
Azure Moon

What defines MMORPG? Escaping reality? Realistic graphics? Excitement? Or Is it raiding dangerous dungeons to take down the strongest bosses there, or is it facing off against other players to climb the mountain to become the strongest player? Some would say MMORPGS is about crafting the strongest and most exotic equipment there was or is all about climbing the market to become the richest player there ever was. This will however remain unknown for a young man who had his life cut short by an incoming truck, with everything lost how would his story unfold? -------------- Note: The story begins with my own world that is heavily inspired by another creation, most characters belonging to it are OC. Warning: I will be releasing chapters at my own rate, it could take weeks for a single chapter to be released. You have been warned.

Tea101 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


[Objective1 - Kill 1 Hollow. (Completed, rewards have been distributed.)]

"Buy regeneration two, claws, and poison claws." Said Black between bites.

[Purchase Successful!]

Black suddenly felt his nails grow, shifting his gaze to them he saw they were now sharp long claws secreting some green liquid that slowly corroded the ground when hit.

Thinking of putting them away, the claws retracted themselves with just a thought returning to normal. Black became satisfied seeing this.

Now that he had some abilities, Black opened the shop to see if there were any further upgrades.

[Racial Abilities: 

Soul Points:600

Gold: 66,000


[Regeneration III:

Allows the host to regenerate far faster than the average hollow. ( -250 Soul Points)]

Black bought regeneration 3 noticing that he had enough. Once he did so another upgrade for regeneration appeared, but more expensive.

"Looks like I'll have to farm a bit more..status." Black called.


Name: Black

Species: Hollow

Titles/Innate: Child of Voice of the Abyss, King of the Abyss.

Age: ???

Level: 1 

Strength: 16

Fortitude: 16

Agility: 17

Intelligence: 16

Willpower: 17 

Charisma: 16 

Luck: 0.10%


Heavy weapons: 0

Medium weapons: 0

Light Weapons: 0


Investment points: 5]

'King of the abyss is still here?' Thought Black seeing the title and the effect it had on his stats.


As the title Child of Voice of the Abyss mentions, the host is the child of the abyss. Not only physically but also spiritually, meaning the soul of the host is no longer human but a being of the abyss, the first and last child of it.

When the host evolved into a Cursed Abyssal Rabbit he awakened his dormant soul and effected the most useful title, causing it to evolve and become soulbound.]

Black was left speechless but this only lasted for a moment. Yes he was worried at first but after realizing he was never harmed he stopped caring, the damage was already done either way and he couldn't say he wasn't grateful for the second chance at life.

Going back to his stats and remembering what he would have to go through later, Black decided he would focus on his willpower for a bit then back to his agility.

He thought over what the system had told him before about obtaining willpower and decided to go with the killing route, it seemed faster and he didn't consider himself religious enough to pray.

"Buy ankle weights and a campfire." Said Black.

[Are you sure you'd like to spend 50G on Ankle weights and Campfire?]


[Purchase Successful!]

Black opened his inventory then equipped the ankle weights and brought out the campfire which happened to already be lit.

The moment it was placed beside him a window appeared containing multiple tabs named from his stats. Such as agility, strength, fortitude, and much more. 

Wanting to see its extent, he decided to open the tab for Agility.

[Cards/Abilities - Agility

Cards - Kick Off, Quick Recovery, Graceful Landing, Evasive Expert, Swift Rebound, Steady Nerves, Risky Moves, Lightweight.]

"I see why the system would make a whole other way to access abilities and cards.." Black said, putting the fire away.

The moment the fire was sent back to inventory the window closed. "Time to get to work, I don't plan to stay in this world long."

A massive rabbit-like hollow could be seen feasting on smaller hollows, the boney ears atop its head moving around in glee.

This was Black, 3 weeks had passed since he entered the world of Bleach.

[Objective4 - Kill 250 Hollows. (Completed, rewards have been distributed.)]

"Took long enough.." Black opened his inventory and then pulled out an injection gun, there was a syringe filled with a bright white liquid.


Upon injection the subject is transformed into a Shinigami, when paired with Hollowfication there is a chance said subject will become a visored.]

'So it's like Hollowfication.' Thought Black, taking out another injection. Unlike the white liquid of Shinigamification this one held a black one.


Upon Injection the subject is transformed into a Hollow, when paired with Arrancarfication said subject will become an Arrancar, the strength depending on what class they were transformed at.]

Black put both of the injection guns away and pulled up his status, wanting to check his progress over the weeks.


Name: Black

Species: Hollow

Titles/Innate: Child of Voice of the Abyss, King of the Abyss.

Age: ???

Level: 15

Strength: 27

Fortitude: 24

Agility: 42

Intelligence: 16

Willpower: 47

Charisma: 16

Luck 50%


Heavy weapons: 0

Medium weapons: 0

Light Weapons: 0


Investment points: 3]

[Cards/Abilities - Racial

Hollow Cards - Regeneration V, Claws, Poison Claws.]

"Not bad.." Black said, muttering to himself.

Getting up, Black closed his status and walked deeper into the forest after collecting the campfire. 

Over the past week he had been feeling something call him deeper into the forest, like an instinct he couldn't control. He had a feeling he knew why and it was the main reason why he focused on willpower.

When Black arrived he quickly realized he wasn't the only hollow at the location. There were hundreds and more were still flooding in.

They all stared at each other with greed and hunger in their eyes. Before Black knew it a full-on battle royale had begun, every hollow there beginning to kill and devour each other.

Taking a step forward, Black entered the field and joined the raging battle. 'This is another step..'

Black didn't know how long the battle had been going on. At that moment his mind was filled with only the desire to devour, to become the strongest.

What was clear though was the fact Black was the fastest. Every hollow he came across had a chunk of them gone or a limb missing.

[Objective5 - Kill 500 Hollows (Completed, rewards have been distributed.)]


Closing the window, Black felt something coming his way. He attempted to jump back but it was too late, a kick landed on his side sending him crashing into a smaller hollow that started chewing on his arm.

Black pulled it off of him then ate it in 4 bites causing whatever previous wounds he had to heal instantly. 

Done with his snack, he looked in the direction of where he was kicked to see a hollow with thick tree stump like legs breathing heavily trying to catch its breath.

'Is this an attempt at killing me?' Black thought, standing up.

Releasing his claws, Black let the poison flow out of them causing a sizzling sound to be made when hitting the ground.

He rushed towards the hollow at high speed, once it was in his range he brought his claws down. However, the hollow managed to barely move out of the way on pure luck or instinct.

Black became somewhat amused seeing this and began to move around the hollow with light movements, leaving small cuts whenever he could. 

The poison got to work and slowly began to make the hollow's limbs melt, causing its movements to become more clumsy as the battle progressed. And with the combination of paralysis the hollow was barely able to move a muscle.

'I guess this is enough.' Thought Black, sending a quick attack with his claws at the Hollow's neck.

Before Black's claws could reach, he felt something wrap around him and pull him together with all of the other hollows that were still alive.

[Quest Updated!]

[Main Quest: Only The Strong Survive Hueco Mundo I

>Description: Survive your transformation into a Gillian, don't lose your individuality.

>Reward: +10 Willpower, 5,000 Soul Points]

The last thing Black managed to see before his vision went dark was the notification of the system and himself being congealed together with all of the other hollows.

Slowly Black's vision began to return and he found himself in a gray world, every hollow from before on their knees mindlessly staring up into the sky releasing whispers.

'Where am I?' Black thought.

While Black was questioning his surroundings the whispers of the hollows only steadily grew louder, turning into shouts.









"ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!" Black yelled at the top of his lungs, becoming irritated. The longer they continued, the louder they became, and the more he felt it affect his mind.

Every hollow went quiet then turned their heads his way. One by one they all got off their knees and slowly made their way towards him, their arms desperately stretched out.




Black stood his ground and spoke out to them. "The weak die and the strong live, this is how life is.."


The world trembled at Black's every word, the hollows froze and they fell back to their knees. Chains shot up from the ground and wrapped themselves around the hollows before binding them down to it.

Everything went quiet, it remained this way until the world around Black crumbled and he found himself back inside the Menos Forest, though much taller than before.

[Host has successfully evolved into a Gillian. (+10 in all physical stats)]

[Shop has been updated!]

[Main Quest: Only The Strong Survive Hueco Mundo. (Completed, rewards have been distributed)]

[New Quest Available!]

[Main Quest: Only The Strong Survive Hueco Mundo II

>Description: Find a way to evolve into an Adjucha.

>Reward: +20 in all physical stats, 25,000 Soul Points]

Black closed the notifications after he was done reading them. The moment he came from the gray mindscape he instinctively felt he had new abilities, the main one being cero.

Turning to a tree, Black charged a massive amount of reiatsu where the mouth of his mask was, taking 10 seconds to complete.


Black opened his mouth and a red beam shot out. The beam pierced through a thick tree, leaving burn marks. 

'Destructive.' Thought Black, closing the mouth of his mask.

'Open the racial abilities shop.' 

[Racial Abilities: 

Soul Coins:275,000

Gold: 251,000


[Cero II:

Makes the host's Cero far stronger and faster than the average Gillian. (-1,500 Soul Points)]

'Buy every upgrade available.' Said Black to the system.

[Purchase Successful!]

After his purchase he began walking around the forest in search of other gillians.

Thankfully it didn't take him long to find one stumbling past a tree.

If there was one thing Black hated about being a gillian it was the lack of mobility, he couldn't speak either.

Firming himself on the ground, Black charged up a cero. Half a second after Black began charging it, it was already prepared to fire, surprising him a bit.


Black released the cero at the gillian's head, the cero was far larger than before and upon contact, it fell lifeless to the ground with a single shot.

'That was faster..' Thought Black.

Making his way to the body, he stretched out his hands to grab it. His hands were bone white with sharp white nails.

Picking up the body, Black began feasting on the gillian's corpse.