
Azimuth: The Elden Throne (Old Version)

Late 21st century, the acclaimed game Company Elden Throne released yet another immersive action MMORPG after a decade of silence. While the world was getting ready for this new Supermassive MMO, Dale Houston trained his body every day in preparation for its eventual worldwide release. Not because Dale wanted to get healthy or muscular, but because he saw a glimpse of the secrets hidden by the Megacorporation. All because of what he found out one year ago... This time, he wasn't here to play the game. He would find all of the secrets, things he couldn't even imagine... It wasn't about the game anymore. ... . . . *Author's thoughts: So! What this is actually about? As you read in the Title, there was an old version of this work going by the same name. Because of some problems, I had to leave it alone for a few months, and after I came back I realized neither I nor my readers remembered much, so I decided to go from the start again. I'll be re-editing every single chapter I made to make a more conclusive story while also tying up loose plot points and bringing them forward as I re-reading through everything. As in the synopsis, this is an MMORPG story with a big emphasis on the real world and how the game affects reality in more than a socio-economic way, so this isn't the story about a guy playing a game and getting rich with a bit of drama. This is a story about how the game impacts the real world and vice versa. A story about a secret so big it could change society and the world... No, it will. The Mc isn't a chosen one and instead was someone who found something out of his own effort and the story progresses from that point, you can take it as he being favored by the plot, but at the very least this is a better plot initiative then the boy who survived Avada Kedavra through the power of Love... Just kidding, Harry is sick. There will be a few more explanations to help you with understanding his personality and goals better. No romance planned for at least the first 200 chapters, however, we'll have some candidates as we go by including, you could say, a Main Female lead. But there are plans for interactions with other players and side characters as we go by. The story will be divided into 2 parts, we are currently on the first part and the focus is on the game. Don't misunderstand, getting out of the game to do something in real life doesn't mean we are going through a phase, you'll know once it happens. Things may change along the way but that's how things are. The main aspect of this series is about Dale exploring this new world, Azimuth while building up his forces that will eventually become a Kingdom. At least the first part of it. *Extra: (Not currently active due to me restarting the Novel) From now on I'll be doing power stones goals. 100PS - 1 Extra Chapter 350PS - 2 Extra Chapters 550PS - 3 Extra Chapters 900PS - 5 Extra Chapters Afterthoughts: If you read this far, I have 2 more novels that I am updating with this one, check them out as well! They are quite decent. One is a Danmachi Fanfic, they say its quite decent -> In Danmachi with Plasmids The other one is almost a stand-alone story, but due to some elements, I used my morals to say it a Fanfic, despite some readers saying I should've done otherwise -> Zero Fate against the World Links: If you wish to talk with me directly, I have a Discord, so go there and see for yourself. https://discord.gg/zpAgtPBAMK If the link does not work, I can always update it. I'm also planning on the far future making a P@treon for this work for those that truly like it and wish to support me. Bye! * The cover image is not mine and if you are the author of it, make sure to contact me and I will remove it.

Follower_of_Abadom · Games
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154 Chs

Show him who's boss






Back in the Mercenary Guild, Dale could be seen being reprimanded by 2 people, a middle-aged lady, and a middle-aged man.

He was completely relaxed, albeit a bit annoyed.

The same could not be said for his captors...

Their expressions were similar, both were confused and in deep thought, although one seemed tenser than the other.

Upon hearing Dale's explanation of what happened, the lady decided to ask:

"... And? Was that all?"

"Yup, the big buy deflected my spear and he slept soon after, don't ask me why though, perhaps he was just too tired?"

"I brought him here to get his wounds treated and in the hopes of understanding more about what he said."


"What a mess."

'That sounds just like the behavior of a Karkavan...'

Tina let out a sigh, feeling frustrated.

She had just told her disciple to rest for tomorrow, and not long after, she was hit with the pleasant news of him being considerably injured after fighting!

And it wasn't a monster nor a Devil, much less during a practice match, if it weren't any of those, she would've understood and she would have had a proper response...

But it was a Karkavan! A Warmonger of all!

So how is she supposed to act? Karkavans put a lot of importance and meaning into their rituals, and she is sure that their fight held great importance for the newcomer...

But their fight laid waste to the green fields South of the Village, and albeit the crops and cattle were okay, the view wasn't the same anymore.

Even now, half an hour after the fight, the smoke had yet to cease completely, they had managed to employ the player into clearing the fields, but that would take a little while.

Tina knew very well what the Karkavans were, despite them not having made contact with them for the last 100 years, she knew they lived deep in the center of the forest.

A tribe of giant humanoid warriors that trained consistently, and were in sync with nature.

They weren't barbaric, their ways were refined in their own sense.

So seeing one here completely threw her off her feet… Especially now of all times.

She immediately understood that this wasn't a coincidence, and the story her little student just shared with her proved that to her.

But from her perspective, this was perfect as the goals of the Karkavan might very well be aligned with theirs.

And in the past Humans and Karkavans used to have a good relationship, and albeit they lost contact, rekindling this relationship shouldn't be that hard…

In the middle of the awkward silence, Misgurd asked:

"What are you going to do with him?"

"What else can we do but wait?..."

She raised her head to meet Misgurd's as she stopped thinking:

"But we can't wait forever, we'll be leaving at most tomorrow, regardless of what happens or what he says."

'We need to deal with the Devil, there is no point in waiting any further.'

"Hm? Are you leaving already?" Dale asked as he saw Tina leave

"I'll help that little girl for a bit, can't let her treat that big guy all on her own, the faster he wakes up, the faster he can start talking."

Dale scratched his head awkwardly…

"But… Even if he wakes up, I don't think he'll be able to talk that much, I barely understood what he wanted."

"Well Dale, that's when you use your brain, I'll just grab a dictionary for their language."


"The corps used to deal with them quite frequently, and some of their higher ranked personnel were obliged with learning their language, there are more than enough books about it in the Library."

Dale felt slightly offended, there were simply too many books, and he skipped quite a few of them.


'I didn't even know there was such a book... I should've guessed it.'

"So if you excuse me, I have a lot to prepare." Tina said as she waved with her back turned to them


She closed the door gently, leaving the two alone.

And after a few seconds passed, Misgurd was the first to talk:

"Heh, she may not show it, but she is a bit proud."

"How did you see that?"

"Because I am a little as well!"


'Is that something you say with such certainty?'

"Heh, relax boy, keeping your mind that full will make you no good."

Dale understood his words, but he still ended up blurting something in a very low tone:

"But what choice do I have?"

While he said that, Misgurd said:

"Things sure are lively now."

"I wonder if that's good or bad though…" Dale mentioned as he looked outside

"Stop being pessimistic, everything will end up fine."

"It has to."

Misgurd got up from his chair, pointing at the door.

"I bet you have nothing to do for now, so why don't I introduce you to the people from the Mercenary Guild?"

Dale frowned slightly.

"That old man?"

"Not only him, but his trainee as well, this should also be a good chance for you to raise your ranking, he may have pretty much retired, working in the inspection team now, but he can still issue higher rankings than me."

"That may not be very useful down here in the South, but we never know, this is also a chance to see how strong they actually are."

Dale immediately understood what Misgurd's goals actually were...

His ranking was never the problem, it was simply an excuse for him to drag him around...

So Dale pointed it out:

"If you want to fight them, why don't you just ask? Don't drag me into such troublesome things."

'I raised my rank with the Mercenary Guild as a side activity, I treated it more as a bonus than anything, since my Ranking never mattered.'

'But he's right, having a higher position wouldn't be bad.'

'However, I have no intention of proving anything to people I never met before... Not without something on the line.'

"Oi! I'm an old man, can't go asking people for a fight anymore… Much less when the other is also an old man…"

"So I'll have you, my student, fight his student!"

Dale raised an eyebrow, trying to piece everything together...

"... What did you bet with him?" Dale asked, going directly to the point



"A few Copper Zulls…"

"... Sigh. Fine, I'll do it."

'Fighting his student should be alright, and this old man will surely be happy if things go his way.'

'Besides, I have yet to start his questline, and if he has one, it is related to the Mercenary Guild, and he hinted at their arrival ever since I talked with him for the first time.'

'So I want to see where this quest ends up.'

Thrilled with his agreement, Musgurd added:

"Don't worry about your injuries, the boy won't be anything special since you managed to take down that Karkavan warrior"

"Oh? So what's the point of all of this?"

'I didn't really see the boy up close, but I did see him as I walked around and when I first met them outside the Village.'

'He didn't look special to me in the least, definitely stronger than the young adults in the Village, but not by much.'

'Of course, I won't underestimate my enemies, I can't.'

"Err... How do I say this?... This fight is mostly for you to teach him some… Some..."


Dale almost fell from his chair.

"??? And why is that?"

Misgurd's expression changed.

"Sigh, young people are normally reckless… You are an exception, of course, taking your time with things, listening to what your seniors have to say..."

"But my friend failed time and time again to teach his own student how to behave, and he asked me if I had a method."

"So I just told him that I had someone about the age of his own student…"

"The rest isn't that hard to figure out."




[Quest, Head over the shoulders, has activated]


Beat Zaw's student to a pulp, showing your capabilities to the inspection team 0/1

*Optional* Trhoughly trash Zaw's student, showing your overwhelming superiority 0/1



Dale did not react to this notification, he had no more energy to do so… His unresponsive eyes said it all.

So he simply left the room, following Misgurd, making his way to the training grounds.




