
Azure shadow

He didn't ask for this, did he? But he got it. He got power, many could only dream of existing. The power to keep his loved, safe. With this power he could achieve his dream. Dream of 'An ideal future'. The ideal future where there are no hungry. "Absolute power, corupts absolutely. But he who defeats it, shall bring absolute peace to this world" And I will not stop until that future is brought. I will either do it or die trying. That is my will, my conviction, my desire. My will to use my power to protect the weak. But for that to be realized I must achieve absolute power. weekly - 1 chapters chapter length - 1K

Satish_Surya · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 09- [ Origin...part 1]

-USA-New York-

-Ram POV-

I was still tense with the old man that just rescued me, I still couldn't get over the suffocating pressure he exudes.

'Who would be comfortable with a man that can kill you any second. Though, I can try to trust from row's words. '

We were currently running on the roof tops of New York. We were speedily approaching the Brook field place. Then he stopped me to stop at a certain roof top.

I calmly nodded, the old man sat down and motioned for me to relax. I obeyed, leaned on the railing of the building. This position would allow me to escape if things go South.

"Quite careful aren't we! Hahahaha! Anyway kid introduce yourself and I am I'll tell you about me. "- The old man smiled knowingly at my carefulness.

" What should I mention in my introduction.., sir. "- I hesitated for a bit.

" Well, tell your name, likes, hobbies and dreams, young man. "

"My name is Ram adrusta..., sir. I like to spend time with my parents and jannu. My hobbies are mostly hanging out with my best friend Ravi. And I dream to achieve 'An ideal future' where everyone can sleep with full stomachs. "

The old man laughed in an oddly melancolic. Like he was remembering an incident... Where we met...

Then I started having a headache, headache was minor term as what felt was more similar to getting my head bitten by cobra. And I started screaming, my screams filled the atmosphere... They were loud enough to startle the old man.

"Ram adrusta, stop!! Don't think further than what you already have! "- Those words stopped the pain from cracking my skull to pieces.

And suddenly, I felt like I could trust the white haired man. I felt like we had fought battles together, fighting for each other's life. I felt like he was man I could trust my life with. And I trusted this 'instinct'.

"... Why-why do I suddenly feel the need to trust you... The need to depend on you! Who are you, old man! "- I asked in between breaths, I was not concerned for fear anymore, maybe due to this peculiar feeling.

" I didn't expect for this to happen, I want to tell you the reason. But I can't. This is something you have to find, yourself! "- The old man rubbed his chin with a sigh.

"What do you mean old man! "- I was unable to control my self from asking this question. I know, that just a second ago I was scared of him beyond belief. I still yelled the question out.

Then I suddenly felt a great pressure coming out of his body, not enough to scare but enough to stop me.

" Ram, what I'm about to tell you must be kept between the two of us and us alone! Answer with a yes, if you understand. "- I nodded at his question and answered affirmatively.





" Good! Ram you can call this old man master shinron. And I am your great grandfather! "- The old man said with a sigh of furatration at my reaction.

Because my reaction was the very definition of shock. My jaw dropped, my eyes widdened and I found it hard to form words. I started at him for more than a few minutes, in which time shineon proceeded to relax himself further.

"WHAAA?! "- I was shocked beyond reality.

" Let me explain from the start, that is. Let me tell the start of our family as in me...

I was born as the first human to ever have the ability to harness aura, at the time 15th century, if my memory serves right.

I was able to do many things with it. I was able to lift mountains, run faster than light.

But I was still a kid when I discovered these things, and the people in my village saw me as personification of both God and devil. The villagers that beloved me as their god, treated me like a king, doing whatever I wished of them.

The people that viewed me as a devil saw that as foolishness and one day poisoned me in my sleep. Their plan was to poison me and show the others that I was not God. Their plan failed though, I was resistant to poison as I posses the crown physique. "

"Wait-what-how wait that makes sense, continue! "- I Inturpted but instantly stopped myself from further blabbing.

" As their plan failed, they thought of taking me out of the village in my sleep. They succeeded, and through me in a pit. Let me tell you about the hole itself, it's depth was beyond human exploration, even for the humans today. Even I don't know it's actually depth.

I woke up mid fall, I was startled, I cried, I screamed. I thought that was my end but the fall lasted for more than three days, and then landed in a forest.

The forest was filled to brim with weird monsters from the nightmare. But I was nothing if not strong, I was able to survive in the forest for 150 days and nights before humans found me.

I explained to them my story, they took me to the nearest civilization, which was and is called the scared rise kingdom to this date. And that kingdom resided in scared earth. There I discovered the truth of this world.

The truth of demi-hunters and gods...

Demi-hunters are people who harbor spirits inside them that give them different powers. Like for example your shadow powers that you have yet to control. These powers were said to be gifts from gods. And they thought my physique was one of them.

I was taught to fight and protect, in that kingdom. I gained loved ones that I protected with my whole heart. I then started teaching the art of aura to the people willing, In a form of service to my country. From there I grew stronger and stronger.

The king started eyeing me as threat to his rule...

And one day he threatened to kill my only son and daughter. And then I was forced to form a divine contract in which my son and daughter would be sent to this plane, where in I must not interfere with the activities of this world.

It's been centuries since then, my wife died in my hands, due to old age... But I lived.

And I found a way to destroy the contract but I didn't. "

"Why didn't you?...
