
Backs Turned

Warning This contains a lot of depressing stuff!! Basically it's a poly love story with the Main character going thru a lot of fucked up shit but still being able to love. Contains (but is not limited to) Poly Gay / lesbian Scenarios Death Murder Suicidal tendencies / thoughts Smexy Times Rape Drugs / Alcohol Abuse Bullying Cursing Don't Like that shit or can't handle it plz don't read just so you can say it's too fucking depressing because literally it supposed to be about how far a person can be hurt and them still being able to love!!!!

Wonder_bb · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chpter.2 The Move

*Present Day*

I woke up with a start. Looking left and right before relaxing. I looked down forcing the tears back. I hated that memory the most. The day where I was forced to lose my innocence, by him.

I stood up disgusted with myself and headed to the bathroom. I grabbed my lighter form the counter and took a cigarette from the pack in my pocket. Putting the pack back I turned on the vent and lit the cigarette. I inhaled deeply before flicking the lighter again, staring at the small, hot flame. I closed my eyes as I took another drag form my cigarette.

I put the cigarette out under the faucet before turning to leave the bathroom but not before grabbing my lighter, blades and self-harm box from the room.

I went back into my bedroom sitting down on the rickety bed and setting the box in front of me. I sighed. 'I need to take my mind of things' I thought. I looked at the box moving to open it . As it opened I see all my self-harm gear.

My replacement blades, the bandages and gauze, my matches and good lighter, pain pills and sleeping pills, burn cream and anti-bacterial ointment.

All the good stuff.

I picked out the matches, burn cream, and guaze out. I rolled up my left sleeve and pulled of the gauze enjoying the pain of it. I grabbed the matches and stuck it on the pack and watched the flame come to life. I stared at it lovingly before holding the flame against my already scared and scabbed over arm. I watched as the scabs almost melted away and listened as the raw flesh started to sizzle.

After a few more moments I pulled away the flame and put it out. I grabbed burn cream and put it on the mauled flesh liking how the flesh burned before eventually feeling a cooling numbness. Once I was happy with ointment I grabbed the gauze and wrapped my arm with the breathable cloth.

I was putting my self harm stuff in the box when my phone went off. I jumped 10 feet in the air before calming down and grabbing the phone off the nightstand. I looked at the screen and seeing it was just an alarm. I looked at the description and my eyes widened. Today was moving day!

I jumped up from my seated position on the bed and scrambled to my closet. I grabbed my two duffel bags and my old black school book bag and started packing my things.

I grabbed my laptop, drawnig tablet, sketchbook and art supplies and set them in my book bag. I put the small amount of clothes I own into one duffle along with my bathroom things and all my pet items and snacks into the other. My eyes widened as I realized I almost forgot my most important possessions.

I ran back into my room grabbing my box and the necklace from the bed post. I put the box in my bookbag and put the necklace on.

I went thru all the bags masking sure I have everything before I change and grab fluffy. As soon as I was sure I had everything I pulled up my hair into a ponytail and put in my snake bites and earrings. I grabbed my my cloud sweater and white pants before putting em on. I fixed his necklace and put on a chocker. I bent down and slipped on my converse and tied the strings.

After I was dressed I grabbed the plastic container for my pet and went to the cage that held her. 'Awwwwwww' I thought 'she's so cute sleeping!' I smiled as I took of her habitats lid and moved her into her carrying case.

I aww'ed again and spoke softly to her. " hey Fluffy... I'm sorry for waking you, we're moving to a new house to day" I said as I smiled at my baby. She looked at me as I talked and cuddled up to the bedding I put in. She was so cute I had to take a pic!

I smiled at my phone before reality came crashing back down on me. I sighed as packed my things and into my car. I buckled my lil baby in the passenger seat before sliding over the hood and to my door.

I laughed at my antics and got in the car. I made sure to set the air on as soon as I got in, as for fluffy to not overheat. I put the car in reverse and set off to our new home.

I just hoped my roommates would be cool and stay out of my life.