
Chapter 11: What's the Situation?

Translator: 549690339

Qing Mao was immediately filled with extreme nervousness, "Sir, how is my injury?"

Holding his breath, he was stricken with fear that the man in front of him would say that his condition was incurable.

The others perked up their attention as well, their ears erect, their eyes burning with anticipation.

"This injury of yours is quite chronic. If you had found me directly after it happened, it would have been better. But it has been quite some time now, and dealing with it completely will not be easy."

Feng Yin sighed regretfully.

A look of nervousness crossed Qing Mao's face.

The gentleman had only said it would not be easy, he hadn't finished speaking...he couldn't interrupt him.

Sure enough, Feng Yin paused a moment before continuing: "This injury... even if I were to intervene, it would be a lengthy process to fully heal you; heavy loss of vital energy is inevitable and it is likely to impact your lifespan. Conversely, if we use medicine to maintain your current state, your physical condition should not be severely affected; you can potentially sustain your current health for a few more decades with the proper care, until your body fails under old age and can't suppress this old injury anymore. The danger only starts to show then... However, your chances of breaking through to the next realm... are slim."

Feng Yin sighed.

"Your words are spot on, sir. It's as if you have looked straight into my body and saw everything clearly..."

The burly man seemed even more inspired: "Sir, you actually have a cure! This hidden injury has been troubling me for a long time. Many physicians gave the method of nursing my condition, but no one ever had the courage to say they could heal it completely... I couldn't imagine that you have such skills, sir, you must..."

As for the phrase 'using medicine to maintain your current state, your physical condition should not be severely affected...', he didn't even hear it.

It was automatically filtered out in his mind.

What he heard was just this phrase: 'even if I intervene, it will be a long process to fully heal you', and even then with just the six filtered words.

'I intervene, you can heal!'

His heart burst into flowers at the thought.

He can actually be fully healed!

"As I mentioned earlier, my healing process inevitably loses vital energy and affects lifespan, and treatment can only commence after a period of recuperation."

Feng Yin furrowed his eyebrows and sighed lightly: "...And during the course of treatment, any exertion or combat is forbidden, and any life or death struggle even more so... The removal of a hidden injury makes it difficult to recover from, and it will impede the medicine from being processed, causing your Dantian to go amiss..."

Seeing the confusion on the faces of Qing Mao and the others, Feng Yin sighed helplessly, and spread his hands out in a gesture of surrender, "Don't understand all this? Let me put it in simple terms. Your injury can be cured, but we need to set a fire inside your body to drive away the cold. This cold is your internal injury. Once the cold is out, the internal injury will be healed. I hope this makes it clearer. But if you fight and struggle while the fire is being ignited, it's like adding fuel to the fire... endangering your life. Now you see?"

Seeing that Qing Mao was still bewildered, Feng Yin explained further: "That means you can't engage in any fights recently. You must let me give you medicine and nurse yourself for at least twenty days before treatment can commence! Is that clear now?"


The burly man came to a sudden stop: "Tw... Two days from now?!"

Being a seasoned practitioner, he had a profound understanding of his own situation and knew clearly that Doctor Feng's words made sense, which perfectly matched his own condition.

But what was he here for this time?

He was here to snatch treasures, and how could he not fight while seizing something?

All the fights were battled with life at stake! How could he not use his vital energy?

From Mister Feng's analogy -- there's a fire being set inside his body... and then oil being added to it...

The thought of such a scenario gave the burly man shivers: Would he be burnt alive?

Would his life burn out?

For a moment, he was dumbfounded and puzzled.

What should be done?



"You needn't be so dejected, given that your long-standing injury, though chronic, does not affect your current fighting ability. You can seek treatment after resolving your current affairs. The only thing you need to bear in mind is not to incur any other injuries in the meantime, otherwise, it will add more than twice the difficulty. You understand this, don't you?"

Feng Yin laughed lightly, as gentle as wind and light as clouds.

First, let's send this fellow away.

Will he be able to survive this adventure? It is really ambiguity whether he would survive till twenty days later.

The guy's name and appearance were noted in the Heavenly Judgment, and he was indeed a silver-tier quest target that the Heavenly Judge was hunting.

There was a consensus that none of those on the Heavenly Judge's wanted list were good folks.

Coming across in such grandeur, he indeed had a great chance of meeting his end there...

Sighing, the burly man resigned, "Master, your wisdom is profound, I will remember it... I suppose I'll have to go along with this then."

More than once he had the impulse to abandon the treasure and stay for treatment, but after weighing repeatedly, he was reluctant to give up the allure of those treasures.

It's not too late for him to seek treatment after seizing the treasures!

But he didn't know that this incredible doctor had fully relied on bundling Abe Motoan's novel plot and seemingly ambiguous fortune-telling rhetoric to hoodwink him.

Moreover, he was rather eager to see him die in the secret realm, to cover up the fact that he knew nothing about medicine...

Such a doctor's actual thought was simply shocking.


However, although Feng Yin was fooling people, his explanation was well-founded and persuasive, clear and precise.

Combined with everyone's preconceived notions, Feng Yin easily overpowered the crowd.

"Alright, step back. Next."

Feng Yin displayed his authoritative doctor style, as he ushered people away quite bluntly.

As soon as the burly man stood up, others instantly rushed forward to snatch his chair, figures flitting about haphazardly in the scramble.


"It's my turn!"


And then, with a snap, two legs of the chair somehow gave way.

A chap swiftly claimed the half-suspended two-legged chair, calmly sitting straight as if nothing was amiss, a sheepish grin on his face: "Mister, mister, I'll replace the chair, ten even! Mister, would you look at me..."

The other two, turning green with anger, blurted out: "Wang Daoba! You fucking cutting the line! That's despicable!"

Wang Daoba chuckled: "We all came here by our own wit to get treated, what's this about cutting the line? First come, first served, the rest will have to wait!"

"Besides, there's barely anyone here, you're next anyway, why bother? With your healthy physique and radiant complexion, you're not gonna drop dead anytime soon."

"You might just drop dead the next moment!" The other two, fuming and spewing fire, were about to argue.

Feng Yin merely lifted his head and cast a brief glance.

This was enough to halt the advance of the two brawny men, with the previously complacent man taking a firm stand and raising his voice: "What are you two trying to pull? How dare you disrespect the divine doctor! I suggest you both leave now and await your death at home!"

With that, he sneered contemptuously: "Such low class!"

The two men turned green with anger.


You got treated by the divine doctor; we haven't!

However, they ultimately dared not misbehave in Feng Yin's presence and could only grudgingly swallow their pride, forcing a fake laughter: "No, no, we wouldn't dare disrespect the mister, we'll... just wait patiently."

Feng Yin just smiled as if it didn't matter, proceeding to take Wang Daoba's pulse, and sighed: "Well, the conditions slightly vary, but they're pretty much the same, chronic injuries all the same..."

Everybody knew that already.

We're all militants here, the wounds we can't treat are usually inflicted by others. Does he think we don't know that?

But Wang Daoba was instantly impressed: "Mister indeed possesses exceptional acumen, precisely so."

He thought he'd found his savior: "Mister, what's your diagnosis?"

Feng Yin, with his eyes shut, stated: "Much like the previous case, it can certainly be treated."

The phrase 'it can be treated' made Wang Daoba's eyes sparkle.

The other two too brightened up.

"However, similar to the previous case, it requires rest and recuperation. Plus, you can't spar during treatment, better to not even use any energy. I needn't repeat myself, do I?"

Wang Daoba's face obtained a complicated expression in the blink of an eye.

All men have similar thinking, the previous man thought the same, so did this man.

"That's internal injuries for you. You are all warriors, you're surely familiar with that."

With Feng Yin already having his arm, and seeing that he'd been swayed, he felt a bit relaxed and even got distracted thinking about the Spiritual Transformation Technique.

He casually said: "You best be..."

Suddenly, he was startled.

Because, out of nowhere, the power of the Spiritual Transformation Technique trickled through his fingers into Wang Daoba's meridians.

Although it was just a slight overflow and Feng Yin immediately cut off the flow of energy.

But Wang Daoba was revitalized, exclaiming: "Ah... that's amazing... so comfortable... a lovely warmth all over."

His voice gave away the pleasure.

That expression of sheer ecstasy, as if he had just experienced a full-body spa treatment.

Not only was Feng Yin surprised, everyone in the room was shocked.

All eyes turned to Wang Daoba, a mixture of bewilderment and astonishment fixated upon him.

What just happened?

All of us are men, we know where such satisfaction is normally derived from!

But why would such a thing happen here? Everyone saw everything, Doctor Feng definitely did nothing out of the ordinary, just took the pulse, you're just pulling our legs with those sounds, right?

"Mister truly is a divine doctor..."

"Wang Daoba was praising incessantly: "As soon as you pressed on my meridian, don't even know how, I instantly felt more than half relieved."

"No, no, I should say, I feel totally relaxed, even my breathing's less laborious. Mister, the effect's immediate, you're absolutely magical..."

His eyes were sparkling.

Has he encountered a deity? There's such medical skill in this world!

Feng Yin faintly smiled, as if he had everything under control.

I know what I'm doing. What's with the shock?

In reality, he was panicking like hell within.

This... this... what just happened?