
Chapter 15 Little Princess Opens Her Eyes [Second Update Requesting Votes]

Translator: 549690339

Feng Yin returned to his bedroom feeling refreshed. After some operation, having confirmed that all traces were completely erased, a big smile appeared on his face.

He went out tonight, acted three times, and was successful in all of them.

More importantly, these three actions made Feng Yin personally feel a huge difference from before, an astonishing progress as if he had ascended to heaven in one step!

That smooth and flowing feeling, that sense of having everything under control, being fully confident, and feeling as if he already held the enemy's life and death in his hand when he acted, was simply too thrillling.

"It's so much easier than before. The feeling of finishing the target in one move is great."

Feng Yin couldn't help but pinch his lips into a smile.

It's very much like the 'Kill one person in ten steps, travel a thousand miles without leaving a trace' kind of ease.

And a sense of 'one hit and far-flung', show off.

'It seems like I've reached the realm of the killer in the ancient classics... I feel a bit like Ye Gucheng... ah, a sword from the west, a fairy from the sky...'

'Ye Gucheng might not be as handsome as me.'

He completed three targets in total tonight.

Two scoundrels who robbed wives and daughters, killed their families, occupied their estates, and one bastard who specifically robbed ordinary people and merchants.

Each one was a despicable person who had committed grave sins. Feng Yin had no burden killing them, even felt relieved, his belief that eliminating evil is an act of kindness had long been engraved in his heart.

The fairness of the Heavenly Judge was widely recognised throughout the continent. Even those who made it on the list didn't think they were wronged. They were indefensible.

The credibility of this point was undoubtedly the best in the continent.

Besides being curious about the intelligence channels of the Heavenly Judge, Feng Yin was never worried that he killed the wrong person.

"This sword, it's time to retire."

Feng Yin gently caressed the sword in his hand with a bit of treasured cherish, and deep reluctance showed in his eyes.

The cold light of the sword quivered slightly, as if it was also reluctant to leave its master.

For the past ten years, Feng Yin's weapon of choice was a sword, and the sword technique of the Heavenly Judge was quite versatile; it was merely a skill of persistent grinding and became adept as a result of constant practice.

The use of the sword was merely a dream of being a swordsman in his previous life.

But now, at this moment in life and death of the martial world, Feng Yin felt that swords were not quite handy anymore.

The sword is the gentleman among soldiers.

But it seems...I'm not quite a gentleman yet?

Uh? This can't be known to others.

Feng Yin had indeed put great effort into these basic combat techniques, and he was confident that he had reached the point of being extremely fluent and readily available.

But the current sword in his hand now had three notches.

The third enemy was rather alert tonight. Although the sneak attack was successful, the enemy's response was very fast, and there was a collision of weapons, causing further damage to the blade, and making Feng Yin extremely distressed. The damage to the weapon had reached its limit.

"I won't allow you to break on the battlefield."

Touching his first sword, Feng Yin spoke softly as if he could sense the spirit of the sword. "You've been with me through births and deaths for ten years, it was hard on you... From tonight on, you'll be here with me, enjoying your old age."

The sword, shining in the candlelight, seemed to possess emotions, gently responding to Feng Yin's touch.

Or feeling guilty and lost for not being able to go into battle with its master again.

"If there is a chance in the future, I will repair you."

Feng Yin said to the sword, sighing softly.

Ten years, with no friends, no companions, the closest companion to rely on in life and death was this sword.

Although the sword is not a living thing, in Feng Yin's heart, it had long become his companion.

Even if it hadn't been damaged again tonight, Feng Yin wouldn't have dared to use it again.

To use it again would mean breaking it.

Letting the sword live out its remaining years in my hands may seem ridiculous to others, but in Feng Yin's heart, it was the greatest responsibility for his partner.

He carefully wiped the sword with sword oil, then wrapped the sword layer by layer with the animal skin soaked in sword oil and put it away.

Precious and cherished, put away.

Feng Yin sighed, feeling somewhat melancholic.

Reluctance, and emptiness.

It also meant that he needed to figure out how to replace his weapon.

But the gains of tonight were still quite impressive–


With the Iron Rank token shimmering a slight glow.

The reward for the first target arrived: two buns, ten taels of silver, one low-grade Marrow Cleansing Pill, one low-grade Elemental Pill, and a technique manuscript of footwork, Wind Chase.

The reward for the second target was basically the same as the first, with the movement technique being the same "Wind-Trailing Step".

"What a loss."

Feng Yin couldn't help but sigh in his heart; the reward mechanism of the Heavenly Judge's assassin still had flaws. The first time he received the secret technique, he was naturally filled with joy, but receiving the same text again was nothing but heartbreaking.

The pattern was completely repetitive in these two movement techniques, rendering one of them absolutely useless, a waste that couldn't even be sold.

There were too many Heavenly Judge assassins, these basic movement techniques were already common on the streets...

Fortunately, the reward for the third target didn't involve another Wind-Trailing Step:

Two buns, twenty taels of silver, a medium-grade Marrow Cleansing Pill, a medium-grade Elemental Energy Pill, and a leg technique, Sky-Turning Kick.

Although the name Sky-Turning Kick sounded domineering, it couldn't change the fact that it was merely a low-rank technique, barely better than nothing.

"The gain from this busy night is not small, but not as good as expected. The reward for the third target was twice as much as the first two which is decent... As expected, more difficult targets have their benefits. Just being able to counterattack the moment I launch a surprise attack, that already surpasses the first two by far..."

Dawn is almost upon him.

Feng Yin simply started practicing the Spiritual Transformation Technique, and memorized the newly acquired kick and walking techniques.

In less than half an hour, he had memorized all the contents of the secret manuals, vivid and error-free.

"Not only has my aptitude and physique improved, but my consciousness and brain have also improved. This Spiritual Transformation Technique is really amazing."

"If it were the old me, even if I focused with all my might, it would be unlikely for me to comprehend the contents of the secret manuals so quickly. Moreover, they are very easy to concentrate on and are not distracting."

Feng Yin was very satisfied with his current state.

After this round of cultivation, he was shocked to discover by his bedside, looking back at him curiously and affectionately, a pair of eyes, amber-like and absurdly beautiful, full of absolute reliance and trust.

A weak and soft call: "Erm~"



Feng Yin almost lost himself in the deep charm of those beautiful eyes, then exclaimed with indescribable joy, "It has actually opened its eyes!!"

Feng Yin picked up the little creature, checked its bottom to make sure it hadn't soiled itself, then with a sigh of relief placed it on the potty in the corner. He managed to get the little one to do its business, cleaned its bottom and picked it up again.

His eyes once again focused on the creature's beautiful eyes. He couldn't help but place his forehead lightly on the small, fluffy forehead and whispered, "So you've opened your eyes? How can you be so beautiful...hehe..."

The little creature let out an 'erm' sound, staring at him with wide eyes, behaving well and showing no sign of struggle.

"What do you want to say?"


"Hmm? Can you say that again?"


The little creature started to get impatient, its four paws started moving, trying to crawl out of the swaddling cloth.

Feng Yin tried to let it crawl on the bed.

The little creature tried hard to support itself with its four legs to stand, but as soon as it tried, it would flop over.

It took a while to move a centimeter.

"Erm, erm, erm..."

The little creature started to cry.

"What's wrong? Are you hungry?"

So Feng Yin started to prepare the mush again.

This time, he crushed a low-grade Marrow Cleansing Pill and mixed it into the mush.

He didn't use the medium grade pill not because he was reluctant, but after discovering the effectiveness of the Spiritual Transformation Technique, Feng Yin had no intention of using pills of such quality for himself. Instead, he was worried that the little thing wouldn't be able to bear it.

After feeding a thick half bowl of mush, the little creature was full and lay on Feng Yin's palm, panting. Its white little belly swelled slightly, and then it stuck out its tongue and licked the bowl. It looked like it wasn't full but couldn't eat any more.

Although I'm quite tired from eating, I'm not full.

"Oh my... The portion you've eaten is already bigger than your whole body... and you're still not full? The novels of my previous life didn't lie to me, high-grade Demon Beasts' stomachs are bottomless pits!" Feng Yin grinned.

The little creature strained its neck and moved its small mouth towards Feng Yin's chest. Its small, soft tongue licked repeatedly, full of longing, as if it had a clear target.

The little paws struggled forward: "Erm..."

Clearly, driven by the survival instinct of a mammal, this little guy wanted to change its food.

"Hang on, you can eat when you're cultivating... There's no point in eating now."

"You won't suckle anything out of there, hey, hey, hey..."


[Hey, hey, hey... where's the ticket?]