
Azrael's Reaper (Marvel)

Mykhailo had a happy family, until they were all killed including himself but due to some unforeseen circumstances he came back from the dead now on a quest for revenge but it won’t be easy with aliens and “superheroes” running around.

TwentyOneNovel · Anime & Comics
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Mickey did not know where he was, he had been walking this dark road through the galaxy for what it seemed like hours. "What is this place?" he asked no one in particular, there was nothing to do but walk in this place and gaze at the different stars he passed by which is what he did.

All kinds of thoughts were running through Mickey's head, 'Am I dreaming?' he asked himself while looking down at his hands 'No, I am not dreaming. I wouldn't be able to recognize myself dreaming if it was a dream'.

Mickey pondered about what happening right now and fell deep into his thought, 'Can I get hurt in this plane where as to being hurt outside of it?' Mickey sighed and continued to think 'Even though I don't think this is a dream it's probably best to treat it like one'.

He looked up at all the different galaxy's and stars. 'How delightful' the boy thought then an idea came to his mind. 'Dreams are a figment of our imagination, If I could imagine where I want to be would I be able to change where I am?' he thought.

Mickey looked up at the galaxy and closed his eyes as he imagined the universe to be smaller. The boy opened his eyes, he was in a empty rundown apartment. The walls had paint peeling, the couch had holes in it, the kitchen was only separated from the living room by one feet but, to Mickey this place was everything to him.


The boy walked around the apartment lost in his memories, it's like he could see everything unfold infront of him. He could hear every laugh and every cry shared in the apartment, oh how he wished his father wouldn't have turned to a life of crime to support the family if his father didn't they would still be together as a family today.


'What's happening' Mickey thought as his childhood home started crumbling into pieces before his eyes. The walls slowly melted to black leaving Mykhailo surrouded by pure black on all sides. He didn't dream this up, he was confused to why this had happened.

"Hello?" Mickey called out in the darkness hoping for a response but to no avail, then that same feeling that he got that had saved him from being smashed by a mace was felt through is body prompting him to turn around.

Mickey turned around looking for the source of the feeling but saw nothing but darkness, Mickey was going to turn around but something promoted him to focus on what was in front of him, slowly but surely he began to shape out a figure in the darkness.

The boy slowly looked up and saw a colossal figure in the darkness igniting fear yet a sense of familiarity, the figure moved it's head and looked down below at it's foot where Mickey was standing and spoke, "How is it possible for you to be here?" it spoke looming over Mickey.

The figure was completely enshrouded head to toe in black it had thin black tentacles and spikes on its body with long claws no pupils at all with large fangs on its upper jaw, "What is your name?" Mykhailo asked filled with curiosity.

The being's body started to shrink down to a lower height, though the being had shrunk it still stood at an inhumane height, "Ah, I am hurt Mykhailo. You don't know me." the being said while playing a hurt face.

"Well it's only a given seeing as we've never spoken before even though I have been with you since birth, wow this is actually hurtful you telling me you never noticed all of the weird things going on around you or your unnatural abilities?"

Mickey never thought about where his newfound power came from quite frankly Mickey never really thought too deep about anything. "Stop right there." the being spoke. "The reason you don't think about things too deeply is too keep you from having a breakdown."

The colossal started walking circles around the boy continuing to speak, "I have been holding back all of your negative emotions Mykhailo, which is surprisingly difficult you have a lot of pain with the desire for revenge to match that makes my work just a little bit harder.

"I don't believe you. First of what is this place and why are you here with me? Second what do you mean you have been with me since birth. " said Mickey, "Also why would you hol-" before he could get the sentence out a wave of pain and hatred flooded Mykhailo's entire being, his eyes turned bloodshot red from the mental pain he was going through but instead of shedding regular tears like he thought he was going to he started shedding blood tears and screamed out.

'Revenge. Revenge Revenge.'

Those words were all that filled Mykhailo's head as the black world started shaking in correspond to his emotions, he was thinking about the face of the man who gave the command for the murder of his family.

'My family...'

Mykhalio let out a loud sob thinking about the lifeless bodies of his father laid on top of his mother's. He screamed out for his mother, he didn't get enough time with them like other kids had gotten with their parents. he was supposed to be with them till he went of to college or decided to take over the family business.

"He did this to me." Mykhailo spoke to himself in the darkness while imagining the man who ended his life in his head, the boy chanted only three words inside his head. 'I'll Kill You, I'll Kill You' he chanted that phrase over and over again until a voice broke him out of his thoughts.

"You can't kill that man while being as weak as you are." the being said while yawning and watching the boy break down. The boy ignored the comment of the being and got up out of his wallowing state and began to walking un a random direction seemingly looking for a way out of the black space.

After an unknown amount of time walking the boy gave up looking for an exit, if there was one he should have been spotted it in this dark space. Mykhailo fell back, he laid on the floor looking up at the dark ceiling.

"Too much darkness is not good for you kid." the being spoke, it was sitting next to Mykhailo also looking up at the pitch black ceiling.

"How about we change it up eh?" The being said, The pure black slowly changed into a galaxy full of stars. Mykhailo stared up at the galaxy in awe, "Beautiful." the boy said not noticing the tears streaming out of his eyes.

"I know," the being said while still staring up at it. "People often forget that The God of Chaos is also The God Of the stars. It seems that part about me is always looked by in the stories." The God said while changing the galaxy to ones of equal beauty.

Seeing that there was no response from the boy, the being sighed. It could be said that he felt a little bit of guilt for letting the boy feel all of his overwhelming emotions in one go.

The being looked at Mykhailo from the corner of his eyes, the boy was quiet but he wasn't crying anymore. "You asked me what my name was, truth be told I never answered your question because of one reason." the being paused and took a long pause.

"I do not have one." the being said full of self pity. "I was born as The God of Chaos and The Stars but now it has occurred to me that; that's all i'll ever be. A being that was created to be the optimum of chaos and that's it."

After the god spoke those words the two people were left in silence admiring the galactic show going on above them. 'Maybe the time that I have spent in here has made me sentimental.' the god of chaos thought.

"Why are you inside of me?" the boy asked with a tinge of curiosity in his voice that was mostly masked with the boredom and the sadness in his tone.

The god laughed, "I was winning the fight of my life until the being you humans refer to as "god" decided to seal me into a random child for his own entertainment." he said while reminiscing about fighting the omnipotent being (completely one sided).

Mykhailo looked at the god in surprise, "You telling me that you fought god?" he asked full of disbelief at the god who seemed so proud at the fact. "Yes I fought god, and got mighty close to beating him too," the god lied shamelessly.

The boy laughed, he could tell the being was lying. "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING FOR!?" the being asked in a flushed tone due to being caught in a web of lies, but The God of Chaos was a little happy to see the boy laughing instead of crying.

The boy calmed his laughter down and asked another question, "You said my new found strength is because of you, why is that?" the boy asked, his face full of thoughts.

The God sighed, "I think its some of my power leaking out then merging into your body, you could have a multitude of my powers but I wouldn't know which ones you would develop due to my power." the god said while summoning a pool table out of thin air.

'So I could develop any of his powers? so its just like a spin the wheel, I could get useless ones or useful ones,' the boy while watching The God of Chaos summon a black cue then breaking the rack in pool. "So how many powers do you have?" the boy asked

"Well I have," the God took a pause seemingly thinking about its powers. He leaned his cue stick on the pool table and started counting. "Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Power Copying, Flight, Teleportation, Energy Projection/ Manipulation, Dark Magic, Dark Copies, Shape-Shifting, Soul Capturing, Soul Resurrection, Matter Manipulation, Regeneration, Super Speed, Reality Warping and more." the god stated without stopping then grabbing his cue stick and hit a solid ball into a pocket.

Mykhailo was shocked, He had the opportunity to get all of those powers that kids only ever dreamed of having, he could get his revenge on the people who killed his family with those powers. "Don't get your hopes up kid, the only reason you even got powers were due to a slight slip in my energy control I doubt you'd get anything else." the God said while looking at the boy.

The god saw the kids face disappoint a little and sighed, he continued to play pool in silence. After minutes of silence the god spoke up and said "It is possible that my energy could leak more," the god said while observing how to kid's face had lit up after that sentence.

"I had to use my powers to bring you back from the dead after that man had shot you then proceeded to let your body bend in abnormal ways. I had to push all my power outside of the seal to heal your body which took a lot out me."

The boy and the god continued to sit in silence, one thinking about the powers he could get and the other thinking about the point of having a black ball in 8ball if no one is allowed to pot it. "How long does it take to develop powers?" the boy asked

"Years." the god spoke calmly

"YEARS!?" the boy yelled in shock

The loud scream of his voice made the god mess up his shot and hit the black ball into the pocket. The god started seething wit rage all directed at the child that made him lose the game (he was playing by himself.)

"You little shi-" the god's words were cut off by the feeling of rumbling beneath his feet, "I guess it's time for you to wake up Mykhailo." the god said while dropping his pool stick and making his way towards the boy.

"What are you talking about?" the boy asked as if feeling nothing of the sort. Mykhailo looked down at his hands which were slowly fading away into the darkness.

"You are waking up now, you've been unconscious for a while." the god said while slowly watching the boy fade away

"How can I talk to you again?" the boy asked in a hurry while watching his stomach fade into nothingness.

"You have to be unconscious to contact me." the god said calmly but on the inside he was a little disappointed that his time with the boy has been cut so short.

Mykhalo was running out of time 80% of his body already faded and he still had one more thing to say to the god who had shined light on the truth for him. This man had saved his life and allowed him the opportunity to get revenge.


"Your name is Cyrus." the boy said while fully fading out of the home of the god who's name was now Cyrus. The god watch the boy turn to nothing in front of his eyes.

When there was nothing left but the eternal darkness that he has made friends with these past 10 years he sighed.

"Cyrus." The god repeated the name to himself unaware of the tear that came from its inhumane eye.

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