
Bad Boy Vs country girl

Karina is an orphan girl who has to live a very difficult life. He was still 24 years old and had to work hard to earn a living and had to work hard to earn money to be able to care for his mother, who had recently suffered a stroke. When he was struggling to earn a living, he did not expect to have to face a man who was heartless and at the same time irresponsible for his actions. However, Karina didn't want the brat to do as he pleased with her. Because all this time, Karina has been used to living a life full of challenges, so she will face people who always try to make her life more difficult. Giving in is not Karina's character, she is a village girl who doesn't want to just give in and of course she will make people who look for trouble with her so that they can't do anything more to her. Wiliam is a brat who clearly likes to get into trouble with Karina. He was so happy when he saw the village girl suffering because of him, but he didn't realize what he had been doing all this time just because he wanted to get the girl's attention. And of course, William was completely unaware of his feelings for the village girl. Misunderstandings and problems always come and go, will William and Karina be able to unite with sincere love? Come on, see the story here.

Indra_yuni · Urban
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6 Chs

get out

"I wish he wouldn't come to this house!" Karina muttered, she felt that if the man came to her house and discussed this with her again it would cause big problems. What's more, her mother is sick and of course her mind must be calm, she must not think too much or hear bad news. If not, then the mother will fall further and of course will have to be hospitalized.

However, just now Karina muttered. Suddenly he heard the sound of someone knocking on his door. Karina didn't immediately open the door, instead she was silent for a moment and chose not to say a word. In fact, he slowly walked on tiptoe towards the door to peek at who had come to his house.

"Grandpa Farhan!" muttered Karina who immediately opened the door to her house.

"What's wrong, Grandpa Farhan?"

"Karina, can you clean the warehouse behind my house?" asked Farhan's grandfather, who wanted to use the warehouse to raise baby goats.

"Right now?"

"Right, can you?"

"Of course you can," said Karina enthusiastically, she certainly didn't want to let this opportunity slip away. What's more, he really needs money and he has to accept the offer to get money.

Before leaving for work, Karina first said goodbye to her mother. Mainly he wanted to make sure his mother could take the food on the table he had provided. When she stayed, Karina made sure her mother would be fine alone. If it wasn't like that, he wouldn't be able to work to earn money at all, whereas he wouldn't be able to pay someone's wages to look after his mother because the money he earns is barely enough for daily food costs. In fact, Karina also felt very guilty about leaving her mother alone in such a sick condition, but she also had no other choice but to be brave.

Karina rode her bicycle following Farhan's grandfather, who was currently riding a motorbike. She hoped that she wouldn't meet city men who really liked to find trouble with her. She wanted to work in peace without any interference from the man. Karina wasn't afraid of facing the man, she just didn't want to waste too much time dealing with people who wouldn't be able to make money for her. Arriving at Farhan's grandfather's house, Karina immediately parked her bicycle next to the house and then followed Farhan's grandfather, who was currently heading towards the warehouse behind their house.

"Karina, if you want. Just take the items that you think are suitable for use in your house," explained Farhan's grandfather, who sincerely gave Karina the items that were still in good condition in the warehouse. Even though they are stored in a warehouse, many of these items are actually still suitable for use.

"Thank you, Grandpa Farhan!" Karina said enthusiastically, she of course wouldn't miss this opportunity. He saw for himself that there were still many things that he could take home, such as a foam mattress that didn't look damaged in the slightest and he would make the mattress for his mother to use, so that her mother wouldn't have to use a bad mattress anymore and could sleep comfortably on it. the mattress.

"But, I have to lend one of Grandpa's vehicles to transport him. Is that okay?" Karina asked.

"Of course, just use it. The key is on the wall in the usual place," explained Farhan's grandfather.

"Once again, thank you for the goods, Grandpa Farhan."

"Hey, you're welcome. You just do it slowly, there's no need to rush."

"Okay, Grandpa."

Now Grandpa Farhan has left and Karina immediately cleans the warehouse very carefully. He would throw things that were completely damaged in the trash and then burn them. As well as the items he was going to bring, he immediately separated them so he didn't have to be confused.

"Hey! What are you doing here?!" asked William who suddenly appeared behind Karina who was currently shifting the fairly heavy foam mattress.

"Ah! Watch out!" Karina screamed when she felt that the mattress she was holding was about to fall, but William didn't care at all about what Karina said, instead the man grabbed the back of the girl's shirt, intending to drag the girl immediately out of the warehouse.

"Ka—" Finally Karina couldn't hold the mattress until it was on top of her body, as was William himself, he was shocked when Karina suddenly hit him until the two of them collapsed on the ground while the mattress was on top of Karina's body and then Karina's body was on top. William's body, which was currently silent, stared at Karina's face, which suddenly looked so beautiful.

"He—hey! Help me quickly! This mattress is quite heavy!" said Karina, trying to get up to get away from William's body.

Meanwhile, William himself didn't dare to move at all because Karina's body, which kept moving on top of his body, made him suddenly stiffen uncontrollably.

"You stupid girl!" William muttered in his heart.

However, he became even more annoyed when Karina was unable to lift the mattress at all. He quickly stopped the girl from moving again.

"I'll do it! Just shut up!"

William also tried to move his body away from Karina. After trying hard, he finally managed to do it and now he immediately got rid of the mattress. Karina immediately got up and looked at William with a very annoyed look. If the man hadn't pulled him, maybe he wouldn't have dropped the mattress and trapped them under it.

"Hey! Why are you looking at me like that? Thank me right now! Hurry!"

"Why did I do that! It's your fault!"

"Hey! I've helped you! And you don't want to thank me at all? You ignorant girl!"

"In fact, you should be the one apologizing to me! If you weren't a nuisance here, maybe I wouldn't have experienced this misfortune!" explained Karina who didn't want to give in at all.

Likewise with William himself, he is not the type of man who just wants to give in. What's more, when dealing with a girl like Karina, it was clear that he didn't want to let her get away with it after what she had done to him before. In fact, in his entire life, William had never been to prison at all and when he met Karina he ended up in a place he didn't like the most. So, that's why William didn't want to let Karina's life calm down.

"Get out of here! And stop bothering me!" chased Karina away.

"This is not your place! You have no right to throw me out at all!"

"If you weren't a nuisance, I wouldn't have kicked you out!"