
Chapter 18: What is the value of this item?

Translator: 549690339

As an experienced Martial artist, He Bibiqu maintained a level of caution that had never failed him.

The moment the medicinal pill entered his throat, its power began to radiate, flowing into his stomach; with a surge of spiritual power, it dispersed, a peculiar mystical energy spreading through his meridians, quickly reaching the severely damaged inner injury sites...

The next moment…

A surge of indescribable mystical spiritual energy suddenly bloomed, instantly transforming into countless fine streams, flowing into He Bibiqu's organs. His own spiritually sealed thirty-year-old injuries now warmed deeply, giving him an ineffable sense of comfort.

He Bibiqu, acting decisively, immediately withdrew his protective spiritual energy.

Using his own spiritual power to keep pace with this peculiar medicinal force, he made every effort to catalyze, maximizing its effects...

From the moment his spiritual power changed from isolation to catalyzation, that warm, comfortable feeling filled him instantaneously. The icy chill that could only be suppressed and could not be dispersed, now surprisingly showed signs of relaxation...

This warm and comfortable feeling, he had not experienced in thirty years!

Even with He Bibiqu's forbearance, he couldn't help showing a content expression on his face, it seemed that even his wrinkles were smoothed out.

After a spiritual energy cycle, the warmth continued to impact...


With a muffled hum from He Bibiqu, he opened his mouth, and a white mist spewed out.

The mist hit the ground in front of him with a puff and immediately a cold feeling started to rise.

In a matter of moments, the entire clinic seemed to suddenly descend into an icy world as Feng Yin couldn't help but shudder.

This change was too sudden!

As He Bibiqu expelled a breath of chill air, his expression became even more relaxed. Looking at the ground where his expelled cold air had formed frost, he found the chillness pressing.

"Indeed... It works!"

Wu Tiejun was overjoyed: "Sir, have you fully recovered?"

"To fully recover...from a longstanding illness, it's not that simple."

He Bibiqu shook his head, "But this Ice and Snow Cold Poison, has been forced out by this pill by a tenth or so...ah, if only, in the beginning, I knew the miraculous properties of this pill, and without wasting time had worked together with this pill, it would have been twice as effective, it's truly a pill against the heavens, truly a divine healing method..."

He sighed with regret, as if there was more.

The biggest regret was that there were only two of these pills left in the world. Even if both were given to him, it wouldn't be enough to entirely remove the poisonous chill... If he had a dozen or so of these, perhaps his Ice and Snow Cold Poison could really be cured.

With his own thirty-year effort against this chill poison, he was bound to achieve a new level, breaking through to a new realm.

Now it was just wishful thinking, he had to be always on guard for the counterattack of the chill poison, not daring to consume too much primal qi, retaining most of his power, but no matter what, his current situation was much better than before. This was an undeniable fact.

At a bare minimum, there were no repercussions to going all-out once or twice.

Thinking about this, the heavy sense of crisis in his heart suddenly disappeared, like thin snow under the blazing sun, quietly melting away.

Wu Tiejun was overjoyed: "It really works! Sir, Brother Feng, how... how many of these pills do you have left?"

Feng Yin's face twisted: "I have two left... but I absolutely won't use them..."

"Can you give me one more? Just one more?"

Wu Tiejun's voice had a hint of pleading.

"I really can't!"

Although Feng Yin's face was torn, his tone was firm, "My current medical techniques cannot cure Mister He, but I do know the limit of the effectiveness of this inherited elixir. With the extent of Mister He's injuries, even if there were ten more of these pills, they might not completely heal him; even if I use the remaining two pills, it would just be a drop in the bucket and would serve little purpose."

"If I were to use up these two, the pill would truly be lost... the last two are the only hope of bringing this pill back into the world!"

Wu Tiejun eagerly watching him, his face showing an indescribable and conflicting struggle.

"Tiejun! Do not be impolite."

He Bibiqu suddenly straightened up, saying in a low voice, "Such a divine pill, just having one is already a stroke of fate, how can you be so greedy?"


Wu Tiejun straightened up, his expression melancholic.

He Bibiqu patted Wu Tiejun's shoulder and sighed, "This kind of pill could be considered a strategic weapon. If it were to die out, that would be the real regret. If it goes extinct because of me, I'm afraid I'll never be able to forgive myself in this lifetime."


When He Bibiqu looked at Feng Yin again, his eyes had greatly changed. He said, "Mister Feng, I hope you can thoroughly study this ancestral spiritual medicine, making it enduringly available in the world, and do not let such a divine medicine lose its legacy."

"You are right, He Lao."

Feng Yin said, "As for the production of this medicine, I actually have some insights now. But there is a crucial step I cannot break through. Sometimes out of dozens of attempts I can succeed once. But, sometimes even hundreds of attempts may not yield a single pill. However, in my opinion, there seems to be no mistake in the other failed production processes. It's truly a state of complete confusion in which I do not know the cause of success or failure. It's incredibly frustrating."

He Bibiqu's eyes lit up and he said, "Can you succeed once in a few dozen attempts? Such a success rate for this kind of spiritual medicine is already quite good! Perhaps you are on the verge of true success. As for those seemingly faultless production processes, there must be some hidden issues. If you keep checking, you will eventually find the problem."

"You're right, elder. Today, witnessing the efficacy of this spiritual medicine on you, it further strengthens my original intention to reproduce this spiritual medicine." Feng Yin spoke with clear eyes and a serious, determined tone.

"Even if there are countless difficulties in the future, you must not easily give up. Considering the miraculous and profound effects of this medicine, even if only one out of ten or twenty attempts succeed, it can still amaze the world."

He Bibiqu sounded full of admiration.

Now, he had no doubt about Feng Yin's medical skills. On the contrary, a rich admiration for talent rose within him.

He then asked, "Young Mister Feng, would you be interested in taking a position within our Heavenly Clothes?"

Upon hearing this, Feng Yin was taken aback. How did curing a disease lead to talks about taking an official position?

Wasn't this a little too abrupt?

After thinking for a moment, he tactfully declined, "Although there are no family rules in my home that forbid us from joining officialdom or the military, I have gotten used to being free and cannot tolerate the constraints of the officialdom. Furthermore, as I haven't successfully developed my ancestral spiritual medicine, I really don't have any other intentions... He Lao, you are worldly-wise and would certainly understand the allure of climbing the ladder in the official world. If I, at my young age, were to be blinded, I could lose everything my family has built."

He Bibiqu's admiration for him increased, "Mister Feng, you are right. In that case... we shall take our time on this matter."

Turning to Wu Tiejun, he said, "You must enhance the protection here for Young Mister Feng. It is important nothing happens."

Wu Tiejun firmly responded, "Yes."

"May I ask, young master, what is the price of this medicine?" He Bibiqu asked, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"This medicine..."

Feng Yin immediately showed a simple and awkward expression, "Elder, you've really stumped me with your question. This medicine, by the time it was passed down to me, was not abundant in the world. Although I have saved several people with it during my travels, it was only used for injuries that were beyond my medical skills and my intention was only to save them. I've never actually set a price... Although it was useful to the elder this time, it did not completely cure the disease, so you can decide the price. Whatever you give is fine."

With this, the ball was kicked back to He Bibiqu's court.

Originally, if Feng Yin had named a high price, He Bibiqu would have paid it but would have lost some respect for him.

But with that sincere and troubled expression, letting He Bibiqu decide the price...

This made He Bibiqu appreciate him more but also made it harder to decide on a price.

Decide on the price?

This is the most frustrating phase when bargaining, "Give whatever you think is fair."

It is akin to asking someone what they like to eat and them responding with, "Whatever." Both situations are difficult to handle!

But looking at this young man with his honest and straightforward expression, clear eyes, and integrity, he did not seem like the type with cunning schemes.

Besides, the medicine had never been sold before. It had only been used a few times to save people from fatal injuries, without charging a high price. He Bibiqu totally believed this.

He had been closely monitoring the situation along the way.

It was hidden so secretly and there really were only three pills left. After giving him one, only two were left.

Watching Feng Yin's cautious attitude, it was clear that the pills were more important to him than his own life. How could he casually offer them for sale?

This Physician Feng is wholeheartedly committed to studying divine medicine, saving the world, and helping all sentient beings. How could such a noble person do something as dirty as covet money?

He Bibiqu thought about it and said, "Considering Young Mister Feng's current age and achievements, and the fact that you are just one step away from reaching Innate, it seems that your aptitude for cultivation is slightly lacking. If I give you something too advanced, it might harm you... Let's do this."

He took out several jade bottles and said, "Here are twenty high-grade Nurture Yuan Pills, twenty high-grade Energy Pills, twenty high-grade Marrow Cleansing Pills, and twenty high-grade Jingxin Pills."


He Bibiqu took out another one thousand silver taels, "Young master has a benevolent heart and skill, and has set up a medical clinic here. I suppose it's purely for the purpose of focusing on improving your medical skills and seeking peace. This small amount of silver, I hope it assists you with your daily expenses. Even in regular life, one cannot do without these vulgar objects. Accept this to help maintain your life."

As he spoke, He Bibiqu felt somewhat embarrassed.

Wu Tiejun was also blushing and tilted his head awkwardly.

Ah, we're actually using such mundane things as silver to thank Mister Feng, a person of such high morality.

This is truly embarrassing.
