
Back To 1995

In America in 1995, the flame of the Internet had just been ignited, mobile phones were still bricks, and Hollywood movies had not yet entered the era of special effects. All these will enter another era due to the appearance of Song Yang. Some media exclaimed that he is a new generation of Howard Hughes, just like what Hughes did back then, leading the trend and making countless people crazy, and Song Yang was worse than the original Hughes, he changed. an era. But for the media’s comments, Song Yang just left a sentence, “I’m just me, history will give the answer!”

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Chapter 42: Dominance

Now it seems that there are many opportunities, but in fact, the Internet industry in America has just developed, Yahoo is burning money, and Netscape is also burning money. Amazon, which just emerged last year, lost money in a mess, and will continue to lose money for more than ten years.

Don't talk about them, even if you create a search engine now, it's basically a loss. The Internet users in the entire America are only a few million now, how can it be possible to support these many companies, and they have to burn money to compete with their peers for the market .

   As for entering the electronics industry, with Song Yang's worth, it's not enough to burn at all, and he has to smash all the money he has.

   Lying on the bed in the small apartment, Song Yang's mind was a little confused for a while. Just when he was about to become drowsy and about to fall asleep, Song Yang suddenly woke up, and a thought suddenly came up.

Song Yang felt that he had fallen into a misunderstanding. From the perspective of future generations, looking at the current America, there would definitely be deviations. What is the hottest and most in short supply in the Internet industry right now is not about making more money, or about how advanced technology is, but about Internet users, whoever pulls in the most Internet users is the prettiest cub!

   Even as long as there are many users and large user traffic, it can be listed. Now it is a completely different market from more than ten years later.

After    figured this out, Song Yang suddenly felt that all his thoughts came through in an instant.

Song Yang wants to turn Double-click Company into his own position. When Double-click Company stabilizes, it can basically become a stable money printing machine. Martin Solo can rely on WPP Group to acquire frantically, and Double-click Company can provide Song Yang with stable money. Cash flow is enough.

   Next, Song Yang wants to choose an industry that takes root. Song Yang already has an idea, but among them, Song Yang definitely needs to do some other actions to raise a sum of money for the industry he is ready to start!

In any case, the news that Double-click Company received an investment of 12 million US dollars, coupled with the photo, made Double-click Company become the focus news in Silicon Valley and Wall Street. Song Yang became famous and began to work in America The technology and the financial industry started.

   Immediately followed, Double Click Company released a monthly revenue announcement in the wait-and-see manner, mentioning that the monthly revenue exceeded 1.68 million US dollars.

   This must be a bit of moisture. This revenue also includes some intentional cooperation, that is, the kind that has only signed a contract and has not received any money, but it is all included in the revenue.

   This revenue is released, and the double-click here is actually just for publicity, telling the outside world that double-click is "very" to make money, digital advertising is very popular, and those advertisers are coming to the bowl.

   But Song Yang didn't think of it, but it was a simple propaganda, but it caused an uproar in the Internet industry.

  After the announcement of Double-click Company, it was immediately spread by the media in Silicon Valley, and the rumor that "the Internet is about to make a profit" is even more heard.

   Those Internet experts, Wall Street analysts, etc., based on the revenue given by Double-click Company, calculate that by the end of the year, or early next year at the earliest, Double-click Company may become the first profitable company in the global Internet industry!

   How can this not make the entire Internet industry in America excited about it, the Internet has been questioned because it does not make money, and now the first profitable Internet company is about to be launched. Is it still far from other companies making money?

Almost affected by this news, the stock price of WPP in London rose again by 3%. Since the investment in Double-click, the stock price of WPP has risen by more than 11% in a row before the investment. About to wake up laughing.

These more than ten million dollars have directly increased the market value of WPP by more than one billion dollars. Compared with the investment money, it is not too cost-effective. People who had doubts about Martin before began to criticize him again. When the film got up, he was about to call out Sir Martin yyds.

   There is even a director of WPP Group. Privately, I regret that if Double-click is bought out, the share price of WPP Group will not rise to the sky. WPP Group is the first to taste the sweetness of the Internet.

Not only the WPP Group, but Netscape, which is the face of America Internet today and holds high the banner of digital advertising, is even more crazy this time. The valuation of the knife has been listed, which has risen by nearly one-third compared to the original valuation of one billion US dollars!

  Double-click company released a revenue report of less than two million dollars, which directly caused the Internet to be agitated. To say that no one is behind the scenes is absolutely bullshit.

Double-click is just an introduction. Although Wall Street investment banks and Silicon Valley venture capital firms will also increase the valuation of Double-click by a part, and officially reach 60 million US dollars, but compared with Netscape, Double-click has another I was once again used as a tool man!

  Compared with this news, it is the news that Double-click Company announced the establishment of a branch in New York, which did not attract much attention.

Most of the media who reported on it also had doubts, believing that the Double-click company was moving too fast, some were eager for quick success, and Song Yang, who appeared and whose value had suddenly skyrocketed, had begun to be arrogant and could not distinguish reality, etc. .

However, Double-click Company did not stay in the public opinion center of the technology industry in America for long. Two news that suddenly shocked the whole of America came out and attracted the attention of countless people. Compared with the report on Double-click Company, more people were closed. many.

   has been silent for a long time. Wang An Company, which was rumored to acquire Double-click Company and was finally cut off by WPP Group, suddenly broke the shocking news that it acquired the computer software business of Italian PC brand Olivadi at a price of up to 390 million US dollars.

Oli Dihua is the originator of the PC industry. It once competed with Wang An and IBM. Wang An suddenly started to take over the old rival and obtained Oli Dihua's computer software business. Wang An almost got European computers in one fell swoop. Half of the software industry!

   This acquisition was undoubtedly profitable. Although Martin cut him off, Chotus' ability was not bragging, and he made shocking news when he changed hands.

  Wang An Company This is almost a drama of the return of the king. The impact on the outside world can be imagined. Most people think that Wang An Company has gone bankrupt, but who knows that it has already stood up again.

   If nothing else, the best professional manager in America this year basically belongs to Jotus, and the only one who can wrestle with him is probably Gerstner who saved IBM.

   But this news has not waited for America's technology industry to digest, and another news that detonated the Internet all over the world. Softbank invested 100 million US dollars in Yahoo and officially became a major shareholder of Yahoo!

   In front of this news, WPP Group's double-click venture capital record of tens of millions of dollars was instantly destroyed, and the highest record of venture capital investment was directly raised to a new altitude!

A Yahoo that is just a small workshop makes no money at all. If it hadn't been for DoubleClick to provide digital advertising for it, Yahoo wouldn't be able to make a penny now, but just like this, it got Yahoo's investment of US$100 million from SoftBank. .

  People in the entire American Internet industry feel a little crazy. They don't know if they are crazy or the world is crazy.

  Netscape's valuation has skyrocketed like a monkey. Their browsers account for more than 90% of the browser market. Americans rely on him to surf the Internet, and everyone recognizes it.

  Double-click on this broken company, relying on digital advertising to fool people, everyone has put up with it, it seems that it is indeed possible to make money, and everyone will close their eyes and recognize the valuation of 60 million.

But Yahoo, a broken workshop, has no technology. Compared with its competitors Infoseek, Lycos, etc., its search technology is not dominant, but it is such a small workshop, but it has received an investment of 100 million US dollars. Softbank used it. This billion dollars was exchanged for a 33% stake in Yahoo, and Yahoo's valuation exceeded 300 million dollars!

  Softbank's investment in Yahoo is much more sensational than Wang An's acquisition of Oli Dihua's computer business, which almost completely ignited the flame of the Internet.

   But when I envy Yahoo, there are always voices mocking SoftBank and Yahoo. Whether it is a Silicon Valley venture capital or a Wall Street investment bank, they all think SoftBank boss Masayoshi Son is crazy.

   Investing in the shabby workshop of Yahoo, one million dollars is risky, and if you spend one hundred million dollars, what kind of business is there? The two founders of Yahoo have directly realized the freedom of wealth!

   After a roar, a fiery red sports car braked and stopped in front of the Harbour Building where Double Click Company is located.

   "This is such a real sports car!"

   After the car stopped, Gallo, who was sitting in the Ferrari F50 driver's seat, still held the steering wheel tightly and said to Song Yang, as if he hadn't driven enough all the way.

   This F50 was just mentioned by Song Yang from a Ferrari dealership in Houston today. Song Yang didn't have any requirements for what kind of car, but after all, he also needed a face.

This Ferrari F50 is the flagship sports car released by Ferrari to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the factory. According to the words of the car sales lady at the car dealership just now, sitting in the F50 driver's seat and stepping on the accelerator, 520 horsepower, V12 engine, enough Let the car behind you forget the background and sigh. Of course, when you drive this car, inviting a lady to get on the car will generally not be rejected...

  This Ferrari F50 cost Song Yang 400,000 dollars, which was 400,000 dollars in 1995. In Huaguo, several sets of courtyard houses are gone.


   After Song Yang got out of the car, seeing Gallo's expectant look, he naturally knew what he was going to do, most likely he wanted to drive to Hailey's side to pretend to be a green one.

   "Let's go back to Greg's place today!" Song Yang waved his hand and explained to Gallo.