
Chapter 17 He Bibiqu_2

Translator: 549690339

Both of them had gone through the night without sleep!

In the end, they couldn't hold out any longer when the old man was urinating, and they just stood across from him, staring wide-eyed as the old fellow peed...

Even though they were severely beaten afterward, they were able to get the old man's attention finally.

"The... Older gentleman's injuries are quite problematic, especially as they are long-standing injuries. They have damaged the root of his life force, affecting his internal vitalities, the potential length of his life. My experience and knowledge are shallow, and I partially understand but do not dare to attempt treating him carelessly,"

Feng Yin said plainly.

Although this statement seems straightforward, Feng Yin clearly understood: This is an important person who has been injured. Numerous renowned physicians have scrambled to treat him. If they could cure him, he would have been cured long ago.

If they couldn't treat him, wouldn't it simply mean that the root of his life force has been harmed?

Only when everyone else has been left helpless would Wu Tiejun resort to bringing him to me in desperation. If that's not a chronic injury, then what is?


The color in Wu Tiejun's face visibly faded.

The old man showed a look of approval and said, "Indeed, my injury is a chronic one. It's not surprising you could tell, but to observe that it has affected my vitalities and lifespan is only something an exceptional physician could deduce... The injury was caused by a mysterious real qi, so it's understandable if you cannot discern its source, considering your age. It's hard for you to be familiar with quite a number of mysterious sects and their secrets, most of which have disappeared now..."

Feng Yin's tone shifted, saying, "But... but..."

As he spoke, a hesitant look came over his face.

"But what?" Wu Tiejun's eyes blazed with renewed hope and anticipation.

"Treating the senior's long-standing ailment personally is indeed beyond my ability... but if you ask whether there are absolutely no ways to treat it, it might not necessarily be the case..."

Feng Yin frowned, looking pained, "My ancestors left behind some pills they claimed could revive chronic diseases, cure terminal illnesses, revive the dying, and regrow flesh on bones... When I encountered patients on the brink of death whose conditions exceeded my abilities, I administered this medicine, and every time, it worked miraculously. However, over the years, with constant usage, I've run short of this miraculous medicine. For years now, I've been diligently studying this medicine and experimenting with its composition, which has also deplenished my stock. While I've made progress, I'm still far from recreating the miraculous effects of this ancestral medicine... The severity of the old gentleman's injuries far surpasses that of any patient I've treated... So..."

He furrowed his brows in distress.

However, the phrase 'revive chronic diseases, cure terminal illnesses, revive the dying, and regrow flesh on bones,' especially the words 'pill,' had struck Wu Tiejun like a thunderbolt. The prefix 'left by ancestors' drew particular attention.

Apparently, the lineage of this physician was quite extraordinary...

Wu Tiejun's eyes lit up like a pair of headlamps.

His face flushed with eagerness, he clutched Feng Yin's wrist, "Brother Feng, If you can cure Elder He's disease, from then on, you'll be my blood brother! You... You must find a way."

Elder He.

It was the first time that Feng Yin knew the old man's name.

As his mind whirred, he couldn't help but think of a legendary figure. Understanding dawned on him as he saw the old man's gold-like complexion. He confirmed the man's identity.

Seeing the look on Feng Yin's face, the old man smiled, "The old man is He Bibiqu!"

He Bibiqu.

As expected, it was him!

He was a member of the Heavenly Clothes Green Clothes Division, and the head of the Tiannan District.

In the martial world, people knew him as the Master of the Underworld, He Bibiqu.

It was said that if it weren't for his grave injuries which had never quite healed, he would've been promoted to be one of the three leaders of the Green Clothes Division.

Or perhaps, he could've become one of the four overseers of the entire Heavenly Clothes organization.

He Bibiqu, Kong Gaohan, Feng Poji, Chu Xiaotan...

All these were high-ranking officials of Heavenly Clothes, with stellar reputations that rocked the martial world.

Feng Yin never could have imagined that appearing in a remote town's secret realm would attract such figures. And to top it all, they had come to seek his medical help.

"Since it's Elder He, I should certainly offer assistance. The old gentleman has done a lot for the country and the people. With years of hard work and high merits, a single pill isn't worth mentioning. It's only natural that I can provide it."

"Please wait a moment."

Feng Yin excused himself with an apologetic nod and left with quick strides.

He went to his room and took out a jade vial from a cabinet.

Inside were precisely the medicinal pellets he had just finished concocting.

Each one was wrapped very carefully.

He took out one and then put the rest back.

It was just barely discernable that there were only two left inside.

At the clinic, He Bibiqu was sitting with his eyes slightly closed. His mental energy was churning, and the corners of his lips curved in a slight smile.

Feng Yin returned swiftly. He looked a little conflicted and said, "I'm not being stingy, honestly. It's just that each time I use one of these pills, I have one less. I... I feel utterly ashamed. I have been unable to recreate it for all these years. I had grand ambitions, but I was overestimating my abilities."

"Of this inherited miraculous medicine, what remains after what I used to save lives and my squandering, there are only these last three pills. Now that I've taken out one, only two remain... Ah, I've truly dishonored my ancestors and let down Elder He."

Feng Yin's words were filled with emotion.

He Bibiqu nodded slightly, feeling somewhat satisfied in his heart.

It wasn't for anything else, simply...

This young man didn't seem to be lying.

"From my judgment, while this medicine indeed has miraculous effects, a single pill might not be able to fully cure the old gentleman's condition. Still, it should somewhat stabilize his injuries, I believe... Of course, my judgment is based on the past efficacy of this pill. Even if it has no effect on the old gentleman at all, it's not impossible."

Feng Yin said earnestly, "Therefore, I cannot guarantee a successful treatment of Elder He's injuries and I do not know the potential degree of efficacy. Elder He, your thoughts..."

"It's alright."

He Bibiqu smiled faintly, "Having a pill is already a great joy, making this journey worthwhile. Regardless of whether the medicine works or not, I greatly appreciate Mister Feng's kindness."

"Alright, because it's been many years, each year I would wrap them in a wax shell... Elder, please, you simply need to swallow it."

Feng Yin uncovered the wrapping to reveal a dark pill.

He carefully peeled off the wax shell, and a faint scent of medicine started to rise.

"Once the wax shell is broken, it should be consumed immediately to avoid losing its efficacy," Feng Yin hurriedly said.

He Bibiqu took the pill and swallowed it in one gulp, not hesitating at all.

In the very moment he took the medicine, his entire body's spiritual energy connected the heavens and the earth.

Even if this pill were poisoned, he was confident he could immediately spit it out.

Albeit all of this young man's actions seemed genuine, and he appeared very honest,

But one can never be too safe. Who knows if all of it was an act, a drama, or a setup?


[I've already deleted that paragraph, as well as all your screenshots; don't say I deleted the post. If my pet saw it someday, it couldn't be resolved with just a hundred or two hundred bucks. I'll delete this paragraph when I update in the afternoon.]