
Back to High School

Ryna was living a perfect life until she died in an accident. She was a famous girl with many secret identities and mistakes that she had made in her teen age. Her life was not easy with many friends that destroyed her life in high school and she died without revenge. But God gave her a second chance and she will live it to fulfill. Si Yehan was the school hunk and was the mysterious business man whom nobody knows. He went to school to look for a fiancee that his grandmother has chosen and to marry her to fulfill his grandma's last wish. ******** "Mm... let me think about it. Yes! I can accept you as....my…my.." Ryna was muttering and suddenly an idea popped out and she said….."Apprentice!!" Si Yehan: -_-""??! He got trapped as her student by her words just because of asking for lunch?? He, who always trapped others in his words, was now trapped by words of a girl??? ********** "Where should I sit?" Si Yehan said, making an innocent face. "Why are you asking me?" Ryna said her face was red from embarrassment the whispers of students around her. "You are my teacher." He said, making a thoughtful expression. Ryna was dumbfounded. "•_•'? ...... What's the fate between them? You can find with me in this novel. ******* Volume 2; Her Return Volume 3; ??? This is my first novel. Please support it if you like it. English is not my first language so if there is any mistake you can tell me in the comment section. The cover pic is not mine credit goes to the owner. I just edited it. This is my original work. All copyrights belong to me. ......... Instagram: love.q120 Discord: LoveQ#1262

LoveQ · Teen
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44 Chs

Chapter- 37 To steal your heart.

Just as her parents were gone, he

glanced towards her direction and seeing her eying him and then going inside, he too followed after her as she said it to him.

As he entered the room, he saw her walking toward her hospital bed and trying to sit on it. He came near her and helped her sit. He stopped once feeling her skin touch with his hand. His breath stopped for a while and his heart that was already beating fast because of worrying about her, was on the edge of breaking down. He felt nervous and thankfully it got unnoticed by her. He noticed her wound on her hand, he filled his blood boil suddenly, his eyes giving a sharp and cold look.

Just as she had already seated down, he felt the warmth from his hand suddenly disappear. His eyes were getting just disappointed that he listened to her telling him to sit down. He smiled to hide his disappointment and took a seat beside her.

To ease down the atmosphere he said "So finally you accepted me as your friend huh?"

Aa the little rabbit ignored his humor. "How could she be so cold.?" Si Yehan thought.

"Why are you here?" She said,

"Here again, she is a cold girl."

Ignoring his running thoughts he said, "Does anyone ask this type of question to their friend? Of Course I came here to see you."

The rabbit rolled her eyes and said "From when are you here?"

Ohhh..just as I knew that you broke some of your bones."

He said his tone was still cheerful. In front of her this was the only way to hide his nervousness and worry. And to lift up her mood too. He had never imagined before he met her that one day his facial expressions would change just to lift up the mood of a girl and tease her.

He was smiling as he listened to her answer in return teasing him back. Looking in a good mood.

He smiled and without a hesitation said "Yes" Though the only difference was he was not here to steal her bones but heart…and this was not said to her. This scheme of his was with him only.

Listening to his answer the girl's face turned red as she pointed a finger at him. He started laughing. He was feeling that his little rabbit was a little too cute that he couldn't help but want to peench her red cheeks and….

The girl's face turned gentle suddenly as she asked him "Have you eaten?"

He looked at her eyes and said "I don't know?" And shrugged.

"He wasn't feeling hungry and when her situation is bad, he doesn't even feel thirsty."

She looked at him again and said "Of Course you haven't eaten."

He looked seriously at her as a feeling of sweetness was emerging from his heart. He then smiled knowingly and asked "So, are you caring about me..huh?" His was unknowingly seductive more than anyone else making the girl in front of him, her ears red.

The girl in front of him then ignored his question and said *I am hungry, bring me food."

Listening to her ever spoiled voice but still guilty eyes, he understood that her mother might have told her that he was waiting for her for a long time. He smiled his heart out and still decided to obey her words because if because of him she could eat then he didn't want anything more and from when he, Si Yehan started missing any date and time he could spend with her.

He smiled at her and got up to leave to get food for her.

As he came outside he called his assistant.

Who now was busy holding all the matters, after his boss had left between the meeting and a lot of work. Anyway it was his job and it was good that his boss was finding another lady boss or he thought that his boss would get old all alone finding his all unknown fiancee…

He called him. Just in a few seconds his phone was picked up by his assistant. On the other hand came his assistant's hurried voice, he directly said "Come to hospital now with her favorite food."

After a second his assistant said "Yes!Yes sir!! Realizing who he was talking about.

Just as he was about to cut the phone, he suddenly remembered to remind him and said "And remember the food which is healthy only."

"Yes! Sir!! I will come in a minute." He said as his boss cuted the phone.

On the other side he was in a dilemma, about how to get the lady boss's favorite food which is not unhealthy." Anyway he has to hurry now, he said and hurried away.

So Yehan hung up the phone and walked towards the entrance as he planned to go to the restaurant which served the best congee in this city. So, she would eat it without any disobedience. Though the restaurant was a little far…

Some time later...

Si Yehan came out of his car holding a packet only to see his assistant there, he raised his eyebrows as he came near him.

The assistant greeted him "Good evening Sir!. The assistant said.

Si Yehan just nodded as he looked at him without saying a single word. Seeing his boss, the assistant hurriedly took out a bag and handed it to him. He then said with his all time professional tone "As per your orders boss, this is healthy food and mainly liked by the lady boss." He said not knowing the little act that formed on his lips listening to his assistant calling her "Lady boss."

Si Yehan took the food and checked it as he said "This time you did a good job, I'll consider giving you a bonus this month."

The assistant smiled professionally and said "Thank you."

Looking at his assistant he again said "Then take a holiday next month and go on a trip with your family. The company would afford all your costs." He said as he knew only a "bonus can't satisfy his assistant. Because from years of working with him and the salary bonus from time to time, he isn't in need of money.

Listening to his boss next word which shocked him to great extent he smiled this time his smile was genuine and full of happiness and said hurriedly"Thank you Sir! Thank you!!."

Si Yehan just raised his eyebrow and stored from there living his assistant who was overflowing with happiness.

So Yehan entered her room only to find her sitting there peacefully on her bed reading a book. There was a tiny bit of smile on her face and she was looking like a harmless little girl. But who would have thought when she speaks it becomes so bitter though she still looks beautiful.

He came in and took the small arrangeable table on bed and put it there as Ryna looked at him doing all these things. He then started unpacking the food and serving her as he muttered "Hurry, stop reading, weren't you feeling hungry before?"

Ryna put her book on the table beside her and looked towards the food in front of her amusingly. She can't help but say "You are quite fast, you even managed to take this many items."

Listening to her happy tone he was happy somehow as his eyes were smiling.

She then looked at the food and then him and said if he was a monster.

He wanted to say yes that he was a monster who was here to kidnap her but before he could say anything she said again. "Means don't you feel hungry at all?" Her tone was afraid to offend him.

He looked at her and thought why was she so scared of him? It isn't like he is devil or even he is, he hasn't behaved like a devil means his usual self in front of her never.

Still, he said his next flirting words with serious eyes "Seeing you eat also feels my stomach."

Ryna looked at him amusingly and said with a narcissistic tone Yeah..yeah…my stomach transfers food to you. Right?"

He still looked towards her with a smile and serious eyes.

She looked at him and said Say, do you want to eat? '' As your most intelligent and kindest teacher, I could share some of my food with you " . Listening to her narcissistic tone he wanted to laugh but he holded it on.

The girl looked at him and after shaking her head she served him a plate of food. He still kept looking towards her. Then as she was just about to eat, she looked at him and halted in her steps. She looked at him like he was a statue. He also looked at her.

Finally losing all of her patient she said

Now, you don't eat. I also won't eat at all. Looking at your statue makes me lose my appetite." Ryna said.

Listening to her serious tone which was sounding a little angry as he smiled and started eating his heart happy and in his mind was only with one thought "He moved one step closer to her heart."

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