?"

"No!" William answered briefly while his eyes tried to avoid his grandfather's gaze.

"Just admit it and I will forgive you then let you go."

"Is it true?" William asked excitedly. However, the man clearly had no suspicion whatsoever about what his grandfather had done and of course William still didn't know what Farhan's grandfather had been like so far, so he very easily fell into his own grandfather's trap.


"That's right, Grandpa. I've sold the bike, that girl! Now, let me go."

"Okay, now you go and look for the bicycle until you find it!" said Farhan's grandfather coldly and he clearly would not let his grandson escape from the mistakes he made before him. He will of course make his grandson responsible for everything until the bicycle returns to Karina again.