
Back To 1995

In America in 1995, the flame of the Internet had just been ignited, mobile phones were still bricks, and Hollywood movies had not yet entered the era of special effects. All these will enter another era due to the appearance of Song Yang. Some media exclaimed that he is a new generation of Howard Hughes, just like what Hughes did back then, leading the trend and making countless people crazy, and Song Yang was worse than the original Hughes, he changed. an era. But for the media’s comments, Song Yang just left a sentence, “I’m just me, history will give the answer!”

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Chapter 24: mob

In just a few days, the Double Click Company, located in Houston Harbor, was basically set up.

   As soon as I entered the Double Click Advertising Company, it was completely different from before. Although it was only a simple decoration, it was divided into several departments. At present, the most important one is the sales department of Lehman, which occupies nearly half of the entire office floor.

   In less than a week, the entire sales department has rapidly expanded to fifty or sixty people. According to Lane's request, before the end of this year, the entire advertising sales department of Double-click Company should reach a scale of more than 300 people!

  Double-click advertising company's sales, the salary is higher than those of traditional media companies, and the commission ratio is also high, which makes Double-click advertising company quickly attract a group of sales talents.

The salaries of these salesmen are not low. In addition to leasing servers and setting up technical departments, they are also big money-burners. This is because Houston, server and labor costs are much lower than those in Silicon Valley, but they also cost Song Yang a lot of money. .

But the departments of sales and technology are indispensable. In addition, there are other departments such as personnel, customer service, after-sales, finance, legal affairs, etc., which are all in the process of being completed now. For a long time, Irene has been doing several jobs by herself.

Even Gallo has the title of a logistics supervisor, who is responsible for buying various office supplies for Double Click Company. Haili and her model sisters were brought over to be strong men, acting as front desk, secretary, etc. Of course, Song Yang did the job. Make a promise to send them to Hollywood in the future. As for when to go, then...

The money was spent like flowing water, and half of the funds borrowed from Comerica Bank were spent in just a few days. Chris Jain, who was in charge of Comerica Credit, did not directly interfere with Double Click Company, but He still called Song Yang and reminded him to control the risk of funds. He was afraid that Song Yang would get rid of it. He didn't want to appear at Double Click Company to check bills on behalf of Comerica Bank.

A lot of money was spent, but Song Yang was not without gain. Song Yang invited a professor from the computer lab to be a technical consultant from Houston's top Rice University, and through his relationship, he recruited a group of Houstonians. , and initially formed the technical team of Double-click Company.

With this technical team, we can maintain and upgrade the double-click company's signboard, the world's most advanced "DART" advertising system, and Lehman, who dares to issue a military order, there are indeed a few brushes of.

   Ryan is a sales genius. In just a few days, he has already brought in nearly two hundred thousand advertising fees for the DoubleClick advertising company, which is enough to prove his ability.

From the traditional advertising industry to the transformation of Internet digital advertising, Ryan has no jerky, "click-through rate, conversion rate, advertising effect, brand influence" and other words, although Lyman does not fully understand, but it does not prevent it from popping out of Ryan's mouth, flickering The advertiser was taken aback.

   Song Yang, who came to Double Click Company today, deliberately wore a formal suit. Today is Double Click Company, the first management meeting since its establishment.

Entering the Double-click Company, Song Yang couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as he looked at the nearly 100 people who were busy. This short half-year's work was not in vain. Even if the Double-click Company was still an empty shelf, it was still a big empty shelf. Can't blow away.

When passing by the sales department, the phone calls came one after another, and now the digital sales department of the double-click advertising company is actually pulling advertisements, calling various companies over and over again, so that these advertisers, by double-clicking the advertising company, are in Netscape, Advertise on Yahoo.

Just like the "Wolf of Wall Street" starring the man with a water gun on the beach, securities companies sell junk securities to investors over the phone, and now Double-click advertising companies are constantly pulling advertisers from major companies over the phone. This way, It is expected to continue for a long time.

   Entered the office, and as soon as she sat down, Irene, who was holding a stack of documents, walked in.

   "Today's makeup is very beautiful. I said that old-fashioned makeup is not suitable for you. If you take off your glasses, it will be more perfect!"

Seeing Irene, Song Yang said to Irene instinctively. Song Yang felt that he was influenced by the original body. Otherwise, he was always a gentleman, how could he talk to a little assistant, this is not his style.

Irene was already familiar with the style of this boss who was a few years younger than her. When she heard this, she still had the look of a strong woman, and she didn't seem to hear Song Yang's words, "The conference room is ready. , do you want to notify the supervisors of each department to participate?!"

Song Yang nodded, and I have to say that Irene is also the person Song Yang is most satisfied with for the people who are recruited. Irene's management skills are very strong. Not only the assistant, but also many affairs of the Double Click Advertising Company are actually handled by Erin.

   However, Gleek still has a lot of opinions on Irene. Although Irene did not fight back, she was also very estranged from Gleick, which made Song Yang wonder if the two were incompatible.

  The conference room of the double-click advertising company was also temporarily set up, and the area is not large, but it is still equipped with projectors and the like, so you don't have to worry about hand gestures.

   Not many people attended the meeting. Song Yang, who double-clicked as the chairman, and Greck, who was in charge of legal affairs, were also in charge of the financial department for the time being. Ryan, who was in charge of sales, and Wesley, the technical director who was recruited.

Gallo is also playing soy sauce in it. He is nominally the logistics director of the DoubleClick advertising company. He is in charge of all kinds of subsidies and benefits. He is also in charge of meeting minutes. He is also Song Yang's assistant. In fact, he is in charge of DoubleClick Erin has a lot of company affairs.

  Irene, holding a pen, glanced at the crowd in the conference room calmly. From a professional point of view, Double Click Company is a mob, or a crony family company.

To be honest, Irene, who has already figured out the inside of Double Click Advertising Company for several days, has some doubts about how this company suddenly appeared and got millions of dollars from Silicon Valley and Wall Street. Valuation.

No, it should be a valuation of 10 million. Yesterday, a Wall Street agency raised the valuation of DoubleClick advertising company again, reaching a huge $8 million. That is to say, DoubleClick Advertising, which has just been established for half a year, is already a valuation company. A company worth nearly a million dollars!

  If there is no Song Yang in this company, Greck, who seems to be an elite lawyer at the moment, is actually a little-known lawyer in Irene's eyes, and it is impossible to join a company with a valuation of tens of millions as the head of legal affairs.

  The dog-like Gallo, although dressed in formal clothes, has no skills, and his poor procurement and negotiation skills have already cost Double Click Advertising Company a lot of money. Any change of professionals is much better than him.

   As for Wesley, who was in charge of the technical department, he was just a rookie with some strength. Song Yang said he was a genius architecture engineer, but Irene had yet to find out what was so special about this Rice University graduate.

The only thing that Irene can't see through is Kavy Lane. He is a real talent, and his management team is outstanding. He can pull up an excellent sales team in such a short period of time. His ability is really strong, but Irene was a little surprised when Ryan came to Double Click Company. I don't know why he was so optimistic about this golden and jade company, but it was actually an empty company.

"Welcome to join the Double Click Company," said a group of people in Song Yang's conference room. "Someone said that when you encounter a spaceship that is about to take off, then, don't hesitate to jump up and take a seat. Congratulations on choosing such a spaceship. ship!"

As soon as    came up, Song Yang first poured a bowl of chicken soup for the crowd. It was said that Song Yang, who had experienced the influence of various masters in later generations, would have no problem cooking a few bowls of chicken soup.

  Song Yang gave Ryan and Willis a lot of chicken soup, and also drew a pie. When Double Click Company goes public, they will be the ministers of the dragon, and their next generation will become the second rich generation because of them!

  Anyway, chicken soup and pie don't cost money, so Song Yang worked hard to create it. "Double-click advertising company will definitely become the world's largest digital media advertising agency in the future, and it will become an existence that affects the global advertising market."

   "How about the sales department?" After Song Yang finished speaking, he asked Ryan.

"It's still being promoted, and advertisers still have doubts about digital advertising. I think we should promote it. In addition, we should seek cooperation with major Internet and PC manufacturers. I think it can increase popularity and revenue!" Ryan reported on the establishment of the sales department. The revenue since then is generally good enough, and the profit is nearly one-third higher than that of traditional media.

   But when he heard that it would cost money to advertise in outdoor, newspapers, TV stations and other channels, Song Yang couldn't help but have a headache, so he could only avoid the topic first, "Can you get a big PC manufacturer to cooperate with DoubleClick advertising company?"

Before   , he pulled it to IBM, etc., and it was no problem to test the water in Double-click advertising company. However, Song Yang felt that it was still a little difficult to get these manufacturers to put their main promotion resources in Double-click advertising company.

   "Advertising does not necessarily require conversion rate, purchase rate, etc. Sometimes, it is just necessary!"

Lane said to Song Yang that Lane has much more experience than Song Yang in this regard. Just like those top luxury brands, they advertise in various popular fashion and trendy magazines and media all year round. They also know that people who watch this stuff, maybe Can't afford their brands at all, but they still advertise like crazy to make it known.

   The same is true for Double-click advertising companies. Now the scale of Internet users is still small, but those technology manufacturers such as PCs are willing to miss the opportunity of publicity?

   "You are responsible for this matter. As for the promotion," Song Yang said after being silent for a while, "Wait until the first financing of Double Click Advertising Company is completed, and then promote it immediately!"

   As soon as they heard that Double Click Advertising Company was about to start financing, several people in the conference room all looked towards Song Yang. This also had a huge impact on them!

After   Lian, Greck, Wesley, Gallo and others all reported on the status of their respective departments, and then they dispersed. It was originally a grass team, and it was still in a mess. How many important things could be discussed endlessly.

  After everyone left, Greg stayed and asked Song Yang, "Are you really going to start looking for investment?!"