
Backs Turned

Warning This contains a lot of depressing stuff!! Basically it's a poly love story with the Main character going thru a lot of fucked up shit but still being able to love. Contains (but is not limited to) Poly Gay / lesbian Scenarios Death Murder Suicidal tendencies / thoughts Smexy Times Rape Drugs / Alcohol Abuse Bullying Cursing Don't Like that shit or can't handle it plz don't read just so you can say it's too fucking depressing because literally it supposed to be about how far a person can be hurt and them still being able to love!!!!

Wonder_bb · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chpter. 3 The Meeting

I sighed as I got out of the car. I looked at the hose with a displeased look on my face. It was large enough for the four guy that would be living here. 'I wondered if it had a pool' I thought with a small smile. I stretched in my seat before unbuckling and getting out. I just hope they aren't here yet .

I went up to the house and unlocked the door and opening it as wide as I could and ran back to the car to grab fluffy and my things.

I groaned as I set my heavy ass bags in the front foyer before heading to the kitchen to get a drink. I set my mouth under the faucet and took a few good slugs before I heard something fall in the foyer. I walked out to see a guy sitting there breathing hard.

I didn't know what to do...who was this?! My roommates? I started to panic and back up when I heard a "hey" I looked up to see the guy staring at me with a confused look. My eyes widened. Did he expect me to talk!? I looked away as I waved. A few minutes passed in awkward silence as I just stood there. I looked back to see the guy and two other stareing at me weirdly. My eye widened as I gasped. I looked at my stuff before racing towards it. The guys flinched but I ignored them as I grabbed fluffy and my bookbag before dashing out the open frount door and to my car.

I turned my car on and got out of there as fast as I could. I sighed as started to calm down 'they probably think I'm weird.' I thought to my self. I looked at fluffy before turning back to the road.

Not knowing where to go I headed towards my favorite cafe. I was about to head in inside when I remembered fluffy. I sighed for the hudrenth time today as I let her wind around my waist. I covered here with my shirt and set off my short trek to the cafe.

Once inside I ordered my usual, an i carmal latte before sitting in one of the tall stools at a tall table. I slowly drank my drink while calming my nerves. After a few minutes I had finished my drink and having no reason to stay I moved back to my car. Not wanting to head back to the house I set off down a random road hoping to lose track of time.

*several hours later*

I looked at my dash as the sun finally set and saw it was 8:30 at night. I smiled and pulled to the side of the road. I opened my GPS and put in the directions of the house. I pulled back into the road and headed back to the house I promised myself I won't ever call a home.

*few more hours*

I settled down in car as I stoped in front of the house I'm sharing and closed my eyes. 'I'm so tired' I thought to myself. I sighed and opened my eyes looking towards the house. Hoping they were asleep, I grab my bag and fluffy, in her box and set towards the front door.

I opened the door to silence. Hoping they were asleep I head to the kitchen to get drink. As I walked in tho I saw a note on the counter. Wondering what it was I grabbed it and read what it had to say

"Dear roommate who ran away, we left for the night to let you settle for the night, plz be safe and eat the plate we left in the fridge. You can pick your room, so sleep well, and goodnight, see you tomorrow.

Dear, your roommates"

I turned over the note to look for anything else and crumpled the note tossing it in the trash before opening the fridge. I side was a simple enough meal. Want looks like chicken and some vegetables. I grabbed the plate before putting it in the microwave and warming it up. After the food I was done I scarfed it down not even caring about tasting it.

After I was done I cleaned the plate and set it in the cabinet with the others. I stretched as I looked around for my duffles. I saw them in the living room and headed over to them. I grabbed them and set off to the bedrooms. I found one to my liking and set my bags on the floor. I stareted to put my stuff away, when I remembered about the rest of my stuff from my old house. I groaned as I set back off to the car.

* 2 hours later*

I smiled as I looked around my room. I was proud of my self. I sighed as I sat at my bed and removed my shoes and clothes before putting on new underwear and a large T-shirt. I stretched as I slid under the covers, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.