
Back in Time To You

Amanda thought she was born this way, to be betrayed, and end up like a fool who doesn't know what it is to live like a powerful person. She only dreamed of living a simple life with Edmund, her fiancée. However, she didn't expect to be betrayed by someone she'd loved. She's lost everything but the precious ring her mother had given her. Knowing she couldn't let them have their way, she swallowed the ring before plunging to her death. However, she didn't expect to wake up in her room after her death. As she continues, she will be facing the same plot of her life. However, she will change it into a brand new life. But, as she goes on turning the tables. She will be encountering unexpected events that will make her change.

NotiamDawn · Urban
Not enough ratings
79 Chs

Chapter 25

After the last period, everyone went to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Hey Liam," Shannon tapped his shoulder,

"Hmm?" He turned around.

"Will you come to have lunch with us? It'll be fun,"

"No thank you." Liam walked away before Shannon could make a reply.

"Don't even think of stealing my man loser," Victoria Emerson pushed her aside.

Most girls wanted Liam including Shannon.

As to Shannon, Victoria is her arch-nemesis.

They've been fighting over wealth and popularity in the school.

So are their parents,

Simeon was never on good terms with Victor Emerson (Victoria's father).

Which includes business with the Emersons.

- Amanda

"Girl!" Aurora Lennon hugged her as Amanda entered the room,

"Wow, you've grown taller!" Aurora chuckled as she pulled Amanda next to her seat.

She had been saving it for her.

Aurora Lennon was a famous supermodel, her father is an influential man due to his business.

Her mother was also a supermodel in Italy.

Most students at Corona Austra University came from the most powerful and influential people.

They passed the entrance exam based on their skills.

Same for Amanda, who passed the exam based on her hacking ability.

"Can't you be any louder?" Colin Evans looked at Aurora,

"You've screamed too much,"

Aurora rolled her eyes,

"Then mind your own business,"

Colin smiled at Amanda.

"So. What's the hacker's up to?" He walked to her.

They have been friends like brother and sister, and they also are the makers of the game 'Blood Garden'.

It shot straight at the top lists once released.

The principal praised them for it.

"Just a hitch?" Amanda took out her notes,

Ivy Walkers walked up to them,

"Amanda, why don't you invite me over to your place? Father wants to know what's up to," Ivy leaned on her desk,

"Yeah sure," Amanda smiled.

"I want to come too! Please?" Aurora begged.

"Yeah. But about when, I'll think about it," Amanda continued to her book.

- a few months later

Simeon stopped over at Shannon's school to pick her up.

"Dad, I won a design contest at school," Shannon said excitedly,

"That's good. You are something," Simeon smiled.

"It was a piece of cake. I made my way straight to the top without getting any sweat," Shannon boasted,

"That's my daughter, I'm so proud." Simeon kissed her forehead,

"Why don't you go tell your mother about it?"

"Sure!" Shannon ran inside.

After telling the whole story to Sabrina, Shannon decided to hold a party to celebrate it.

"Can I invite my classmates?" Shannon looked at them.

As Shannon expected, they agreed.

"Don't forget your sister," Sabrina winked,

"Yeah, I'll call her," Shannon smiled.

'How's that?' Shannon arrogantly told the whole story to Amanda.

"Good," Amanda made a comment looking bored,

'Is she mocking me?!' Shannon's anger was about to boil.

"I'm holding a party in the house to celebrate, you can come too." She offered,

But Amanda recoiled the invitation,

"Actually, some of my classmates wanted to come over tomorrow. I guess I won't be able to-,"

"They can join!" Shannon interrupted.

'If I show her friends I'm way better than her, they're gonna come kneeling at my shoes begging to be my friend' She mused.

"If they want to. But, if they don't, we'll have to take the fourth floor." Amanda answered,

Before anyone could make a reply, Amanda's phone vibrated.

"I'll excuse myself then," Amanda walked off,

She checked her phone as soon as she got to her room.

"Hello?" She answered the call from an unknown number,

"It's me," Chase's voice answered back.

"You called,"

"I wanted to check how are you?"

"I'm good, as usual,"

"Hmm. About the gang leader, he said his name was Boris Colton."

'Boris huh,' Amanda studied the curtains of her window.

"What are you going to do with him?" Chase sighed,

"Can you do me a favor?"


"Make him spill out every detail about what his host asked him to do about Selene and Alfonso Reeve,"


- Chase

He hung up the phone and crossed his fingers.

'She already knows who is the culprit of her mother, why does she ask about her father also?'

'Something's off'