
Episode-2 The Holy F*ck

| Year - 1426 , China- At The Peak Of The Sect Heaven's Sky |

Jang Bonghwan/Shu Qing : (is now... Shu Qing for copy right reasons.. the names will be very DIFFerent) ...touches crotch yes...big indeed...but where am i...

Wu Xian : You're awake, Junior.

Shu Qing : did you kidnap me...and perform surgery on me.. and get into a movie set.. where's the cameras?

Wu Xian : Junior?

| After a few hours of extreme confusion and cursing... |

Shu Qing : looks at mirror and touches my crotch atleast i have a good body and a good face..and a big thing

Shu Qing : but my fate is to be... killed by that protagonist.. I'm a villain...

| Quick Story Flashing Back |

This Novel Named "Arrogant Donkey Brain Cultivators Conquered By Arrogant Demon Like Cool UwU Harem Young Boy" ( copy right reason, if you wish to see original, please watch Sc-mbag System) has a protagonist, he was abandoned in a river with a basket and he's in it..

as usual a old gal lady adopt, raise, he get bullied in town, adopted mom died from strange illness and no care cuz poor af and main character had a fake jade as her last asset and he's in heaven sky clan as a disciple.

he get tortured by shu qing in original novel and shu qing try kill him and he get a power up and return and torture shu qing for eternity with his harem and powers and demons forever.

| Quick flash back story end |

Shu Qing : so system.. i have to kill him yes...

<System : No, you can't kill the main character, he's invincible and you're a villain who's..a nobody)< p>

Shu Qing : this f.... this f novel....a pe...ehryfhrgrr shdhdhidd your rufurjt t tyrign tto ..rufufickcjf fuemeu

| hours of cursing and confusion continue until he accepted new reality |

| hours pass |

| Year - 1426 , Earth - China, Heaven's Sky Sect |

Luo Binghe : (the protagonist of original novel..) Ahhhhhhhhrghh getting beaten up by his seniors as usual

| ( What may be waiting them, to know i will only create new chapters if i get some views or power stones muahahahah read this trash lol xD XD i made this in my bed while studying my school stuff... so bored.. please give me attention uwu, also made under 10 mins ) |